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    CPSIA (H.R. 4040)


▪  GCC证书

   (General Conformity Certification)


▪  铅含量 16 CFR 1303

   (Total Lead Content)


▪  邻苯二甲酸盐(酯)

   (Phthalates  EC 1907/2006, Annex XVII,     Items 51 & 52)


▪  邻苯二甲酸() - DEHP



▪  有机锡 Organotin (2009/425/EC)


 GB 24613




   (Children's Toxic Metals Act)


▪  美國服装易燃性能法規 16 CFR 1610

    (Flammability of Fabric)


▪  美国消费品安全委员会 (CPSC)




   (EC 1907/2006)


▪  REACH - 高关注物质(SVHC)清单




    (RoHS 2002/95/EC)



  (WEEE 2002/96/EC)


▪  EMC电磁兼容标准    2004/108/EC (89/336/EEC)


▪  FCC 美国联邦通信委员会


▪  EN 71 欧洲玩具安全标准



▪  EN 62115 欧洲电动玩具安全标准    (2009/48/EC)


▪  ASTM F963-08 美国玩具安全标准


▪  ISO 8124 国际玩具安全标准


▪  AS/NZS ISO 8124



 GB 6675



▪  CCC认证


▪  GB 国家標準


▪  中国消费安全标准/法规


▪  CE歐盟指令 (EU Directives /EC)


▪  EN标准


▪  BS标准





    (Code of Federal Regulations)


▪  FDA美国食品与药品管理局




▪  ANSI标准


▪  AATCC标准


▪  UL 标准




 IEC 标准


▪  JIS标准


▪  AS/NZS标准


▪  巴西ABNT标准




▪  墨西哥NOM标准


▪  墨西哥NMX标准


▪  墨西哥消费安全标准/法规








▪  俄罗斯OST标准


▪  俄罗斯VNTP标准


▪  俄罗斯标准


▪  俄罗斯SanPin标准


▪  俄罗斯SP法规条例


▪  俄罗斯RD法规条例




▪  俄罗斯消费安全标准/法规






▪  重金属 Heavy Metals (EN 71-3)


▪  偶氮染料

    Azo Dyes  ( EC 1907/2006, Annex XVII,     Item 43)


▪  Oko-tex 100


▪  BS 7272-1:2008 / BS 7272-2:2008



▪  EN 12586:2007 欧洲奶嘴夹安全标准


▪  ASTM B117 美国盐雾测试标准


▪  镉含量  Cadmium  (EC 1907/2006, Annex     XVII, Item 23)


▪  双酚A   (Bisphenol-A)


▪  PAHs 多环芳烃 (EC 1907/2006,

   Annex XVII,  Item 50)


▪  壬基苯酚 Nonylphenol

    (EC 1907/2006, Annex XVII, Item 46)


▪  甲醛 Formaldehyde (EN 717; EN 120;

    EN ISO 14184; AATCC 112)


▪  镍释放 Nickel Release

    (EC 1907/2006, Annex XVII, Item 27)


▪  五氯苯酚 PCP (DIN 53313)

    (EC 1907/2006, Annex XVII, Item 22)


▪  全氟辛烷磺酸 PFOS (2006/122/EC)


▪  三聚氰胺 Melamine


▪  ICTI认证




▪  国际安全运输组织 (ISTA)

    ISTA-1A /  ISTA-2A








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一般安全指令: 所有消费品的一般规定, 包括那些末有欧洲指令的消费品 



91/338/EEC (环境保护) - 对镉含量作限制, 特别是在英国、荷兰、瑞典和瑞士



偶氮染料指令 - 2002/61/EEC & 2003/3/EEC- 对布/皮作偶氮染料限制 



RoHS/WEEE - 2002/95/EEC & 2002/96/EEC - 对电子费料作限制

EMC 指令 - 98/336/EEC (2004/108/EEC) - 电子产品之电磁兼容性

R&TTE 指令 - 1999/5/EEC – 对摇控产品之要求



2004/96/EC - EN 1811/EN 12472 -对镍之释出量作限制 



甲醛: EN 120 EN 717-3




偶氮染料指令 - 2002/61/EEC & 2003/3/EEC- 对布/皮作偶氮染料限制

EN 420 - (VI)含量




76/769/EEC & 67/548/EEC - 对危险化学物质的一般限制 








2005/20/EC & 94/62/EC - 包装材料之指令(金属含量)

ISTA - 运输模仿规格



2002/72/EEC - 接触食物之塑料 - 譬如糖果盒, 杯子, ...



84/500/EEC - &镉之释取量 (英国: BS 6748/BS 4860/BS 5180)



98/83/EC – 饮用水质量之指令 (产品以指令作液体含菌量之参考)



EN71-1:2005+A6:2008安全玩具 - 机械性

EN71-2:2006+A1:2007 安全玩具 - 燃烧性

EN71-3:1994 + A1:2000安全玩具 - 金属之迁移

EN71-4:1990 + A1:1998 + A1:2003 玩具化学实验

EN71-5:1993 + A1:2006 化学玩具

EN71-6:1994 年龄警告标记

EN71-7:2002 – 指油潻

EN71-8:2003 + A1 家用活动玩具(室内和室外)

EN71-9:2005 有机化合物 - 要求

EN71-10:2005 有机化合物 - 抽样准备和提取

EN71-11:2005 有机化合物 - 分析方法

EN 62115:2005电子玩具安全

邻苯二甲酸盐之指令 - 2005/84/EEC - 对邻苯二甲酸盐在PVC玩具之限制



化妆用品之指令 - 76/768/EEC - 化妆用品之成份/防腐剂/染料/添加剂/标记之要求



ISO 11540/BS 7272:2008 - 14岁以下孩子使用之书写工具





EN 13138游泳辅助用 - 安全要求和测试方法



EN 71



EN 14619



EN 1400



93/11/EC - 亚硝胺含量(在奶咀)



EN 12586





序号    标准号                               标准名称
1  EN 14275:2003 车用燃料.汽油和柴油质量的评定.从零售点油泵和商业点燃料自动售货机中取样
2  EN 13522:2002 鞋类.鞋帮的试验方法.断裂强度和伸长
3  EN 14297:2004 烟囱.烟囱产品的抗冻-融试验方法
4  EN 13545:2002 床垫上部结构.床垫卡套.试验方法和要求
5  EN 14350-2:2004 儿童用护理用品.饮水设备.2部分:化学要求和试验
6  EN 13561:2004 外部遮敝板.包括安全在内的性能要求
7  EN 14372:2004 儿童用护理用品.刀叉和喂养工具.安全要求和试验
8  EN 13580:2002 混凝土构件的检修和保护用的产品和系统.试验方法.疏水性浸渍的吸水率和耐碱性试验
9  EN 14375:2004 保护儿童的不可重封口的药品包装.要求及试验
10  EN 13586:2004 起重机.检修孔
11  EN 13593:2003 包装.家用废弃物收集纸袋.类型、要求和试验方法
12  EN 13706-3:2003 增强塑料复合材料.挤拉制型材规范.3部分:特殊要求
13  EN 135000:1993 总规范.行波管放大器
14  EN 13726-1:2002 主要伤口敷料试验方法.1部分:吸收度
15  EN 1366-7:2004 辅助设施的防火检验.7部分:传送系统及其隔板
16  EN 13726-6:2003 非放射性医疗器械.主要伤口敷料试验方法.6部分:气味控制
17  EN 13600:2002 铜和铜合金.电器用的无缝铜管
18  EN 13727:2004 化学消毒剂和防腐剂.医疗器械用化学消毒剂的杀菌作用评价用定量悬浮试验.试验方法和要求(2阶段第1)
19  EN 13616:2004 液体石油燃料用固定罐的防溢流装置
20  EN 13758-1:2002 纺织品.太阳紫外线保护特性.1部分:外衣织物试验方法
21  EN 13625:2002 无损检验.泄漏试验.气体泄漏测量用仪表选择指南
22  EN 13763-18:2004 民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.18部分:电雷管的串联点火电流的测定
23  EN 13645:2002 液态天然气装置和设备.5吨至 200吨储存容量的向岸装置的设计
24  EN 13763-19:2004 民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.19部分:电雷管的点火脉冲测定
25  EN 13648-2:2002 冷凝容器.防超压保护设施.2部分:冷凝设备用防爆板安全设施
26  EN 13793:2003 建筑物用保温产品.周期性荷载下性能测定
27  EN 13656:2003 废弃物的表征.废弃物中元素的连续测定用微波辅助的氢氟酸、硝酸和盐酸混合物的分解
28  EN 1387:1997 机读卡片.保健用.卡的一般性能
29  EN 13807:2003 移动式气瓶.蓄电池动力车.设计、生产、标识和检验
30  EN 132102:1997 空白详细规范:表面可安装多层陶瓷固定电容器.质量评定等级DZ
31  EN 13820:2003 建筑物用保温材料.有机物含量的测定
32  EN 1330-4:2000 无损检验.专业术语.4部分:用于超声波试验的术语.三语版本EN1330-4:2000
33  EN 13835:2003 铸造.奥氏体铸铁
34  EN 1337-10:2003 结构轴承.10部分:检验和维修
35  EN 13862:2002 地板切割机床.安全
36  EN 13309:2000 建筑机械.内部供电机械的电磁兼容性
37  EN 13868:2002 导管.单腔导管和医用管的纽结的试验方法
38  EN 13328-2:2004 麻醉和呼吸用呼吸系统过滤器.2部分:非过滤方面
39  EN 13880-8:2003 热用密封胶.8部分:浸入燃料后耐燃料密封胶重量变化测定的试验方法
40  EN 13360:2003 橡胶或涂塑料纤维.三语种术语
41  EN 1397:1999 热交换器.-空气-通风机对流器.功率确定用检验方法
42  EN 13370:2003 废弃物特征.提取物分析.铵、AOX、传导性、汞、苯酚指数、TOCCN、易析出性和F的测定
43  EN 13911:2004 消防员用防护服.消防员用防火头罩的要求和试验方法
44  EN 13380:2001 外部建筑排水和下水道系统翻新和修理用构件的一般要求
45  EN 13920-13:2003 铝和铝合金.废料.13部分:两种或多种合金组成的混合切屑
46  EN 13393:2001 包装.边缘保护器的规范
47  EN 13922:2003 危险物品运输用槽罐车.槽罐车用辅助设备.液体燃料用防溢流装置
48  EN 13397:2002 工业用阀门.金属材料制造的隔膜阀门
49  EN 13981-2:2004 铝及铝合金.结构性铁路设施用制品的检验和交换用技术条件.2部分:板和薄板
50  EN 133101:1999 空白详细规范.抑制电磁干扰用无源滤波器.规定用于无安全检验的滤波器
51  EN 133221:1999 空白详细规范.抑制电磁干扰的无源滤波器.按规定需作安全检验的滤波器(仅仅是安全性检验)
52  EN 1346:1999 瓷砖和地板块用灰浆和胶粘剂.敞露时间的测定
53  EN 1348:1999 瓷砖和板块用灰浆和胶粘剂.房屋内部和外部用水泥灰浆的粘附强度的测定
54  EN 13400:2002 鞋靴.样品和试样的取样部位、准备和老化耐久性
55  EN 13437:2004 包装和材料回收.回收方法的标准.回收过程和流程图的描述
56  EN 13445-2:2002 非燃气式压力容器.2部分:材料
57  EN 13451-8:2001 游泳池设备.8部分:休闲水上设备的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法
58  EN 1406:1998 用于制备饮用水的产品.改进浓度
59  EN 13458-3:2003 低温容器.静态真空绝缘容器.3部分:操作要求
60  EN 14020-2:2003 增强材料.玻璃纤维粗纱规范.2部分:试验方法和一般要求
61  EN 13497:2003 建筑设施用隔热产品.外部隔热复合系统(ETICS)耐冲击的测定
62  EN 14069:2004 石灰浸物质.描述和最低要求
63  EN 13503-5:2001 眼科植入物.眼内透镜.5部分:生物兼容性
64  EN 140203:1997 空白详细规范.高负荷固定电阻(评定等级H)
65  EN 13530-2:2003 低温容器.大体积、可运输、真空绝缘容器.2部分:设计、装配、检验和试验
66  EN 140402:1999 空白详细规范.低容许负荷,可表面安装,导线绕制的固定电阻(SMD)
67  EN 13565-1:2004 固定式消防系统.泡沫设备.1部分:组件的要求和试验方法
68  EN 1416:1997 粘附锁紧件.弯曲性测定
69  EN 13590:2003 包装.各种零售商品运输用软包装袋.通用特征及容积和载重量测定的试验方法
70  EN 14118-1:2003 加强材料.纺织玻璃纤维垫(短切原丝和连续的长丝垫)规范.1部分:标识
71  EN 13595-3:2002 职业摩托车驾驶员用防护服.短上衣、裤子、连体衣或分身服.3部分:测定抗破碎强度的试验方法
72  EN 14128:2004 木材和木制产品的耐久性.用生物试验测定有治病虫害疗效的木材防腐剂的性能标准
73  EN 1365-2:2000 支承部件的防火试验.2部分:楼板和屋顶
74  EN 14135:2004 涂层.防火能力的测定
75  EN 1367-5:2002 集料的热性能和抗风化性能的试验.5部分:测定抗热振动力
76  EN 14175-4:2004 通风柜.4部分:现场试验方法
77  EN 13604:2002 铜和铜合金.电子管、半导体器件和真空设施用高传导性的铜制产品
78  EN 14181:2004 固定源辐射.自动测量系统的质量保证
79  EN 13631-5:2002 民用爆炸物.烈性炸药.5部分:测定爆炸物的防水性
80  EN 14185-1:2003 无脂肪食品.N-氨基甲酸甲酯残留物的测定.1部分:SPE净化的高效液相色谱法
81  EN 13631-10:2004 民用爆炸物.烈性炸药.10部分:引爆方式的检验方法
82  EN 14187-4:2003 冷用密封胶.4部分:浸入到试验燃料后质量和体积变化测定的试验方法
83  EN 13648-1:2002 冷凝容器.防超压保护设施.1部分:冷凝设备的安全阀
84  EN 14197-3:2004 低温容器.静压非真空绝热容器.3部分:操作要求
85  EN 141101:1992 电子组件质量评定协调体系.空白分规范:用丝杠和直接旋转调整的微调电位计
86  EN 13745:2004 运动区域用表面.镜面反射率的测定
87  EN 13763-6:2004 民用爆炸物.雷管和传爆管.5部分:引线耐低温断裂性的测定
88  EN 13765:2003 烃类、溶剂和化学品输送用热塑性多层(非硫化)软管和软管组件.规范
89  EN 13772:2003 织物和纺织品.燃烧性能.幕布和窗帘.大规模火源垂直导向样品的火焰扩散测量
90  EN 13674-1:2003 铁路设施.轨道.钢轨.1部分:46 kg/m及以上的丁字形铁道钢轨
91  EN 13789:2003 工业用阀.铸铁球阀
92  EN 1375:2003 识别卡系统.交叉集成电路卡附加格式.ID-000卡尺寸和物理特性
93  EN 13810-1:2003 木制板材.浮式地板.1部分:性能规范和要求
94  EN 13711:2002 内河导航船舶.船舶运行用绞车的安全要求
95  EN 13827:2004 衬钢丝绳芯输送机皮带.钢丝绳芯水平和垂直位移的测定
96  EN 13829:2001 建筑物的热性能.建筑物空气渗透率的测定.风扇增压法
97  EN 1337-7:2004 结构轴承.7部分:球面和滚柱聚四氟乙烯轴承
98  EN 13854:2003 只填充有羽毛和羽绒的制成品.装饰性部件和垫子的要求
99  EN 13301:2003 沥青和沥青粘合剂.沥青斑蚀倾向的测定
100  EN 13856:2002 汽车液化天然气系统用户说明书的最低要求






号:prEN 13864-2000
中文标准名称:运动场表面  人工草皮拉伸强度的测定
英文标准名称:Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of tensile strength of synthetic yarns
国际标准分类号:97.150        97.220.10
采用关系:DIN EN 13864 (2000-06), EQV*00/121284 DC (2000-03-16), IDT
……………… 11809
号:prEN 13864-2000
中文标准名称:织物  单丝  热缩率的测定
英文标准名称:Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of tensile strength of synthetic yarns
国际标准分类号:97.150        97.220.10
采用关系:DIN EN 13864 (2000-06), EQV*00/121284 DC (2000-03-16), IDT
……………… 11810
号:prEN 1887-2001
中文标准名称:儿童保育品  可变高度椅子  安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Child care articles - Convertible high chairs - Safety requirements and test methods
被代替标准:prEN 1887 (1997-03)
……………… 11811
号:prEN 13209-1998
中文标准名称:儿童看护用品  婴儿车  安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Child care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods
采用关系:DIN EN 13209 (1998-06), EQV*98/702865 DC (1998-03-27), IDT
……………… 11812
号:prEN 13209-1-2001
中文标准名称:儿童使用和看护用品  婴儿车  安全要求和试验方法  1部分:框背车
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Child carriers; Safety requirements and test methods - Part 1: Framed back carriers
采用关系:DIN EN 13209-1 (2002-02), EQV
……………… 11813
号:prEN 13210-2001
中文标准名称:儿童使用和看护用品  儿童马具、缰绳及类似物品  安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Children's harnesses, reins and similar type articles - Safety requirements and test methods
采用关系:DIN EN 13210 (2002-01), EQV
被代替标准:prEN 13210 (1998-04)
……………… 11814
号:prEN 13822-2000
采用关系:DIN EN 13822 (2000-05), EQV*00/702974 DC (2000-01-19), IDT
……………… 11815
号:prEN 14344-2001
中文标准名称:儿童用品  童车座椅  试验方法和安全要求
英文标准名称:Child care articles - Child seats for cycles - Safety requirements and test methods
采用关系:DIN EN 14344 (2002-02), EQV*02/700017 DC (2002-01-14), IDT
……………… 11816
号:prEN 14350-1-2001
中文标准名称:儿童用品  饮水设备  1部分:机械要求、总的要求及试验
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment - Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests
采用关系:DIN EN 14350-1 (2002-03), EQV*02/700016 DC (2002-01-14), IDT
……………… 11817
号:prEN 14350-2-2001
中文标准名称:儿童用品  饮水设备  2部分:试验和化学要求
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment - Part 2: Chemical requirements and tests
采用关系:DIN EN 14350-2 (2002-03), EQV*02/700015 DC (2002-01-14), IDT
……………… 11818
号:prEN 14372-2002
中文标准名称:儿童用品  餐具和喂食器具  试验和安全要求
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Cutlery and feeding utensils - Safety requirements and tests
采用关系:DIN EN 14372 (2002-04), EQV*02/702684 DC (2002-02-13), IDT
……………… 11819
号:HD 384.7.708 S1/prA1-1996
中文标准名称:建筑物的电气设施 第7部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 第708节:旅游车辆停车场和旅游车辆的电气设施 修改prA1
英文标准名称:Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 708: Caravan parks and caravans (IEC 60364-7-708:1988/A1:1993, modified)
采用关系:DIN VDE 0100-708/A1 (1996-11), EQV*IEC 60364-7-708 AMD 1 (1993-07), NEQ
……………… 11820
号:prEN 1176-8-1993
中文标准名称:运动场设备  8部分:安装、检验、维护
英文标准名称:Playground equipment; part 8: installation, inspection and maintenance
采用关系:DIN EN 1176-8 (1994-02), EQV*93/312896 DC (1993-11-15), EQV
……………… 11821
号:prEN 1176-9-1993
中文标准名称:运动场设备  9部分:操作
英文标准名称:Playground equipment; part 9: operation
采用关系:DIN EN 1176-9 (1994-02), EQV*93/312897 DC (1993-11-15), EQV
……………… 11822
号:prEN 71-31-1987
中文标准名称:玩具材料  某些金属移动的要求
英文标准名称:Toy material; requirements for the migration of certain metals
采用关系:DIN EN 71-31 (1988-03/CEN/TC 52), EQV
……………… 11823
号:prEN 62115-2001
英文标准名称:IEC 62115, Ed. 1: Electric toys
采用关系:DIN EN 62115 (2001-08), EQV*IEC 61/1999/CDV (2001-04), EQV
……………… 11824
号:prEN 12235-1995
中文标准名称:运动场表面 垂直球体性能的测定
英文标准名称:Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of vertical ball behaviour
采用关系:DIN EN 12235 (1996-02), EQV*95/126046 DC (1995-11-27), IDT
……………… 11825
号:prEN 13451-10-2001
中文标准名称:泳池设备  10部分:跳台、跳板和相关设备的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Swimming pool equipment - Part 10: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for diving platforms, diving springboards and associated equipment
采用关系:DIN EN 13451-10 (2002-01), EQV*02/700008 DC (2002-01-21), IDT
……………… 11826
号:prEN 14468-2-2002
中文标准名称:乒乓球  2部分: 网组件  试验方法和要求
英文标准名称:Table tennis - Part 2: Net assemblies, requirements and test methods
采用关系:DIN EN 14468-2 (2002-06), EQV
……………… 11827
号:prEN 892-2002
中文标准名称:登山设备  动态登山绳索  安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Mountaineering equipment - Dynamic mountaineering ropes - Safety requirements and test methods
采用关系:DIN EN 892 (2002-06), EQV*02/704772 DC (2002-05-13), IDT
……………… 11828
号:EN 30-1-4-2002
中文标准名称:家用燃气灶具  1-4部分:安全  具有一个或多个带自动点火控制系统的火炉的器具
英文标准名称:Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-4: Safety; Appliances having one or more burners with an automatic burner control systems
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 30-1-4 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 30-1-4 (2002-09-12), IDT*NF D32-321-4 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 30-1-4 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 30-1-4 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 30-1-4 (2001-11)
……………… 11829
号:EN 54-12-2002
中文标准名称:火灾探测和火灾警报系统  12部分:烟雾探测器  使用光束的线探测器
英文标准名称:Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 12: Smoke detectors; Line detectors using an optical light beam
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 54-12 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 54-12 (2003-07-31), IDT*NF S61-992 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 54-12 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 54-12 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 54-12 (2002-05)
……………… 11830
号:EN 71-7-2002
中文标准名称:玩具的安全  7部分:手指颜料  要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Safety of toys - Part 7: Finger paints; Requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 71-7 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 71-7 (2002-09-09), IDT*NF S51-219 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 71-7 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 71-7 (2002-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 71-7 (2001-12)
……………… 11831
号:EN 71-8-2003
中文标准名称:玩具的安全  8部分:室内和室外家用秋千、滑板和类似运动玩具
英文标准名称:Safety of toys - Part 8: Swings, slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 71-8 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 71-8 (2003-08-25), IDT*SN EN 71-8 (2003-08), EQV*OENORM EN 71-8 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 71-8 (2002-11)
……………… 11832
号:EN 298-2003
英文标准名称:Automatic gas burner control systems for gas burners and gas burning appliances with or without fans
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 298 (2003-10-03), IDT
被代替标准:EN 298 (1993-10)*prEN 298 (2003-01)
……………… 11833
号:EN 352-5-2002
中文标准名称:听力保护器  安全要求和测试  5部分:主动噪声降低耳套
英文标准名称:Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 5: Active noise reduction ear-muffs
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 352-5 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 352-5 (2002-12-23), IDT*NF S78-501-5 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 352-5 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 352-5 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 352-5 (2002-07)
……………… 11834
号:EN 352-7-2002
中文标准名称:听力保护器  安全要求和测试  7部分:与水平相关的耳塞
英文标准名称:Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 7: Level-dependent ear-plugs
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 352-7 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 352-7 (2002-12-12), IDT*NF S78-501-7 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 352-7 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 352-7 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 352-7 (2002-07)
……………… 11835
号:EN 381-10-2002
中文标准名称:手持式链锯使用者用防护服  10部分:上部身体保护服的试验方法
英文标准名称:Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 10: Test method for upper body protectors
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 381-10 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 381-10 (2002-11-04), IDT*NF S74-509-10 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 381-10 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 381-10 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 381-10 (2002-04)
……………… 11836
号:EN 381-11-2002
中文标准名称:手持式链锯使用者用防护服  11部分:上部身体保护服的要求
英文标准名称:Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 11: Requirements for upper body protectors
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 381-11 (2003-02), EQV*BS EN 381-11 (2002-11-29), IDT*NF S74-509-11 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 381-11 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 381-11 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 381-11 (2002-05)
……………… 11837
号:EN 480-13-2002
中文标准名称:混凝土、灰泥和水泥浆的混合物  试验方法  13部分:测试灰泥混合物用参考圬工灰浆
英文标准名称:Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Test methods - Part 13: Reference masonry mortar for testing mortar admixtures
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 480-13 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 480-13 (2002-10-11), IDT*NF P18-323 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 480-13 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 480-13 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 480-13 (2002-01)
……………… 11838
号:EN 527-2-2002
中文标准名称:办公家具  工作台和办公桌  2部分:机械安全要求
英文标准名称:Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 527-2 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 527-2 (2003-04-11), IDT*NF D62-044-2 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 527-2 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 527-2 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 527-2 (2002-04)
……………… 11839
号:EN 527-3-2003
中文标准名称:办公家具  工作台和办公桌  3部分:结构的稳定性和机械强度测定的试验方法
英文标准名称:Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 3: Methods of test for the determination of the stability and the mechanical strength of the structure
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 527-3 (2003-06), EQV*BS EN 527-3 (2003-04-14), IDT*NF D62-044-3 (2003-04-01), IDT*OENORM EN 527-3 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 527-3 (2000-09)
……………… 11840
号:EN 561-2002
中文标准名称:气焊设备  焊接、切割和同类处理用断路阀门快速连接器
英文标准名称:Gas welding equipment - Quick-action coupling with shut-off valves for welding, cutting and allied processes
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 561 (2002-09), EQV*BS EN 561 (2002-07-10), IDT*NF A84-621 (2002-11-01), IDT*OENORM EN 561 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 561 (1994-09)*prEN 561 (2001-07)
……………… 11841
号:EN 573-3-2003
中文标准名称:铝和铝合金  锻制产品化学成分和外形  3部分:化学成分
英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and form of wrought products - Part 3: Chemical composition
国际标准分类号:77.120.10        77.150.10
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 573-3 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 573-3 (2003-07-21), IDT*SN EN 573-3 (2003-09), EQV
被代替标准:EN 573-3 (1994-08)*prEN 573-3 (2003-02)
……………… 11842
号:EN 580-2003
中文标准名称:塑料管道系统  未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)  特定温度下耐二氯甲烷试验方法
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes - Test method for the resistance to dichloromethane at a specified temperature (DCMT)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 580 (2003-08), EQV*BS EN 580 (2003-04-29), IDT*NF T54-006 (2003-09-01), IDT*SN EN 580 (2003-04), EQV*OENORM EN 580 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 580 (1993-07)*prEN 580 (2002-08)
……………… 11843
号:EN 583-4-2002
中文标准名称:无损检测  超声波检验  4部分:与表面有间隔性垂直波的检验
英文标准名称:Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 4: Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 583-4 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 583-4 (2002-10-10), IDT*NF A09-340-4 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 583-4 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 583-4 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 583-4 (2001-07)
……………… 11844
号:EN 619-2002
中文标准名称:连续操作设备和系统  单元载荷的机械处理设备的安全和EMC(电磁兼容性)要求
英文标准名称:Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads
国际标准分类号:33.100.01        53.040.10
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 619 (2003-02), EQV*BS EN 619 (2002-11-20), IDT*NF H95-114 (2003-01-01), IDT*SN EN 619 (2003-08), EQV*OENORM EN 619 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 619 (2000-10)
……………… 11845
号:ENV 623-5-2002
中文标准名称:先进技术陶瓷  单片陶瓷  一般和纹理特性  5部分:显微照片法测定相位容积率
英文标准名称:Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics; General and textural properties - Part 5: Determination of phase volume fraction by evaluation of micrographs
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN V ENV 623-5 (2002-10), EQV*BS DD ENV 623-5 (2002-08-05), IDT*OENORM ENV 623-5 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prENV 623-5 (2001-09)
……………… 11846
号:EN 676-2003
英文标准名称:Automatic forced draught burners for gaseous fuels
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 676 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 676 (2003-10-03), IDT*SN EN 676 (2003-10), EQV*OENORM EN 676 (2003-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 676 (1996-10)*prEN 676 (2002-11)
……………… 11847
号:EN 764-5-2002
中文标准名称:压力设备  5部分:材料合格和检验文件
英文标准名称:Pressure equipment - Part 5: Compliance and inspection documentation of materials
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 764-5 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 764-5 (2002-12-04), IDT*NF E01-201-5 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 764-5 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 764-5 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 764-5 (2002-05)
……………… 11848
号:EN 771-1-2003
中文标准名称:砌块规范  1部分:粘土砌块
英文标准名称:Specification for masonry units - Part 1: Clay masonry units
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 771-1 (2003-08), EQV*BS EN 771-1 (2003-09-29), IDT*OENORM EN 771-1 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 771-1 (2002-05)
……………… 11849
号:EN 858-2-2003
中文标准名称:轻液体(如油和汽油)分离系统  2部分:额定尺寸的选择、安装、操作和维修选择
英文标准名称:Separator systems for light liquids (e.g. oil and petrol) - Part 2: Selection of nominal size, installation, operation and maintenance
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 858-2 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 858-2 (2003-04-15), IDT*NF P16-451-2 (2003-08-01), IDT*SN EN 858-2 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 858-2 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 858-2 (2001-05)
……………… 11850
号:EN 899-2003
中文标准名称:人类用水处理用的化学制品  硫酸
英文标准名称:Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sulfuric acid
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 899 (2003-09), EQV*BS EN 899 (2003-08-08), IDT*NF T94-200 (2003-10-01), IDT*SN EN 899 (2003-11), EQV*OENORM EN 899 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 899 (1996-12)*prEN 899 (2003-01)
……………… 11851
号:EN 943-1-2002
中文标准名称:防液态和气态化学制品(包括液态悬浮颗粒和固体颗粒)的防护服  1部分:通风和不通风不透气(1型)和透气(2型)化学品防护服的性能要求
英文标准名称:Protective clothing against liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid aerosols and solid particles - Part 1: Performance requirements for ventilated and non-ventilated "gas-tight" (Type 1) and "non-gas-tight" (Type 2) chemical protective suits

发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 943-1 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 943-1 (2002-10-09), IDT*NF S74-527-1 (2003-07-01), IDT*SN EN 943-1 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 943-1 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 943-1 (2002-02)
……………… 11852
号:EN 973-2002
中文标准名称:人类用水处理用化学制品  离子交换再生用氯化钠
英文标准名称:Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium chloride for regeneration of ion exchangers
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 973 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 973 (2002-09-12), IDT*NF T94-157 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 973 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 973 (2002-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 973 (2001-07)
……………… 11853
号:EN 993-18-2002
中文标准名称:成形致密耐火制品的试验方法  18部分:真空水法对颗粒状材料松装密度的测定
英文标准名称:Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products - Part 18: Determination of bulk density of granular materials by the water method with vacuum
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 993-18 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 993-18 (2002-09-12), IDT*NF B40-340 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 993-18 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 993-18 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 993-18 (2002-03)
……………… 11854
号:EN 998-1-2003
中文标准名称:石工用灰浆规范  1部分:粉刷和粘贴灰泥
英文标准名称:Specification for mortar for masonry - Part 1: Rendering and plastering mortar
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 998-1 (2003-09), EQV*OENORM EN 998-1 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 998-1 (2002-05)
……………… 11855
号:EN 998-2-2003
中文标准名称:石工用灰浆规范  2部分:圬工灰浆
英文标准名称:Specification for mortar for masonry - Part 2: Masonry mortar
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 998-2 (2003-09), EQV*OENORM EN 998-2 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 998-2 (2001-08)*prEN 998-2 (2002-05)
……………… 11856
号:EN 1005-2-2003
中文标准名称:机械安全  人体物理性能  2部分:机械处理和机械组件手册
英文标准名称:Safety of machinery - Human physical performance - Part 2: Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery
国际标准分类号:13.110        13.180
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1005-2 (2003-09), EQV*BS EN 1005-2 (2003-06-19), IDT*NF X35-106-2 (2003-08-01), IDT*SN EN 1005-2 (2003-04), EQV*OENORM EN 1005-2 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1005-2 (2002-10)
……………… 11857
号:ENV 1007-6-2002
中文标准名称:先进技术陶瓷  陶瓷混合物  加固试验方法  6部分:高温下细丝拉力性能测定
英文标准名称:Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Methods of test for reinforcements - Part 6: Determination of tensile properties of filament at high temperature
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN V ENV 1007-6 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM ENV 1007-6 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prENV 1007-6 (2001-06)
……………… 11858
号:EN 1010-3-2002
中文标准名称:机械安全  印刷和纸张转换机的设计和结构的安全要求  3部分:切割机
英文标准名称:Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 3: Cutting machines
国际标准分类号:37.100.10        85.100
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1010-3 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1010-3 (2003-03-24), IDT*NF Q79-003-3 (2003-01-01), IDT*SN EN 1010-3 (2002-07), EQV*OENORM EN 1010-3 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1010-3 (2001-06)
……………… 11859
号:EN 1015-18-2002
中文标准名称:圬工用灰浆试验方法  18部分:由于毛细作用硬化灰浆水吸收系数的测定
英文标准名称:Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 18: Determination of water absorption coefficient due to capillary action of hardened mortar
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1015-18 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 1015-18 (2002-12-20), IDT*NF P12-318 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 1015-18 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1015-18 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1015-18 (2002-03)
……………… 11860
号:EN 1015-21-2002
中文标准名称:圬工用灰浆试验方法  21部分:带底色单层粉刷灰浆兼容性的测定
英文标准名称:Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 21: Determination of the compatibility of one-coat rendering mortars with subtrates
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1015-21 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 1015-21 (2002-12-20), IDT*NF P12-321 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 1015-21 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1015-21 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1015-21 (2002-03)
……………… 11861
号:EN 1028-1-2002
中文标准名称:消防泵  带起动器的消防离心泵  1部分:分类  一般和安全要求
英文标准名称:Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 1: Classification; General and safety requirements
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1028-1 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1028-1 (2002-09-16), IDT*NF S63-125-1 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 1028-1 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 1028-1 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1028-1 (2001-11)
……………… 11862
号:EN 1028-2-2002
中文标准名称:消防泵  带起动器的消防离心泵  2部分:一般和安全要求的验证
英文标准名称:Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1028-2 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1028-2 (2002-08-09), IDT*NF S63-125-2 (2002-10-01), IDT*SN EN 1028-2 (2002-07), EQV*OENORM EN 1028-2 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1028-2 (2001-11)
……………… 11863
号:EN 1052-3-2002
中文标准名称:圬工用试验方法  3部分:初始剪切强度的测定
英文标准名称:Methods of test for masonry - Part 3: Determination of initial shear strength
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1052-3 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1052-3 (2002-08-13), IDT*NF P12-703 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1052-3 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1052-3 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1052-3 (2001-11)
……………… 11864
号:EN 1062-6-2002
中文标准名称:涂料和清漆  外部圬工和混凝土用覆层材料和涂覆系统  6部分:二氧化碳渗透性测定
英文标准名称:Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 6: Determination of carbon dioxide permeability
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1062-6 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1062-6 (2002-08-05), IDT*NF T34-721-6 (2002-11-01), IDT*SN EN 1062-6 (2002-07), EQV*OENORM EN 1062-6 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1062-6 (2001-11)
……………… 11865
号:EN 1062-11-2002
中文标准名称:涂料和清漆  外部圬工和混凝土用覆层材料和涂覆系统  11部分:测试前调节方法
英文标准名称:Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 11: Methods of conditioning before testing
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1062-11 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1062-11 (2002-08-05), IDT*NF T34-721-11 (2002-11-01), IDT*SN EN 1062-11 (2002-07), EQV*OENORM EN 1062-11 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1062-11 (2001-11)
……………… 11866
号:EN 1071-1-2003
中文标准名称:先进技术陶瓷  陶瓷涂层用试验方法  1部分:用接触探针表面光度仪测定涂层厚度
英文标准名称:Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 1: Determination of coating thickness by contact probe profilometer
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1071-1 (2003-06), EQV*BS EN 1071-1 (2003-03-27), IDT*SN EN 1071-1 (2003-03), EQV*OENORM EN 1071-1 (2003-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1071-1 (1993-09)*prEN 1071-1 (2002-08)
……………… 11867
号:ENV 1071-6-2002
中文标准名称:先进技术陶瓷  陶瓷涂层用试验方法  6部分:微小磨损试验测定涂层抗磨损性
英文标准名称:Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 6: Determination of the abrasion resistance of coatings by a micro-abrasion wear test
国际标准分类号:17.040.20        25.220.99        81.060.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN V ENV 1071-6 (2002-09), EQV*BS DD ENV 1071-6 (2002-10-02), IDT*OENORM ENV 1071-6 (2002-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prENV 1071-6 (2001-11)
……………… 11868
号:EN 1073-2-2002
中文标准名称:防放射性污染的防护服装  2部分:用于防止微粒放射性污染的不通风防护服装的要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Protective clothing against radioactive contamination - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination
国际标准分类号:13.280        13.340.10
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1073-2 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1073-2 (2002-08-06), IDT*NF S74-531-2 (2002-09-01), IDT*SN EN 1073-2 (2002-07), EQV*OENORM EN 1073-2 (2002-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1073-2 (2001-11)
……………… 11869
号:EN 1094-3-2003
中文标准名称:绝缘耐火产品  3部分:陶瓷纤维制造的绝缘产品分类
英文标准名称:Insulating refractory products - Part 3: Classification of insulating products made from ceramic fibres
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1094-3 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 1094-3 (2003-08-06), IDT*SN EN 1094-3 (2003-09), EQV
被代替标准:ENV 1094-3 (1998-01)*prEN 1094-3 (2002-10)
……………… 11870
号:EN 1097-10-2002
中文标准名称:集料的机械和物理性能的试验  10部分:水吸入高度的测定
英文标准名称:Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 10: Determination of water suction height
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1097-10 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 1097-10 (2002-12-19), IDT*SN EN 1097-10 (2003-06), EQV*OENORM EN 1097-10 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1097-10 (2001-10)
……………… 11871
号:EN 1159-3-2003
中文标准名称:先进技术陶瓷  陶瓷复合物  热物理性能  3部分:比热测定
英文标准名称:Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites, thermophysical properties - Part 3: Determination of specific heat capacity
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1159-3 (2003-07), EQV*BS EN 1159-3 (2003-04-22), IDT*NF B43-210 (2003-08-01), IDT*SN EN 1159-3 (2003-04), EQV*OENORM EN 1159-3 (2003-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1159-3 (1995-02)*prEN 1159-3 (2002-09)
……………… 11872
号:EN 1171-2002
中文标准名称:工业阀门  铸铁闸门阀
英文标准名称:Industrial valves - Cast iron gate valves
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1171 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 1171 (2002-11-07), IDT*NF E29-332 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 1171 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1171 (2003-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1171 (2002-05)
……………… 11873
号:EN 1179-2003
中文标准名称:锌和锌合金  初级锌
英文标准名称:Zinc and zinc alloys - Primary zinc
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1179 (2003-09), EQV*BS EN 1179 (2003-05-22), IDT*NF A55-110 (2003-09-01), IDT*SN EN 1179 (2003-05), EQV*OENORM EN 1179 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1179 (1995-08)*prEN 1179 (2002-09)
……………… 11874
号:EN 1186-13-2002
中文标准名称:与食品接触的材料和物品  塑料  13部分:高温时全部转移的试验方法
英文标准名称:Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 13: Test method for overall migration at high temperatures
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1186-13 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1186-13 (2002-10-14), IDT*NF D25-101-13 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 1186-13 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1186-13 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1186-13 (1999-03)*prEN 1186-13 (2001-09)
……………… 11875
号:EN 1186-14-2002
中文标准名称:与食品接触的材料和物品  塑料  14部分:使用试验媒体异辛烷和95%乙醇从与脂肪食品接触的塑料全部转移的替代试验的试验方法
英文标准名称:Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 14: Test methods for "substitute tests" for overall migration from plastics intended to come into contact with fatty foodstuffs using test media iso-octane and 95 % ethanol
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1186-14 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1186-14 (2002-10-14), IDT*NF D25-101-14 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 1186-14 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1186-14 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1186-14 (1999-03)*prEN 1186-14 (2001-09)
……………… 11876
号:EN 1186-15-2002
中文标准名称:与食品接触的材料和物品  塑料  15部分:用快速萃取到异辛烷和/95%乙醇的方法进行转移到脂肪食品模拟装置的可选择的试验方法
英文标准名称:Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 15: Alternative test methods to migration into fatty food simulants by rapid extraction into iso-octane and/or 95% ethanol
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1186-15 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1186-15 (2002-10-14), IDT*NF D25-101-15 (2003-02-01), IDT*SN EN 1186-15 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1186-15 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1186-15 (2001-09)
……………… 11877
号:EN 1266-2002
英文标准名称:Independent gas-fired convection heaters incorporating a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or flue gases
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1266 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 1266 (2002-11-13), IDT*NF D35-372 (2003-03-01), IDT*SN EN 1266 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1266 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1266 (2000-09)
……………… 11878
号:EN 1279-2-2002
中文标准名称:建筑玻璃  隔离玻璃装置  2部分:透潮性长期试验方法和要求
英文标准名称:Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 2: Long term test method and requirements for moisture penetration
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1279-2 (2003-06), EQV*BS EN 1279-2 (2003-01-08), IDT*NF P78-472 (2003-08-01), IDT*SN EN 1279-2 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1279-2 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1279-2 (2002-05)
……………… 11879
号:EN 1279-3-2002
中文标准名称:建筑玻璃  隔离玻璃装置  3部分:漏气率和气体浓度容差的长期试验方法和要求
英文标准名称:Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 3: Long term test method and requirements for gas leakage rate and for gas concentration tolerances
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1279-3 (2003-05), EQV*BS EN 1279-3 (2003-01-08), IDT*NF P78-473 (2003-06-01), IDT*SN EN 1279-3 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1279-3 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1279-3 (2002-04)
……………… 11880
号:EN 1279-4-2002
中文标准名称:建筑玻璃  隔离玻璃装置  4部分:边缘密封物理特性的试验方法
英文标准名称:Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 4: Methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seals
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1279-4 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1279-4 (2002-07-12), IDT*NF P78-474 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 1279-4 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1279-4 (2002-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1279-4 (2001-09)
……………… 11881
号:EN 1279-6-2002
中文标准名称:建筑玻璃  隔离玻璃装置  6部分:工厂生产控制及周期试验
英文标准名称:Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 6: Factory production control and periodic tests
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1279-6 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN 1279-6 (2002-07-12), IDT*NF P78-476 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 1279-6 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1279-6 (2002-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1279-6 (2001-09)
……………… 11882
号:EN 1337-10-2003
中文标准名称:结构轴承   10部分:检验和维修
英文标准名称:Structural bearings - Part 10: Inspection and maintenance
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1337-10 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 1337-10 (2003-07-24), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1337-10 (2003-01)
……………… 11883
号:EN 1338-2003
中文标准名称:铺路用混凝土砌块  要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Concrete paving blocks - Requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1338 (2003-08), EQV*BS EN 1338 (2003-05-29), IDT*OENORM EN 1338 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1338 (2002-04)
……………… 11884
号:EN 1339-2003
中文标准名称:铺路用混凝土板  要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Concrete paving flags - Requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1339 (2003-08), EQV*BS EN 1339 (2003-05-29), IDT*OENORM EN 1339 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1339 (2002-04)
……………… 11885
号:EN 1340-2003
中文标准名称:路缘用混凝土制品  要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Concrete kerb units - Requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1340 (2003-08), EQV*BS EN 1340 (2003-04-25), IDT*SN EN 1340 (2003-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1340 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1340 (2002-04)
……………… 11886
号:EN 1366-5-2003
中文标准名称:服务设施的耐火试验  5部分:作业管道和烟囱
英文标准名称:Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 5: Service ducts and shafts
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1366-5 (2003-12), EQV*BS EN 1366-5 (2003-09-03), IDT*OENORM EN 1366-5 (2003-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1366-5 (2003-02)
……………… 11887
号:EN 1367-5-2002
中文标准名称:集料的热性能和风化特性试验  5部分:抗热冲击的测定
英文标准名称:Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
国际标准分类号:91.100.15        93.080.20
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1367-5 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1367-5 (2002-09-19), IDT*NF P18-653-5 (2003-01-01), IDT*SN EN 1367-5 (2003-02), EQV*OENORM EN 1367-5 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1367-5 (2002-01)
……………… 11888
号:EN 1375-2002
中文标准名称:识别卡系统   交易集成电路卡附加格式  ID-000卡的尺寸和物理特性
英文标准名称:Identification card system - Intersector integrated circuit(s) card additional formats - ID-000 card size and physical characteristics
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1375 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 1375 (2002-12-09), IDT*NF Z15-069 (2003-03-01), IDT*SN EN 1375 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1375 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1375 (2002-04)*ENV 1375-1 (1994-11)*prENV 1375-2 (1997-11)
……………… 11889
号:EN 1400-1-2002
中文标准名称:儿童用品和保育品  婴儿和儿童用橡皮奶头  1部分:一般安全要求及产品信息
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children - Part 1: General safety requirements and product information
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1400-1 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1400-1 (2002-10-09), IDT*NF S54-003-1 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 1400-1 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1400-1 (2002-12-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1400-1 (2002-04)
……………… 11890
号:EN 1400-2-2002
中文标准名称:儿童用品和保育品  婴儿和儿童用橡皮奶头  2部分:机械要求及试验方法
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children - Part 2: Mechanical requirements and tests
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1400-2 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1400-2 (2002-10-09), IDT*NF S54-003-2 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 1400-2 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1400-2 (2002-12-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1400-2 (2002-04)
……………… 11891
号:EN 1400-3-2002
中文标准名称:儿童用品和保育品  婴孩和儿童用橡皮奶头  3部分:化学要求及试验方法
英文标准名称:Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children - Part 3: Chemical requirements and tests
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1400-3 (2002-12), EQV*BS EN 1400-3 (2002-10-09), IDT*NF S54-003-3 (2003-05-01), IDT*SN EN 1400-3 (2002-09), EQV*OENORM EN 1400-3 (2002-12-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1400-3 (2002-04)
……………… 11892
号:EN 1433-2002
中文标准名称:车辆和人行区域的排水渠道分类、设计和试验要求  标志和符合性评估
英文标准名称:Drainage channels for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Classification, design and testing requirements, marking and evaluation of conformity
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1433 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 1433 (2003-06-12), IDT*NF P16-340 (2003-11-01), IDT*SN EN 1433 (2003-05), EQV*OENORM EN 1433 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1433 (2002-05)
……………… 11893
号:EN 1437-2002
中文标准名称:塑料管道系统  地下排水和污水用管道系统  耐温度循环和外部负荷综合作用的试验方法
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems - Piping systems for underground drainage and sewerage - Test method for resistance to combined temperature cycling and external loading
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1437 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1437 (2003-01-06), IDT*NF P16-360 (2002-12-01), IDT*SN EN 1437 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 1437 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1437 (2001-09)
……………… 11894
号:EN 1503-4-2002
中文标准名称:阀门  阀体、阀帽和阀套用材料  3部分:欧洲标准规定的铜合金
英文标准名称:Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 4: Copper alloys specified in European Standards
国际标准分类号:23.060.01        77.120.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1503-4 (2003-03), EQV*BS EN 1503-4 (2002-12-19), IDT*NF E29-303-4 (2003-06-01), IDT*SN EN 1503-4 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1503-4 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1503-4 (2002-05)
……………… 11895
号:EN 1520-2002+AC-2003
英文标准名称:Prefabricated reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1520 (2003-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 1520 (2001-10-01), IDT*BS EN 1520 (2002-12-05), IDT*NF P19-102 (2003-06-01), IDT*SN EN 1520 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1520 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1520 (2002-06)
……………… 11896
号:EN 1555-1-2002
中文标准名称:供给气体燃料用塑料管道系统  聚已烯(PE)  1部分:总则
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: General
国际标准分类号:01.040.23        23.040.01        91.140.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1555-1 (2003-04), EQV*NF T54-065-1 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1555-1 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1555-1 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1555-1 (2002-06)
……………… 11897
号:EN 1555-2-2002
中文标准名称:供给气体燃料用塑料管道系统  聚已烯(PE)  2部分:管材
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Pipes
国际标准分类号:23.040.20        91.140.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1555-2 (2003-04), EQV*NF T54-065-2 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1555-2 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1555-2 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1555-2 (2002-06)
……………… 11898
号:EN 1555-3-2002
中文标准名称:供给气体燃料用塑料管道系统  聚已烯(PE)  3部分:管件
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Fittings
国际标准分类号:23.040.45        91.140.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1555-3 (2003-04), EQV*NF T54-065-3 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1555-3 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1555-3 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1555-3 (2002-06)
……………… 11899
号:EN 1555-4-2002
中文标准名称:供给气体燃料用塑料管道系统  聚已烯(PE)  4部分:阀门
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 4: Valves
国际标准分类号:23.060.01        91.140.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1555-4 (2003-04), EQV*NF T54-065-4 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1555-4 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1555-4 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1555-4 (2002-06)
……………… 11900
号:EN 1555-5-2002
中文标准名称:供给气体燃料用塑料管道系统  聚已烯(PE)  5部分:针对系统用途的适合性
英文标准名称:Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system
国际标准分类号:23.040.01        91.140.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1555-5 (2003-04), EQV*NF T54-065-5 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1555-5 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1555-5 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1555-5 (2002-06)
……………… 11901
号:EN 1621-2-2003
中文标准名称:摩托车驾驶员防机械冲撞的防护服  2部分:摩拖车后背保护服的要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Motorcyclists' protective clothing against mechanical impact - Part 2: Motorcyclists' back protectors; Requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1621-2 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 1621-2 (2003-09-03), IDT*SN EN 1621-2 (2003-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1621-2 (2003-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1621-2 (2003-02)
……………… 11902
号:EN 1744-3-2002
中文标准名称:集料的化学特性试验  3部分:用集料的滤取制备提取物
英文标准名称:Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Part 3: Preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1744-3 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1744-3 (2002-08-09), IDT*NF P18-660-3 (2002-11-01), IDT*SN EN 1744-3 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1744-3 (2003-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1744-3 (2001-10)
……………… 11903
号:EN 1757-3-2002
中文标准名称:工业卡车的安全性  非专业人员手控和半手控卡车  3部分:站台车
英文标准名称:Safety of industrial trucks - Pedestrian controlled manual and semi-manual trucks - Part 3: Platform trucks
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1757-3 (2003-07), EQV*BS EN 1757-3 (2002-11-29), IDT*NF H96-335-3 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1757-3 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1757-3 (2003-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1757-3 (2002-05)
……………… 11904
号:EN 1759-4-2003
中文标准名称:法兰及其接头  管材、阀门、管件及附件用已命名种类的圆形法兰  4部分:铝合金法兰
英文标准名称:Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, class designated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flanges
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1759-4 (2003-12), EQV*BS EN 1759-4 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1759-4 (2003-03)
……………… 11905
号:EN 1780-1-2002
中文标准名称:铝和铝合金  再熔化母合金和铸件用合金铝铸锭标识  1 分:数字标识体系
英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Part 1: Numerical designation system
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1780-1 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 1780-1 (2002-10-30), IDT*NF A02-130-1 (2003-01-01), IDT*SN EN 1780-1 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1780-1 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1780-1 (1996-11)*prEN 1780-1 (2002-05)
……………… 11906
号:EN 1780-2-2002
中文标准名称:铝和铝合金  再熔化母合金及铸件用合金铝铸锭标识  2部分:基于化学符号标识体系
英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Part 2: Chemical symbol based designation system
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1780-2 (2003-01), EQV*BS EN 1780-2 (2002-10-30), IDT*NF A02-130-2 (2003-01-01), IDT*SN EN 1780-2 (2002-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1780-2 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1780-2 (1996-11)*prEN 1780-2 (2002-05)
……………… 11907
号:EN 1784-2003
中文标准名称:食品  经过辐射含脂肪的食品的检测  碳氢化合物的气相色谱分析
英文标准名称:Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing fat - Gas chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbons
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1784 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 1784 (2003-08-12), IDT*SN EN 1784 (2003-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1784 (2003-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1784 (1996-12)*prEN 1784 (2002-10)
……………… 11908
号:EN 1785-2003
中文标准名称:食品  经过辐射含脂肪的食品的检测  二烷基环丁酮的气相色谱/质谱分析
英文标准名称:Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing fat - Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of 2-alkylcyclobutanones
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1785 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 1785 (2003-08-12), IDT*SN EN 1785 (2003-10), EQV*OENORM EN 1785 (2003-11-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1785 (1996-12)*prEN 1785 (2002-10)
……………… 11909
号:EN 1846-3-2002
中文标准名称:消防车和救援车  3部分:永久性安装设备  安全和性能
英文标准名称:Firefighting and rescue service vehicles - Part 3: Permanently installed equipment; Safety and performance
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1846-3 (2003-04), EQV*NF S61-509-3 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1846-3 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1846-3 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1846-3 (2002-05)
……………… 11910
号:EN 1856-1-2003
中文标准名称:烟窗  金属烟囱的要求  1部分:系统烟囱产品
英文标准名称:Chimneys - Requirements for metal chimneys - Part 1: System chimney products
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1856-1 (2003-09), EQV*NF D35-303 (2003-11-01), IDT*SN EN 1856-1 (2003-11), EQV*OENORM EN 1856-1 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1856-1 (2002-06)
……………… 11911
号:EN 1857-2003
中文标准名称:烟窗  组件  混凝土烟道衬里
英文标准名称:Chimneys - Components - Concrete flue liners
国际标准分类号:91.060.40        91.100.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1857 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 1857 (2003-07-28), IDT*OENORM EN 1857 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1857 (2002-04)
……………… 11912
号:EN 1858-2003
中文标准名称:烟窗  组件  混凝土烟道部件
英文标准名称:Chimneys - Components - Concrete flue blocks
国际标准分类号:91.060.40        91.100.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1858 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 1858 (2003-07-28), IDT*OENORM EN 1858 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1858 (2002-04)
……………… 11913
号:EN 1860-1-2003
中文标准名称:烧烤用器具  固体燃料和引火物  1部分:固体燃料的烧烤炉  要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecueing - Part 1: Barbecues burning solid fuels - Requirements and test methods
国际标准分类号:75.160.10        97.040.20
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1860-1 (2003-06), EQV*BS EN 1860-1 (2003-03-27), IDT*NF D37-101-1 (2003-09-01), IDT*SN EN 1860-1 (2003-03), EQV*OENORM EN 1860-1 (2003-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1860-1 (2002-07)
……………… 11914
号:EN 1888-2003
中文标准名称:儿童保育品  轮式童车  安全要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Safety requirements and test methods
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1888 (2003-06), EQV*BS EN 1888 (2003-03-05), IDT*NF S54-001 (2003-07-01), IDT*SN EN 1888 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1888 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1888 (2002-04)
……………… 11915
号:EN 1916-2002
英文标准名称:Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced
国际标准分类号:23.040.50        93.030
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1916 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 1916 (2002-11-18), IDT*SN EN 1916 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1916 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1916 (2002-04)
……………… 11916
号:EN 1917-2002
英文标准名称:Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1917 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 1917 (2002-11-18), IDT*NF P16-346PR, EQV*SN EN 1917 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1917 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1917 (2002-04)
……………… 11917
号:EN 1947-2002
中文标准名称:消防软管  水泵及车辆用半刚性输送水软管组装件
英文标准名称:Fire-fighting hoses - Semi-rigid delivery hoses and hose assemblies for pumps and vehicles
国际标准分类号:13.220.10        23.040.70
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1947 (2002-11), EQV*BS EN 1947 (2002-09-13), IDT*NF S61-116 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1947 (2002-08), EQV*OENORM EN 1947 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1947 (2001-11)
……………… 11918
号:EN 1966-2002
中文标准名称:建筑粘合剂  通过三点挠曲法测量粘合力描述表面特性
英文标准名称:Structural adhesives - Characterisation of a surface by measuring adhesion by means of the three point bending method
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1966 (2003-02), EQV*BS EN 1966 (2002-11-29), IDT*NF T76-143 (2003-10-01), IDT*SN EN 1966 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1966 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1966 (1995-06)*prEN 1966 (2002-07)*ENV 1966/AC (1996-03)
……………… 11919
号:EN 1967-2002
中文标准名称:建筑粘合剂  使用与活动滚筒粘合方法有联系的潮湿剥离试验对铝表面处理效用的评估
英文标准名称:Structural adhesives - Evaluation of the effectiveness of surface treatment techniques for aluminium using a wet peel test in association with the floating roller method
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1967 (2003-02), EQV*BS EN 1967 (2002-11-29), IDT*NF T76-145 (2003-09-01), IDT*SN EN 1967 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 1967 (2003-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:ENV 1967 (1995-06)*prEN 1967 (2002-07)
……………… 11920
号:EN 1981-2003
中文标准名称:铜及铜合金  母合金
英文标准名称:Copper and copper alloys - Master alloys
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1981 (2003-05), EQV*BS EN 1981 (2003-02-20), IDT*NF A53-702 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 1981 (2003-02), EQV*OENORM EN 1981 (2003-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1981 (1998-07)*prEN 1981 (2002-06)
……………… 11921
号:EN 1991-1-2-2002
中文标准名称:欧洲法典  1:对结构的影响  1-2部分:一般影响  对易发生火灾环境的结构的影响
英文标准名称:Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-2: General actions; Actions on structures exposed to fire
国际标准分类号:13.220.50        91.010.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 1991-1-2 (2003-09), EQV*BS EN 1991-1-2 (2002-11-26), IDT*NF P06-112-1 (2003-07-01), IDT*SN EN 1991-1-2 (2002-12), EQV*OENORM EN 1991-1-2 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1991-1-2 (2002-04)*ENV 1991-2-2 (1995-02)
……………… 11922
号:EN 1991-1-3-2003
中文标准名称:欧洲法典1:对结构上的影响  1-3部分:一般影响  雪负荷
英文标准名称:Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General actions; Snow loads
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 1991-1-3 (2003-07-24), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 1991-1-3 (2002-05)*ENV 1991-2-3 (1995-02)
……………… 11923
号:EN 3852-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 焊接螺纹式直联管节 
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Straight unions, welded, threaded
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3852 (2002-12-03), IDT*NF L43-622 (2003-08-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3852 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3852 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3852 (2002-04)
……………… 11924
号:EN 3853-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 螺纹式直联管节
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Straight unions, threaded
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3853 (2002-12-03), IDT*NF L43-623 (2003-08-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3853 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3853 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3853 (2002-04)
……………… 11925
号:EN 3854-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 焊接金属箍
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Ferrules, welded
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3854 (2002-12-03), IDT*NF L43-624 (2003-08-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3854 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3854 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3854 (2002-04)
……………… 11926
号:EN 3855-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 金属帽
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Caps
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3855 (2002-12-02), IDT*NF L43-625 (2003-08-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3855 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3855 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3855 (2002-03)
……………… 11927
号:EN 3856-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 止推丝用旋转螺母
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Swivel nuts for thrust wire
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3856 (2002-12-02), IDT*NF L43-626 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3856 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3856 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3856 (2002-04)
……………… 11928
号:EN 3857-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 焊接90°弯头
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Elbows 90? welded
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 3857 (2002-12-02), IDT*NF L43-627 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3857 (2003-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3857 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3857 (2002-04)
……………… 11929
号:EN 3858-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金TI-P64001 球形60°管连接 FE-PA 13钢止推丝
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy TI-P64001 - Thrust wires in steel FE-PA 13
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 3858 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 3858 (2002-12-02), IDT*NF L43-628 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3858 (2003-10-01), IDT*OENORM EN 3858 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 3858 (2002-03)
……………… 11930
号:EN 4051-2002
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 钛合金管连接 60°球形 端口连接
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, 60? spherical, in titanium alloy - Port connection
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 4051 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 4051 (2002-12-02), IDT*NF L43-620 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4051 (2003-10-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4051 (2002-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4051 (2002-03)
……………… 11931
号:EN 4420-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 FE-PA3903合金钢弹性卡子
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Clips, spring tension, in alloy steel FE-PA3903
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4420 (2003-03-04), IDT*NF L46-614 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4420 (2003-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4420 (2002-05)
……………… 11932
号:EN 4549-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 耐热钢或耐热镍基合金联管节 焊接端头 设计结构 英制系列
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, in heat resisting steel or in heat resisting nickel alloy - Coupling end, welded; Design configuration; Inch series
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4549 (2003-02-06), IDT*NF L43-613 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4549 (2002-01)
……………… 11933
号:EN 4550-1-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 37度联管节 英制系列设计结构 第1部分:球形阳密封端头
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 37? Design configuration; Inch series - Part 1: Male sealing ends, spherical
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4550-1 (2003-02-06), IDT*NF L43-614 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4550-1 (2002-01)
……………… 11934
号:EN 4550-2-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 37度联管节 设计结构 英制系列 第2部分:开口端头
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 37? Design configuration; Inch series - Part 2: Port ends
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4550-2 (2003-02-06), IDT*NF L43-615 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4550-2 (2002-01)
……………… 11935
号:EN 4550-3-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 37度联管节 设计结构 英制系列 第3部分:开口联接
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 37? Design configuration; Inch series - Part 3: Port connections
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4550-3 (2003-02-06), IDT*NF L43-616 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4550-3 (2002-01)
……………… 11936
号:EN 4550-4-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 37度联管节 设计结构 英制系列 第4部分:阴密封端头
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 37? Design configuration; Inch series - Part 4: Female sealing ends
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4550-4 (2003-02-06), IDT*NF L43-617 (2003-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4550-4 (2002-01)
……………… 11937
号:EN 4561-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 耐热钢焊接联管节 90度弯管 英制系列
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Elbow 90? Inch series
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4561 (2003-03-03), IDT*NF L43-635 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4561 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4561 (2002-05)
……………… 11938
号:EN 4562-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 耐热钢焊接联管节 变径管 英制系列
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Reductors; Inch series
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4562 (2003-03-03), IDT*NF L43-636 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4562 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4562 (2002-05)
……………… 11939
号:EN 4563-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 耐热钢焊接联管节 T形接头 英制系列
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Tees; Inch series
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4563 (2003-03-03), IDT*NF L43-637 (2003-09-01), IDT*OENORM EN 4563 (2003-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4563 (2002-05)
……………… 11940
号:EN 4585-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 弹性卡子 技术规范
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Clips, spring tension - Technical specification
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN 4585 (2003-03-10), IDT*OENORM EN 4585 (2003-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 4585 (2002-06)
……………… 11941
号:EN 9100-2003
中文标准名称:航空航天系列 质量管理体系 要求和质量体系 设计、开发、生产、安装和服务质量保证的模型
英文标准名称:Aerospace series - Quality management systems; Requirements (based on ISO 9001:2000) and Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing (based on ISO 9001:1994)
国际标准分类号:03.120.10        49.020
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 9100 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN 9100 (2003-06-05), IDT*OENORM EN 9100 (2003-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 9100 (2002-10)
……………… 11942
号:EN 10089-2002
中文标准名称:淬火和回火热轧弹簧钢 交货技术条件
英文标准名称:Hot-rolled steels for quenched and tempered springs - Technical delivery conditions
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN 10089 (2003-04), EQV*BS EN 10089 (2002-12-18), IDT*NF A35-571 (2003-04-01), IDT*SN EN 10089 (2003-01), EQV*OENORM EN 10089 (2003-06-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 10089 (2002-06)











 )Standard Specification for HFC-125 (Pentafluoroethane, C2HF5)


 )Standard Specification for HFC-125 (Pentafluoroethane, C2HF5)>

 -1-1998纤维混合物数量分析的测试方法.1部分:纤维识别的测试方法Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fiber mixtures -- Part 1: Testing methods for fiber identification>

 -1-1998纤维混合物数量分析的测试方法.1部分:纤维识别的测试方法Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fiber mixtures -- Part 1: Testing methods for fiber identification>


 -1987高压直流电系统的规格指南.1部分Guide for Specification of High-Voltage Direct-Current Systems, Part 1>

 -1987高压直流电系统的规格指南.1部分Guide for Specification of High-Voltage Direct-Current Systems, Part 1>


 -1994包覆加热件Sheathed heating elements>

 -1994包覆加热件Sheathed heating elements>


 -1994夹套加热件Sheathed Heating Elements>

 -1994夹套加热件Sheathed Heating Elements>


 0-1-2001伞齿轮负载容量的计算.说明及一般影响因素Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Introduction and general influence factors>

 0-1-2001伞齿轮负载容量的计算.说明及一般影响因素Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Introduction and general influence factors>


 0-3-2001伞齿轮负载能力的计算.齿根强度的计算Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Calculation of tooth root strength>

 0-3-2001伞齿轮负载能力的计算.齿根强度的计算Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Calculation of tooth root strength>


 160 mm - Dimensions>

 160 mm - Dimensions>

 航空航天系列铝和铝合金挤制矩形杆厚度为6 mma160 mm尺寸

 2 mm; Dimensions>

 2 mm; Dimensions>

 航空航天系列耐热合金无缝毛细管直径0,6 mmD2 mm尺寸

 2,5 mm - Dimensions

 2.5毫米.尺寸Aerospace series - Strips, cold rolled in steel - Thickness 0,1 mm

 2,5 mm - Dimensions>

 200 mm - Dimensions>

 200 mm - Dimensions>

 航空航天系列铝和铝合金挤制方杆厚度6 mma200 mm-尺寸

 3,0 mm - Dimensions>

 3,0 mm - Dimensions>

 航空航天系列冷扎薄钢板厚度为0.5 mma3.0 mm尺寸

 3-1-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.综述和基本原理Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Overview and fundamental principles>

 3-1-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.综述和基本原理Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Overview and fundamental principles>


 3-101-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成利用资源:制图Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated application resources: Draughting>

 3-101-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成利用资源:制图Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated application resources: Draughting>


 3-11-1995工业自动化系统及集成.产品数据表示和交换.描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Description methods: the EXPRESS language reference manual>

 3-11-1995工业自动化系统及集成.产品数据表示和交换.描述方法:EXPRESS语言参考手册Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Description methods: the EXPRESS language reference manual>


 3-201-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.应用协议:制图说明Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol: Explicit draughting>

 3-201-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.应用协议:制图说明Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol: Explicit draughting>


 3-203-1996工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和信息交流.203部分:利用协议:性位控制设计Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol - Configuration controlled design>

 3-203-1996工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和信息交流.203部分:利用协议:性位控制设计Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol - Configuration controlled design>


 3-21-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.执行方法:交换结构的明码电文编码Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Implementation methods - Clear text encoding of the exchange structure>

 3-21-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.执行方法:交换结构的明码电文编码Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Implementation methods - Clear text encoding of the exchange structure>


 3-210-2002工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.应用协议.电子组装、互连和包装设计Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol - Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging de

 3-210-2002工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.应用协议.电子组装、互连和包装设计Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol - Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging design>


 3-22-1999工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.实现方法.标准数据存取接口Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Implementation methods - Standard data access interface>

 3-22-1999工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.实现方法.标准数据存取接口Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Implementation methods - Standard data access interface>


 3-31-1995工业自动化系统及集成.产品数据表示和交换.一致性试验的方法论和基本结构:一般概念Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Conformance testing methodology and framework: general concepts>

 3-31-1995工业自动化系统及集成.产品数据表示和交换.一致性试验的方法论和基本结构:一般概念Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Conformance testing methodology and framework: general concepts>


 3-32-1998工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.一致性测试方法和结构:实验室和试验人员的要求Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Conformance testing methodology and framework: Requirements on testi

 3-32-1998工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.一致性测试方法和结构:实验室和试验人员的要求Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Conformance testing methodology and framework: Requirements on testing laboratories and clients>


 3-41-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:产品描述和供应基础Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources - Fundamentals of product description and support>

 3-41-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:产品描述和供应基础Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources - Fundamentals of product description and support>


 3-42-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:地理和拓扑表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources - Geometric and topological representation>

 3-42-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:地理和拓扑表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources - Geometric and topological representation>


 3-43-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:结构表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Representation structures>

 3-43-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:结构表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Representation structures>


 3-44-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:产品结构配置Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Product structure configuration>

 3-44-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:产品结构配置Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Product structure configuration>


 3-45-1999工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.45部分:集成设备:材料Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resource: Materials>

 3-45-1999工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.45部分:集成设备:材料Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resource: Materials>


 3-46-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:视频表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: visual presentation>

 3-46-1995工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和信息交流.集成总资源:视频表示法Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: visual presentation>


 3-47-1998工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.47部分:集成设备:形状变化公差Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resource - Shape variation tolerances>

 3-47-1998工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.47部分:集成设备:形状变化公差Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resource - Shape variation tolerances>


 3-49-1998工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.集成电路总资源:工艺结构和特性Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Process structure and properties>

 3-49-1998工业自动化系统和集成电路.产品数据表示和交换.集成电路总资源:工艺结构和特性Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Integrated generic resources: Process structure and properties>


 40 mm; Dimensions>

 40 mm; Dimensions>

 航空航天系列流体用钛和钛合金环形管松公差直径4 mmD40 mm尺寸

 55 mm - Dimensions>

 55 mm - Dimensions>

 航空航天系列板材AL-P2024铝合金紧公差平面度6 mma55 mm厚度尺寸

 6 mm - Dimensions

 100 mm - Thickness 1 mm

 6 mm - Dimensions>

 Addendum to TickIT Guide-1997


 (The dynamic systems development method and TickIT)

 AMD 1-1993音频、视频和视听系统.家用数字总线.修改件1Audio, video and audiovisual systems; domestic digital bus (D2B); amendment 1>

 AMD 1-1993音频、视频和视听系统.家用数字总线.修改件1Audio, video and audiovisual systems; domestic digital bus (D2B); amendment 1>


 ANSI C37.33a Supplement-1990

 高压空气开关装置的额定控制电压及其范围(附加至表1)(ANSI C37.33-87的补充件)

 Switchgear - High-voltage air switches - Rated control voltages and their ranges; Supplement

 ANSI C81.62a Supplement-1993


 Lampholders for electric lamps; Supplement

 ANSI C81.63a Supplement-1993


 Gauges for electric lamp bases and lampholders; Supplement

 ANSI GPTC Z 380.1 1998 Addendum 3-2000


 Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems 1998-2000

 ANSI J-STD-004 Amendment 1-1997


 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes

 ANSI J-STD-005 Amendment 1-1997


 Requirements for Soldering Paste

 ANSI J-STD-006 Amendment 1-1997


 Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Electronic Soldering Applications

 ANSI MH 28.1 and Commentary-1997


 Industrial Grade Steel Shelving, Specification for the Design, Testing, Utilization, and Application of

 ANSI N14.1 Addendum 2-2004



 ANSI N14.1 Addendum 3-2005



 ANSI T1.113a Supplement-1993


 Telecommunications - Signalling system no. 7 (SS7) - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) user part; Supplement

 ANSI T1.249a Supplement-1997


 Telecommunications - Information interchange - Coding structure and application of central office computer aided drafting (CAD) nomenclature for the North American telecommunications industry

 ANSI T1.411a Supplement-1996


 Telecommunications - Interface between carriers and customer installations - Analog voicegrade enhanced 911 switched access using network-provided reserve-battery signaling; Supplement

 ANSI T1.619a Supplement-1994


 Telecommunications - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Multi-level precedence and preemption (MLPP) service capability; Supplement

 ANSI Z21.10.1a Addenda-1994


 Gas water heaters - Volume I: Storage water heaters with input ratings of 75,000 Btu per hour or less; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.10.1b Addenda-1994


 Gas water heaters - Volume I: Storage, water heaters with input ratings of 75,000 Btu per hour or less; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.10.3a Addenda-1994


 Gas water heaters - Volume III: Storage, with input ratings above 75,000 Btu per hour, circulating and instantaneous water heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.11.1a Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired room heaters - Volume I: Vented room heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.13a Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.13b Addenda-1994


 Gas-fired low-pressure steam and hot water boilers; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.17a Addenda-1993


 Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.17b Addenda-1994


 Domestic gas conversion burners; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.22a Addenda-1990


 Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systems; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.24a Addenda-1993


 Metal connectors for gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.35a Addenda-1993


 Pilot gas filters; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.41a Addenda-1990


 Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.41b Addenda-1992


 Quick-disconnect devices for use with gas fuel; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.48a Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired gravity and fan type floor furnaces; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.49a Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired gravity and fan type vented wall furnaces; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.50a Addenda-1990


 Vented decorative gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.50b Addenda-1990


 Vented decorative gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.54a Addenda-1992


 Gas hose connectors for portable outdoor gas-fired appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.63a Addenda-1981


 Portable camp heaters of other than the catalytic type for use with liquefied petroleum gases; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.63b Addenda-1984


 Portable camp heaters of other than the catalytic type for use with liquefied petroleum gases; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.69a Addenda-1993


 Connectors for movable gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.72a Addenda-1984


 Portable camp cook stoves for use with propane gas; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.73a Addenda-1984


 Portable camp lanterns for use with propane gas; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.77a Addenda-1993


 Manually-operated piezo-electric spark gas ignition systems and components; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.78a Addenda-1993


 Combination gas controls for gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z21.78b Addenda-1994


 Combination gas controls for gas appliances; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.17a Addenda-1991


 Direct gas-fired door heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.18a Addenda-1991


 Direct gas-fired industrial air heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.3a Addenda-1972


 Gas utilization equipment in large boilers; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.3b Addenda-1976


 Gas utilization equipment in large boilers; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.6b Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired infrared heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.7a Addenda-1991


 Gas-fired construction heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.7b Addenda-1993


 Gas-fired construction heaters; Addenda

 ANSI Z83.8a Addenda-1990


 Gas unit heaters; Addenda

 ANSI/AAMI/sort/ISO/CEN 10993-12-1996


 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices - Part 12: Sample Preparation and Reference Materials

 ANSI/AISC N690 Supplement 1-2002


 (Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Steel Safety-Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities )

 ANSI/AISI COFS/PMSupplement-2004



 ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Addendum o-2001


 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

 ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Addendum q-2001


 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

 ANSI/ASME BPVCRevision Addenda-2002

 ASME锅炉和压力容器编码(9/14/01 mtg)

 (ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (9/14/01 mtg) )

 ANSI/ASME N 278.1-1975


 Self-Operated and Power Operated Safety-Related Valves Functional Specification Standard

 ANSI/ASME N 509-1989


 Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components

 ANSI/ASME N 510-1989


 Testing of Nuclear Air-Cleaning Systems

 ANSI/ASME N 626.3-1993


 Qualifications and Duties of Specialized Professional Engineers

 ANSI/ASME N509-2002


 (Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components )



 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder), Rules for Construction of







 ANSI/ASME NQA-1a-2002


 (Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications )



 Rules for Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists (with Bridge or Trolley or Hoist of the Underhung Type)




 ANSI/ASME NUM-1a-2002


 (Rules for Construction of Cranes, Monorails and Hoists )

 ANSI/ASME NUM-1b-2002


 (Rules for Construction of Cranes, Monorails, and Hoists )




 ANSI/GPTC Z380.1 Addendum 2-2005



 ANSI/HL7 ArdenV 2.1-2002


 (Defining and Sharing Modular Health Knowledge Bases (Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Modules), Specification for (14.01) )

 ANSI/HL7 ArdenV 2.5-2005



 ANSI/IEEE 802.11b-1999/Corrigenda 1-2002

 信息技术.电信和系统间信息交换. 局域网和城域网.特殊要求.11部分: 无线LAN 中度存取控制 (MAC) 和物理层 (PHY) 规范: 高速物理层(PHY) 扩展 2.4 GHz 带宽、勘误 IEEE 802.11b-1999


 ANSI/IEEE 802.11b-1999/Corrigenda1-2002

 信息技术.电信和系统间信息交换. 局域网和城域网.特殊要求.11部分: 无线LAN 中度存取控制 (MAC) 和物理层

 (Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher Speed Physi

 ANSI/IPC 2546Amendment 1-2003


 (Sectional Requirements for Specific Printed Circuit Board Assembly Equipment )

 ANSI/IPC SM-840C Amendment 1-2000


 Qualification and Performance of Permanent Solder Mask

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 11579-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996


 Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Part 1: Reference Configuration for PISN Exchanges (PINX) Technical Corrigendum 1

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 9075-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000


 Information Technology - Database Language - SQL - Part 1: Framework (SQL/Framework) - Technical Corrigendum 1:2000

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 9075-2 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000


 Information Technology - Database languages - SQL - Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation) - Technical Corrigendum 1:2000

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 9075-3 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000


 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL - Part 3: Call-level Interface (SQL/CLI) - Technical Corrigendum 1:2000

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 9075-4 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000


 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL - Part 4: Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM) - Technical Corrigendum 1:2000

 ANSI/sort/ISO/IEC 9075-5 Technical Corrigendum 1-2000


 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL - Part 5: Host Language Bindings (SQL/Bindings) - Technical Corrigendum 1:2000

 ANSI/NSF 60Addendum 1.0-2004



 ASME A 112.19.1M Supplement 1-1998


 Enameled cast iron plumbing fixtures; Supplement 1

 ASME A 112.19.1M Supplement 2-2000


 Enameled cast iron plumbing fixtures - Supplement 2

 ASME A 112.19.4M Supplement 1-1998


 Porcelain enameled formed steel plumbing fixtures; Supplement 1








 BS EN ISO 10079-1-2000


 (Medical suction equipment - Electrically powered suction equipment - Safety requirements)

 BS EN ISO 10079-2-2000


 (Medical suction equipment - Manually powered suction equipment)

 BS EN ISO 10079-3-2000


 (Medical suction equipment - Suction equipment powered from a vacuum or pressure source)

 BS EN ISO 10082-2000


 (Plastics - Phenolic resins - Classification and test methods)

 BS EN ISO 10087-1996


 (Small craft - Hull identification - Coding system)

 BS EN ISO 10088-2001


 (Small craft - Permanently installed fuel systems and fixed fuel tanks)

 BS EN ISO 10093-1999


 (Plastics - Fire tests - Standard ignition sources)

 BS EN ISO 10101-1-1994


 (Natural gas - Determination of water by the Karl Fischer method - Introduction)

 BS EN ISO 10101-2-1994


 (Natural gas - Determination of water by the Karl Fischer method - Titration procedure)

 BS EN ISO 10101-3-1994


 (Natural gas - Determination of water by the Karl Fischer method - Coulometric procedure)

 BS EN ISO 10111-2002


 (Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Measurement of mass per unit area - Review of gravimetric and chemical analysis methods)

 BS EN ISO 10133-2001


 (Small craft - Electrical systems - Extra-low-voltage d.c. installations)

 BS EN ISO 10139-2-2001


 (Dentistry - Soft lining materials for removable dentures - Materials for long-term use)

 BS EN ISO 10209-2-1996


 (Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Terms relating to projection methods)

 BS EN ISO 10211-1-1996


 (Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - General calculation methods)

 BS EN ISO 10211-2-2001


 (Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Linear thermal bridges)

 BS EN ISO 10239-2000


 (Small craft - Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) systems)

 BS EN ISO 10240-1996


 (Small craft - Owner’s manual)

 BS EN ISO 10240-2004



 BS EN ISO 10253-1998


 (Water quality - Marine algal growth inhibition test with Skeletonema costatum and Phaeodactylum tricornutum)

 BS EN ISO 10256-2003


 (Head and face protection for use in ice hockey)

 BS EN ISO 10271-2001


 (Dental metallic materials - Corrosion test methods)

 BS EN ISO 10273-2003


 (Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of presumptive pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica)

 BS EN ISO 10280-1991


 (Steel and iron - Determination of titanium content - Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method)

 BS EN ISO 10289-2001


 (Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates - Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests)

 BS EN ISO 10301-1997


 (Water quality - Determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons - Gas-chromatographic methods)

 BS EN ISO 10303-210-2002


 (Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Application protocol - Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging design)

 BS EN ISO 10304-1-1995


 (Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Determination of fluoride, chloride, nitrite, orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate and sulfate ions - Method for water)

 BS EN ISO 10304-2-1997


 (Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Determination of bromide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in waste water)

 BS EN ISO 10304-3-1997


 (Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Determination of chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate and thiosulfate)

 BS EN ISO 10304-4-2000


 (Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Determination of dissolved chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low contamination)

 BS EN ISO 10306-1995


 (Textiles - Cotton fibres - Evaluation of maturity by the air flow method)

 BS EN ISO 10308-1997


 (Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests)

 BS EN ISO 10318-2005



 BS EN ISO 10319-1996


 Geotextiles - Wide-width tensile test

 BS EN ISO 10320-1999


 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Identification on site

 BS EN ISO 10321-1996


 (Geotextiles - Tensile test for joints/seams by wide-width method)

 BS EN ISO 10322-1-1996


 (Ophthalmic optics - Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks - Specifications for single-vision and multifocal lens blanks)

 BS EN ISO 10322-2-1996


 (Ophthalmic optics - Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks - Specifications for progressive power lens blanks)

 BS EN ISO 10323-1996


 (Dental rotary instruments - Bore diameters for discs and wheels)

 BS EN ISO 10338-1998


 (Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of curvature)

 BS EN ISO 10340-1997


 (Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Method for determination of solvent extractable substances)

 BS EN ISO 10342-2003


 (Ophthalmic instruments - Eye refractometers)

 BS EN ISO 10344-1998


 (Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Saline solution for contact lens testing)

 BS EN ISO 10350-1-2001


 (Plastics - Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data - Moulding materials)

 BS EN ISO 10350-2-2001


 (Plastics - Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data - Long-fibre-reinforced plastic)

 BS EN ISO 10352-1997


 (Fibre-reinforced plastics - Moulding compounds and prepregs - Determination of mass per unit area)

 BS EN ISO 10360-1-2001


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - Vocabulary)

 BS EN ISO 10360-2-2002


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - CMMs used for measuring size)

 BS EN ISO 10360-3-2001


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - CMMs with the axis of the rotary table as the fourth axis)

 BS EN ISO 10360-4-2001


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - CMMs used in scanning measuring mode)

 BS EN ISO 10360-5-2001


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - CMMs using multiple stylus probing systems)

 BS EN ISO 10360-6-2002


 (Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) - Estimation of errors in computing Gaussian associated features)

 BS EN ISO 10363-1995


 Hot-melt adhesives - Determination of thermal stability

 BS EN ISO 10365-1995


 (Adhesives - Designation of main failure patterns)

 BS EN ISO 10366-1-2002


 (Plastics - Methyl methacrylate/acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (MABS) moulding and extrusion materials - Designation system and basis for specifications)

 BS EN ISO 10366-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10366-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10370-1996


 Petroleum products - Determination of carbon residue - Micro method

 BS EN ISO 10374-1995


 Freight containers - Automatic identification

 BS EN ISO 10380-2003


 (Pipework - Corrugated metal hoses and hose assemblies)

 BS EN ISO 10417-2004



 BS EN ISO 10418-2003


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Basic surface process safety systems)

 BS EN ISO 10423-2001


 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment

 BS EN ISO 10423-2004



 BS EN ISO 10423-2004



 BS EN ISO 10424-1-2004



 BS EN ISO 10426-1-2000


 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Cements and materials for well cementing - Specification

 BS EN ISO 10426-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10426-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10426-4-2005



 BS EN ISO 10427-1-2002


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Casing centralizers - Bow-spring casing centralizers)

 BS EN ISO 10427-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10427-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10427-2-2004



 BS EN ISO 10427-3-2004



 BS EN ISO 1043-1-2002


 (Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Basic polymers and their special characteristics)

 BS EN ISO 1043-3-1999


 (Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Plasticizers)

 BS EN ISO 1043-4-1999


 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Flame retardants

 BS EN ISO 10432-2000


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment)

 BS EN ISO 10434-2004



 BS EN ISO 10437-2003


 (Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Steam turbines - Special-purpose applications)

 BS EN ISO 10438-4-2004



 BS EN ISO 10438-4-2004



 BS EN ISO 10439-2002


 (Petroleum, chemical and gas service industries - Centrifugal compressors)

 BS EN ISO 10440-1-2001


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Rotary-type positive-displacement compressors - Process compressors (oil-free))

 BS EN ISO 10440-2-2002


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Rotary-type positive-displacement compressors - Packaged air compressors (oil-free))

 BS EN ISO 10441-1999


 (Petroleum and natural gas industries - Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission - Special purpose applications)

 BS EN ISO 10442-2003


 (Petroleum, chemical and gas service industries - Packaged, integrally geared centrifugal air compressors)

 BS EN ISO 10451-2002


 (Dental implant systems - Contents of technical file)

 BS EN ISO 10456-2000


 Building materials and products - Procedures for determining declared and design thermal values

 BS EN ISO 10472-1-1998


 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Common requirements

 BS EN ISO 10472-2-1998


 (Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Washing machines and washer-extractors)

 BS EN ISO 10472-3-1998


 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Washing tunnel lines including component machines

 BS EN ISO 10472-4-1998


 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Air dryers

 BS EN ISO 10472-5-1998


 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Flatwork ironers, feeders and folders

 BS EN ISO 10472-6-1998


 Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Ironing and fusing presses

 BS EN ISO 10477-2004



 BS EN ISO 10485-2004



 BS EN ISO 10497-2004



 BS EN ISO 10497-2004



 BS EN ISO 105-A01-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - General principles of testing)

 BS EN ISO 105-A04-1999


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Method for the instrumental assessment of the degree of staining of adjacent fabrics)

 BS EN ISO 105-A05-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Instrumental assessment of change of colour for determination of grey scale rating)

 BS EN ISO 105-A06-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of colour)

 BS EN ISO 105-B01-1999


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to light: Daylight)

 BS EN ISO 105-B02-1999


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test)

 BS EN ISO 105-B03-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to weathering - Outdoor exposure)

 BS EN ISO 105-B04-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to artificial weathering - Xenon arc fading lamp test)

 BS EN ISO 105-B05-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Detection and assessment of photochromism)

 BS EN ISO 105-B08-1999


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Quality control of blue wool reference materials 1 to 7)

 BS EN ISO 105-C06-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering)

 BS EN ISO 105-C07-2001


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to wet scrubbing of pigment dyed or pigment printed textiles)

 BS EN ISO 105-C08-2001


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering using a non-phosphate reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator)

 BS EN ISO 105-D01-1995


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to dry cleaning)

 BS EN ISO 105-D02-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to rubbing: Organic solvents)

 BS EN ISO 105-E01-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to water)

 BS EN ISO 105-E02-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to sea water)

 BS EN ISO 105-E03-1997


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming bath water))

 BS EN ISO 105-E04-1996


 (Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to perspiration)






……………… 14017
:EN 140200-1996+A1-2001
英文标准名称:Sectional specification: Fixed power resistors
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN EN 140200 (1997-05), EQV*DIN EN 140200 (2002-03), EQV*BS EN 140200 (1997-09-15), EQV*BS EN 140200 (1997-09-15), IDT*SN EN 140200 (1996), EQV*SN EN 140200/A1 (2001-08), EQV*OEVE EN 140200 (1997-06-03), IDT
被代替标准:CECC 40200 (1981)*prEN 140200 (1993-12)
……………… 14018
:EN 140400-1996+A1-2001
英文标准名称:Sectional specification: Fixed low power surface mounting (SMD) resistors
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN EN 140400 (1997-05), EQV*DIN EN 140400 (2002-03), EQV*BS EN 140400 (1997-08-15), EQV*BS EN 140400 (1997-08-15), IDT*SN EN 140400 (1996), EQV*SN EN 140400/A1 (2001-08), EQV*OEVE EN 140400 (1997-06-03), IDT
被代替标准:CECC 40400 (1989)*prEN 140400 (1995-08)
……………… 14019
:EN 140401-801-2002+A1-2003
中文标准名称:详细规范:低功率非线绕表面安装固定电阻器 矩形 稳定级0.1 0.25 0.5 1
英文标准名称:Detail specification: Fixed low power non wire-wound surface mounting (SMD) resistors; Rectangular; Stability classes 0,1; 0,25; 0,5; 1
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN EN 140401-801 (2002-12), EQV*DIN EN 140401-801 (2003-11), EQV*BS EN 140401-801 (2002-08-16), IDT*SN EN 140401-801 (2002-05), EQV*OEVE/OENORM EN 140401-801 (2003-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:CECC 40401-801 (1998-05)*prEN 140401-801 (2001-02)
……………… 14020
:EN 160000-1993+A1-1995
英文标准名称:Generic specification: modular electronic units
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN EN 160000 (1994-03), EQV*BS EN 160000 (1992-09-15), EQV*BS EN 160000 (1992-09-15), IDT
被代替标准:CECC 60000 (1992)*prEN 160000 (1992-07)
……………… 14021
:EN 169000-1992+A1-1998
英文标准名称:Generic specification: quartz crystal controlled oscillatores
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN EN 169000 (1993-06), EQV*BS EN 169000 (1993-08-15), EQV*BS EN 169000 (1993-08-15), IDT
被代替标准:CECC 69000 (1991)*prEN 169000 (1992-04)
……………… 14022
:EN ISO 294-1-1998+A1-2002
中文标准名称:塑料 热塑性材料试样的注模塑法 1部分:一般原则、多用途模塑件及条形试样
英文标准名称:Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials - Part 1: General principles, and moulding of multipurpose and bar test specimens (ISO 294-1:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 294-1 (1998-10), EQV*DIN EN ISO 294-1 (1998-02), EQV*BS EN ISO 294-1 (1997-05-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 294-1 (1997-05-15), IDT*NF T51-294-1 (1998-11-01), EQV*NF T51-294-1 (1998-11-01), IDT*ISO 294-1 (1996-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 294-1 (1999), EQV*OENORM
被代替标准:prEN ISO 294-1 (1997-10)
……………… 14023
:EN ISO 527-3-1995+AC-1998
中文标准名称:塑料 拉伸性能的测定 3部分:簿膜和簿板材的试验条件
英文标准名称:Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets (ISO 527-3:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 527-3 (1995-10), EQV*DIN EN ISO 527-3 (2003-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 527-3 (1996-01-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 527-3 (1996-01-15), IDT*NF T51-034-3 (1995-10-01), EQV*NF T51-034-3 (1995-10-01), IDT*ISO 527-3 (1995-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 527-3 (1996), EQV*SN EN I
被代替标准:prEN ISO 527-3 (1995-04)
……………… 14024
:EN ISO 1797-1-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:牙科旋转器械 1部分:金属柄
英文标准名称:Dental rotary instruments - Shanks - Part 1: Shanks made of metals (ISO 1797-1:1992)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 1797-1 (1995-04), EQV*DIN EN ISO 1797-1 (1999-08), EQV*BS EN ISO 1797-1 (1995-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 1797-1 (1995-08-15), IDT*NF S91-132 (1995-04-01), EQV*NF S91-132 (1995-04-01), IDT*ISO 1797-1 (1992-02), EQV*SN EN ISO 1797-1 (1995), EQV*OENOR
被代替标准:EN 21797 (1989-05)*prEN ISO 1797-1 (1994-11)
……………… 14025
:EN ISO 1872-1-1999+A1-2000
中文标准名称:塑料 聚乙烯(PE)模塑和挤塑材料 1部分:命名体系和基本规范
英文标准名称:Plastics - Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications (ISO 1872-1:1993)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 1872-1 (1999-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 1872-1 (1995-08-15), IDT*NF T50-006-1 (1999-10-01), EQV*NF T50-006-1 (1999-10-01), IDT*ISO 1872-1 (1993-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 1872-1 (1999-10), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 1872-1 (1999-10-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 1872-1 (1998-08)
……………… 14026
:EN ISO 1873-2-1997+A1-2000
中文标准名称:塑料 聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤塑材料 2部分:试样制备和性能测定
英文标准名称:Plastics - Polypropylene (PP) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO 1873-2:1997)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 1873-2 (1997-08), EQV*DIN EN ISO 1873-2 (2000-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 1873-2 (1997-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 1873-2 (1997-07-15), IDT*NF T50-002-2 (1997-06-01), EQV*NF T50-002-2 (1997-06-01), IDT*ISO 1873-2 (1997-04), EQV*SN EN ISO 1873-2 (1997), EQV*O
被代替标准:prEN ISO 1873-2 (1996-12)
……………… 14027
:EN ISO 2431-1996+AC-1999
中文标准名称:色漆和清漆 用流量杯测定流出时间
英文标准名称:Paints and varnishes - Determination of flow time by use of flow cups (ISO 2431:1993, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 2431 (1996-05), EQV*BS EN ISO 2431 (1996-11-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 2431 (1996-11-15), IDT*NF T30-070 (1996-06-01), EQV*NF T30-070 (1996-06-01), IDT*ISO 2431 (1993-02), EQV*ISO 2431 Technical Corrigendum 1 (1994-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 2431 (1996), EQV*
被代替标准:EN 535 (1991-08)*prEN 22431 (1990-12)*prEN ISO 2431 (1995-07)
……………… 14028
:EN ISO 2503-1998+AC-1998
中文标准名称:气焊设备 焊接、切割及相关工艺用300bar以下的气瓶调压器
英文标准名称:Gas welding equipment - Pressure regulators for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 300 bar (ISO 2503:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 2503 (1998-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 2503 (1998-06-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 2503 (1998-06-15), IDT*NF A84-431 (1999-03-01), EQV*NF A84-431 (1999-03-01), IDT*ISO 2503 (1998-04), EQV*SN EN ISO 2503 (1999-03), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 2503 (1998-11-01), IDT*OENORM E
被代替标准:EN 585 (1994-09)*prEN ISO 2503 (1997-11)
……………… 14029
:EN ISO 3452-3-1998+AC-2001
中文标准名称:无损探伤 渗透性探伤检验 3部分:基准试块
英文标准名称:Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 3: Reference test blocks (ISO 3452-3:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 3452-3 (1999-02), EQV*BS EN ISO 3452-3 (1999-03-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 3452-3 (1999-03-15), IDT*NF A09-120-3 (2001-02-01), IDT*ISO 3452-3 (1998-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 3452-3 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 3452-3 (1999-03-01), IDT*OENORM EN ISO 3452-3 (1998
被代替标准:prEN ISO 3452-3 (1997-12)
……………… 14030
:EN ISO 4080-1995+AC-1998
中文标准名称:橡胶与塑料软管和软管组件 漏气氯的测定
英文标准名称:Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Determination of permeability to gas (ISO 4080:1991)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 4080 (1995-04), EQV*BS EN ISO 4080 (1992-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 4080 (1992-07-15), IDT*NF T47-217 (1995-09-01), EQV*NF T47-217 (1995-09-01), IDT*ISO 4080 (1991-11), EQV*SN EN ISO 4080 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 4080 (1995-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 24080 (1993-10)
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:EN ISO 4824-1996+A1-2000
中文标准名称:牙科学 瓷牙
英文标准名称:Dentistry - Ceramic denture teeth (ISO 4824:1993)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 4824 (1996-08), EQV*DIN EN ISO 4824 (2000-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 4824 (1997-01-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 4824 (1997-01-15), IDT*NF S91-217 (1996-09-01), EQV*NF S91-217 (1996-09-01), IDT*ISO 4824 (1993-02), EQV*SN EN ISO 4824 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 482
被代替标准:prEN ISO 4824 (1995-09)*HD 24824 (1990-04)*HD 24824/AC 1 (1990-04)*HD 24824/AC 2 (1990-07)
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:EN ISO 6341-1996+AC-1998
中文标准名称:水质 对枝角目甲壳纲类水生升物活性的抑制影响测定
英文标准名称:Water quality - Determination of the inhibition of the mobility of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) - Acute toxicity test (ISO 6341:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6341 (1996-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 6341 (1996-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6341 (1996-08-15), IDT*NF T90-301 (1996-05-01), IDT*ISO 6341 (1996-04), EQV*SN EN ISO 6341 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 6341 (1996-06-01), IDT*OENORM EN ISO 6341/AC1 (1999-05-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 26341 (1993-12)
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:EN ISO 6871-1-1996+AC-1998
中文标准名称:牙科贱金属铸造合金 1部分:钴基合金
英文标准名称:Dental base metal casting alloys - Part 1: Cobalt-based alloys (ISO 6871-1:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6871-1 (1996-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 6871-1 (1997-04-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6871-1 (1997-04-15), IDT*NF S91-222-1 (1997-04-01), EQV*NF S91-222-1 (1997-04-01), IDT*ISO 6871-1 (1994-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 6871-1 (1997), EQV*SN EN ISO 6871-1 (1999-03), EQV*OE
被代替标准:EN 26871 (1990-02)*EN 26871/AC 1 (1990-04)*prEN ISO 6871-1 (1996-02)
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:EN ISO 6888-1-1999+A1-2003
中文标准名称:食品和动物饲料的微生物学 凝血酶阳性葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌及其它)计数的水平方法 1部分:Baird-Parke琼脂培养基技术
英文标准名称:Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium (ISO 6888-1:1999)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6888-1 (1999-05), EQV*DIN EN ISO 6888-1 (2003-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 6888-1 (1999-05-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6888-1 (1999-05-15), IDT*NF V08-014-1 (1999-10-01), EQV*NF V08-014-1 (1999-10-01), IDT*ISO 6888-1 (1999-02), EQV*SN EN ISO 6888-1 (1999-05), EQ
被代替标准:prEN ISO 6888-1 (1998-10)
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:EN ISO 6888-2-1999+A1-2003
中文标准名称:食品和动物饲料的微生物学 凝血酶阳性葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌及其它种)计数的水平方法 2部分:兔血浆纤维蛋白原琼脂培养基技术
英文标准名称:Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 2: Technique using rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar medium (ISO 6888-2:1999)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6888-2 (1999-05), EQV*DIN EN ISO 6888-2 (2003-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 6888-2 (1999-05-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6888-2 (1999-05-15), IDT*NF V08-014-2 (1999-10-01), NEQ*ISO 6888-2 (1999-02), EQV*SN EN ISO 6888-2 (1999-05), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 6888-2 (1999-05
被代替标准:prEN ISO 6888-2 (1998-10)
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:EN ISO 6945-1996+A1-2000
中文标准名称:橡胶软管 外覆层耐磨性的测定
英文标准名称:Rubber hoses - Determination of abrasion resistance of the outer cover (ISO 6945:1991)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6945 (1996-03), EQV*DIN EN ISO 6945 (2000-08), EQV*BS EN ISO 6945 (1996-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6945 (1996-07-15), IDT*NF T47-208 (1996-12-01), EQV*NF T47-208 (1996-12-01), IDT*ISO 6945 (1991-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 6945 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 694
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:EN ISO 6946-1996+A1-2003
中文标准名称:建筑部件与构件 热阻和传热系数 计算方法
英文标准名称:Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method (ISO 6946:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 6946 (1996-11), EQV*DIN EN ISO 6946 (2003-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 6946 (1997-01-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 6946 (1997-01-15), IDT*NF P50-731 (1996-11-01), EQV*NF P50-731 (1996-11-01), IDT*ISO 6946 (1996-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 6946 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 694
被代替标准:prEN ISO 6946-1 (1995-01)
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:EN ISO 7779-2001+A1-2003
中文标准名称:声学 信息技术和远程通讯设备发射的空气噪声的测量
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment (ISO 7779:1999)
国际标准分类号:17.140.20 35.020
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 7779 (2002-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 7779 (2001-10-25), IDT*NF S31-072 (2001-11-01), IDT*ISO 7779 (1999-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 7779 (2001-07), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 7779 (2001-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 27779 (1991-10)*prEN ISO 7779 (2000-09)
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:EN ISO 7840-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 耐火燃油软管
英文标准名称:Small craft - Fire resistant fuel hoses (ISO 7840:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 7840 (1995-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 7840 (1995-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 7840 (1995-08-15), IDT*NF J22-209 (1995-08-01), IDT*ISO 7840 (1994-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 7840 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 7840 (1995-07-01), IDT*OENORM EN ISO 7840/A1 (2000-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 27840 (1994-04)
……………… 14040
:EN ISO 7899-1-1998+AC-2000
中文标准名称:水质 地表水和废水中肠球菌的检测和计数 1部分:在液体介质中小型接种法(最大数目)
英文标准名称:Water quality - Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci in surface and waste water - Part 1: Miniaturized method (most probable number) by inoculation in liquid medium (ISO 7899-1:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 7899-1 (1999-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 7899-1 (1999-06-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 7899-1 (1999-06-15), IDT*NF T90-432 (1999-03-01), EQV*NF T90-432 (1999-03-01), IDT*ISO 7899-1 (1998-11), EQV*SN EN ISO 7899-1 (1999-04), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 7899-1 (2000-08-01),
被代替标准:prEN ISO 7899-1 (1998-07)
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:EN ISO 8373-1996+AC-1996
中文标准名称:操作型工业机器人 词汇
英文标准名称:Manipulating industrial robots - Vocabulary (ISO 8373:1994)
国际标准分类号:01.040.25 25.040.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8373 (1996-08), EQV*BS EN ISO 8373 (1996-11-15), EQV*NF E61-100 (1996-09-01), EQV*NF E61-100 (1996-09-01), IDT*ISO 8373 (1994-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 8373 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8373 (1996-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 8373 (1995-09)
……………… 14042
:EN ISO 8469-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 非耐火燃油软管
英文标准名称:Small craft - Non-fire resistant fuel hoses (ISO 8469:1994) / Note: To be replaced by prEN ISO 8469 (2003-09).
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8469 (1995-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 8469 (1995-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 8469 (1995-08-15), IDT*NF J95-029 (1995-08-01), EQV*NF J95-029 (1995-08-01), IDT*ISO 8469 (1994-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 8469 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8469 (1995-07-01), IDT*OENORM EN I
被代替标准:prEN 28469 (1994-04)
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:EN ISO 8536-3-1999+AC-1999
中文标准名称:医用输液器具 3部分:输液瓶铝盖
英文标准名称:Infusion equipment for medical use - Part 3: Aluminium caps for infusion bottles (ISO 8536-3:1992)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN ISO 8536-3 (1999-08-15), IDT*NF S93-122 (1999-11-01), EQV*NF S93-122 (1999-11-01), IDT*ISO 8536-3 (1999-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 8536-3 (1999-12), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8536-3 (2000-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 8536-3 (1998-10)
……………… 14044
:EN ISO 8537-1994+A1-2000
英文标准名称:Sterile single use syringes, with or without needle, for insulin (ISO 8537:1991)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8537 (1994-09), EQV*DIN EN ISO 8537 (2001-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 8537 (1992-02-28), EQV*BS EN ISO 8537 (1992-02-28), IDT*NF S93-005 (1994-10-01), EQV*NF S93-005 (1994-10-01), IDT*ISO 8537 (1991-05), EQV*SN EN ISO 8537 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 853
被代替标准:prEN 28537 (1994-03)
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:EN ISO 8665-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 船用主机和系统 功率测定及报告书
英文标准名称:Small craft - Marine propulsion engines and systems - Power measurements and declarations (ISO 8665:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8665 (1995-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 8665 (1996-03-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 8665 (1996-03-15), IDT*NF J60-010 (1996-03-01), EQV*NF J60-010 (1996-03-01), IDT*ISO 8665 (1994-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 8665 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8665 (1995-12-01), IDT*OENORM EN I
被代替标准:prEN ISO 8665 (1994-12)
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:EN ISO 8861-1998+AC-1998
中文标准名称:造船 柴油机船舶机舱通风 设计要求和计算基准
英文标准名称:Shipbuilding - Engine-room ventilation in diesel-engined ships - Design requirements and basis of calculations (ISO 8861:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8861 (1998-10), EQV*DIN EN ISO 8861 (1998-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 8861 (1998-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 8861 (1998-07-15), IDT*NF J31-155 (2002-10-01), IDT*ISO 8861 (1998-05), EQV*SN EN ISO 8861 (1999-03), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8861 (1998-08-01), IDT*OENORM
被代替标准:prEN ISO 8861 (1997-10)
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:EN ISO 8871-1997+A1-1999
英文标准名称:Elastomeric parts for aqueous parenteral preparations (ISO 8871:1990) / Note: To be replaced by prEN ISO 8871-3 (2003-08).
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN ISO 8871 (1990-11), EQV*BS EN ISO 8871 (1997-12-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 8871 (1997-12-15), IDT*NF S93-102 (1997-12-01), EQV*NF S93-102 (1997-12-01), IDT*ISO 8871 (1990-08), EQV*SNV NF EN ISO 8871 (1997-12), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 8871 (1998-06-01), IDT*OENORM
被代替标准:EN 28871 (1993-04)*prEN 28871 (1994-01)
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:EN ISO 8986-2-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:塑料 聚丁烯模塑和挤塑材料 2部分:试样的制备和特性的测定
英文标准名称:Plastics - Polybutene (PB) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties (ISO 8986-2:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 8986-2 (1995-11), EQV*DIN EN ISO 8986-2 (2000-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 8986-2 (1996-01-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 8986-2 (1996-01-15), IDT*NF T50-007-2 (1995-11-01), EQV*NF T50-007-2 (1995-11-01), IDT*ISO 8986-2 (1995-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 8986-2 (1996), EQV*O
被代替标准:prEN ISO 8986-2 (1995-04)
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:EN ISO 9097-1994+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 电风扇
英文标准名称:Small craft - Electric fans (ISO 9097:1991)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9097 (1995-02), EQV*BS EN ISO 9097 (1995-06-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9097 (1995-06-15), IDT*NF J95-021 (1995-03-01), EQV*NF J95-021 (1995-03-01), IDT*ISO 9097 (1991-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 9097 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9097 (1995-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 29097 (1994-04)
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:EN ISO 9187-2-1999+A1-1999
中文标准名称:医用注射器具 2部分:色点刻安瓿
英文标准名称:Injection equipment for medical use - Part 2: One-point-cut (OPC) ampoules (ISO 9187-2:1993)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:BS EN ISO 9187-2 (1999-08-15), IDT*NF S93-131 (1999-12-01), IDT*ISO 9187-2 (1993-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 9187-2 (1999-12), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9187-2 (2000-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9187-2 (1998-09)
……………… 14051
:EN ISO 9241-1-1997+A1-2001
中文标准名称:办公用视觉显示终端(VDTs)的人类工效学要求 1部分:概述
英文标准名称:Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 1: General introduction (ISO 9241-1:1997)
国际标准分类号:13.180 35.080 35.180
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9241-1 (1997-09), EQV*DIN EN ISO 9241-1 (2002-02), EQV*BS EN ISO 9241-1 (1997-09-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9241-1 (1997-09-15), IDT*NF X35-122-1 (1997-08-01), EQV*NF X35-122-1 (1997-08-01), IDT*ISO 9241-1 (1997-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 9241-1 (1998), EQV
被代替标准:EN 29241-1 (1993-04)*prEN ISO 9241-1 (1997-01)
……………… 14052
:EN ISO 9241-4-1998+AC-2002
中文标准名称:办公用视觉显示终端(VDTs)的人类工效学要求 4部分:键盘要求
英文标准名称:Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 4: Keyboard requirements (ISO 9241-4:1998)
国际标准分类号:13.180 35.180
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9241-4 (1999-01), EQV*BS EN ISO 9241-4 (1998-10-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9241-4 (1998-10-15), IDT*NF X35-122-4 (1998-11-01), EQV*NF X35-122-4 (1998-11-01), IDT*ISO 9241-4 (1998-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 9241-4 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9241-4 (1999-01-01),
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9241-4 (1998-02)
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:EN ISO 9308-3-1998+AC-2000
中文标准名称:水质 地表水和废水中大肠杆菌和大肠杆菌类的检测和计数 3部分:液体介质中的小型接种方法(最大数目)
英文标准名称:Water quality - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria in surface and waste water - Part 3: Miniaturized method (most probable number) by inoculation in liquid medium (ISO 9308-3:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9308-3 (1999-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 9308-3 (1999-06-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9308-3 (1999-06-15), IDT*NF T90-433 (1999-03-01), EQV*NF T90-433 (1999-03-01), IDT*ISO 9308-3 (1998-11), EQV*SN EN ISO 9308-3 (1999-04), EQV*SN EN ISO 9308-3/AC (2000-07), IDT*
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9308-3 (1998-07)
……………… 14054
:EN ISO 9339-2-1998+AC-2000
中文标准名称:光学和光学仪器 隐形眼镜 厚度测定 2部分 :水凝胶隐形眼镜
英文标准名称:Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of thickness - Part 2: Hydrogel contact lenses (ISO 9339-2:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9339-2 (1998-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 9339-2 (1998-12-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9339-2 (1998-12-15), IDT*NF S11-684-2 (1999-01-01), EQV*NF S11-684-2 (1999-01-01), IDT*ISO 9339-2 (1998-10), EQV*SN EN ISO 9339-2 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9339-2 (1999-02-01),
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9339-2 (1998-06)
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:EN ISO 9409-1-1996+AC-1998
中文标准名称:操作型工业机器人 机械接口 1部分:圆型(A)
英文标准名称:Manipulating industrial robots - Mechanical interfaces - Part 1: Plates (form A) (ISO 9409-1:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9409-1 (1997-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 9409-1 (1997-06-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9409-1 (1997-06-15), IDT*NF E61-131 (1997-03-01), EQV*NF E61-131 (1997-03-01), IDT*ISO 9409-1 (1996-01), EQV*SN EN ISO 9409-1 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9409-1 (1997-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 29409-1 (1992-05)*prEN ISO 9409-1 (1996-04)
……………… 14056
:EN ISO 9626-1995+A1-2002
英文标准名称:Stainless steel needle tubing for the manufacture of medical devices (ISO 9626:1991)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9626 (1995-06), EQV*DIN EN ISO 9626 (2002-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 9626 (1991-12-20), EQV*BS EN ISO 9626 (1991-12-20), IDT*NF S93-004 (1995-06-01), EQV*NF S93-004 (1995-06-01), IDT*ISO 9626 (1991-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 9626 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 962
……………… 14057
:EN ISO 9773-1998+A1-2003
中文标准名称:塑料 立式软薄试样与小火焰源接触的燃烧性能测定
英文标准名称:Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source (ISO 9773:1998) / Note: To be amended by EN ISO 9773/prA1 (2003-04).
国际标准分类号:13.220.40 83.080.01
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9773 (1998-05), EQV*BS EN ISO 9773 (1999-03-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 9773 (1999-03-15), IDT*NF T51-076 (1998-05-01), EQV*NF T51-076 (1998-05-01), IDT*ISO 9773 (1998-03), EQV*SN EN ISO 9773 (1998), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9773 (1998-08-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9773 (1997-10)
……………… 14058
:EN ISO 9873-2000+AC-2000
中文标准名称:牙科手持器械 可重复使用的镜子和手柄
英文标准名称:Dental hand instruments - Reusable mirrors and handles (ISO 9873:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9873 (2000-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 9873 (2000-07-15), IDT*NF S91-136 (2000-12-01), IDT*ISO 9873 (1998-11), EQV*SN EN ISO 9873 (2000-06), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9873 (2000-09-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 29873 (1994-01)*prEN ISO 9873 (1999-07)
……………… 14059
:EN ISO 9913-2-2000+AC-2000
中文标准名称:光学和光学仪器 接触镜 2部分:用库仑法对氧渗透性和可透性的测定
英文标准名称:Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Part 2: Determination of oxygen permeability and transmissibility by the coulometric method (ISO 9913-2:2000)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 9913-2 (2000-04), EQV*BS EN ISO 9913-2 (2000-05-15), IDT*NF S11-688-2 (2000-04-01), EQV*NF S11-688-2 (2000-04-01), IDT*ISO 9913-2 (2000-02), EQV*SN EN ISO 9913-2 (2000-07), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 9913-2 (2000-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 9913-2 (1999-10)*prEN ISO 9913-2 (1999-10)
……………… 14060
:EN ISO 10087-1996+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 船身标志 编码系统
英文标准名称:Small craft - Hull identification - Coding system (ISO 10087:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10087 (1996-05), EQV*BS EN ISO 10087 (1996-05-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10087 (1996-05-15), IDT*NF J95-026 (1996-05-01), EQV*NF J95-026 (1996-05-01), IDT*ISO 10087 (1995-05), EQV*SN EN ISO 10087 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10087 (1996-03-01), IDT*OENOR
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10087 (1995-07)
……………… 14061
:EN ISO 10211-1-1995+AC-2002
中文标准名称:建筑结构热桥 热流和表面温度 1部分:一般计算方法
英文标准名称:Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 1: General calculation methods (ISO 10211-1-1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10211-1 (1995-11), EQV*BS EN ISO 10211-1 (1996-03-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10211-1 (1996-03-15), IDT*NF P50-732-1 (1995-11-01), EQV*NF P50-732-1 (1995-11-01), IDT*ISO 10211-1 (1995-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 10211-1 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10211-1 (1996-0
被代替标准:prEN 30211 (1992-09)*prEN 32573 (1992-09)*prEN ISO 10211-1 (1994-12)
……………… 14062
:EN ISO 10426-1-2000+A1-2002
中文标准名称:石油和天然气工业 油井固井用水泥和材料 1部分:规范
英文标准名称:Petroleum and natural gas industries - Cements and materials for well cementing - Part 1: Specification (ISO 10426-1:2000)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10426-1 (2002-05), EQV*BS EN ISO 10426-1 (2000-08-15), IDT*NF M87-301-1 (2001-12-01), IDT*ISO 10426-1 (2000-03), EQV*SN EN ISO 10426-1 (2000-03), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10426-1 (2002-03-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10426-1 (1999-10)
……………… 14063
:EN ISO 10545-7-1998+AC-1999
中文标准名称:陶瓷砖 7部分:有釉砖釉面耐磨性的测试方法
英文标准名称:Ceramic tiles - Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles (ISO 10545-7:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10545-7 (1999-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 10545-7 (1999-04-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10545-7 (1999-04-15), IDT*NF P61-545 (1999-06-01), EQV*NF P61-545 (1999-06-01), IDT*ISO 10545-7 (1996-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 10545-7 (1999-07), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10545-7 (1999-05
被代替标准:EN 154 (1991-07)*prEN ISO 10545-7 (1998-04)
……………… 14064
:EN ISO 10555-1-1996+A1-1999
中文标准名称:一次性使用无菌血管内导管 1部分:一般要求
英文标准名称:Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 10555-1:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10555-1 (1996-11), EQV*DIN EN ISO 10555-1 (1999-11), EQV*BS EN ISO 10555-1 (1997-01-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10555-1 (1997-01-15), IDT*NF S93-031-1 (1997-01-01), EQV*NF S93-031-1 (1997-01-01), IDT*ISO 10555-1 (1995-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 10555-1 (1997),
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10555-1 (1995-11)
……………… 14065
:EN ISO 10555-5-1997+A1-1999
中文标准名称:一次性使用无菌血管内导管 5部分:弯针外周导管
英文标准名称:Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 5: Over-needle peripheral catheters (ISO 10555-5:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10555-5 (1997-11), EQV*DIN EN ISO 10555-5 (2000-12), EQV*BS EN ISO 10555-5 (1997-09-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10555-5 (1997-09-15), IDT*NF S93-031-5 (1997-12-01), IDT*ISO 10555-5 (1996-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 10555-5 (1998-03), EQV*SN EN ISO 10555-5/A1 (2
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10555-5 (1996-10)
……………… 14066
:EN ISO 10592-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 液压操舵系统
英文标准名称:Small craft - Hydraulic steering systems (ISO 10592:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10592 (1995-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 10592 (1995-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10592 (1995-08-15), IDT*NF J95-027 (1995-07-01), EQV*NF J95-027 (1995-07-01), IDT*ISO 10592 (1994-10), EQV*SN EN ISO 10592 (1995), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10592 (1995-07-01), IDT*OENOR
被代替标准:prEN 30592 (1994-08)
……………… 14067
:EN ISO 10939-1998+AC-2000
中文标准名称:眼科仪器 狭缝灯显微镜
英文标准名称:Ophthalmic instruments - Slit-lamp microscopes (ISO 10939:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10939 (1998-08), EQV*BS EN ISO 10939 (1998-10-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10939 (1998-10-15), IDT*NF S12-123 (1998-11-01), EQV*NF S12-123 (1998-11-01), IDT*ISO 10939 (1998-07), EQV*SN EN ISO 10939 (1998), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10939 (1999-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10939 (1997-11)
……………… 14068
:EN ISO 10942-1998+A1-1998
中文标准名称:眼科仪器 直接检眼镜
英文标准名称:Ophthalmic instruments - Direct ophthalmoscopes (ISO 10942:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 10942 (1998-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 10942 (1998-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 10942 (1998-07-15), IDT*NF S12-160 (1998-09-01), EQV*NF S12-160 (1998-09-01), IDT*ISO 10942 (1998-05), EQV*SN EN ISO 10942 (1998), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 10942 (1998-10-01), IDT*OENOR
被代替标准:prEN ISO 10942 (1997-11)
……………… 14069
:EN ISO 11114-1-1997+AC-1998
中文标准名称:可运输气瓶 气瓶和瓶阀材料与盛装气体的兼容性 1部分:金属材料
英文标准名称:Transportable gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents - Part 1: Metallic materials (ISO 11114-1:1997)
国际标准分类号:23.020.30 23.060.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11114-1 (1998-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 11114-1 (1998-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11114-1 (1998-07-15), IDT*NF E29-648-1 (1998-07-01), EQV*NF E29-648-1 (1998-07-01), IDT*ISO 11114-1 (1997-10), EQV*SN EN ISO 11114-1 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11114-1 (1998-0
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11114-1 (1997-06)
……………… 14070
:EN ISO 11200-1995+AC-1997
中文标准名称:声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其它指定位置发射声压级的测量的基本标准的使用导则
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions (ISO 11200:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11200 (1996-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 11200 (1996-10-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11200 (1996-10-15), IDT*NF S31-500 (1997-06-01), EQV*NF S31-500 (1997-06-01), IDT*ISO 11200 (1995-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 11200 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11200 (1996-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11200 (1995-08)
……………… 14071
:EN ISO 11201-1995+AC-1997
中文标准名称:声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其它指定位置发射声压级的测量 一个反射面上方近似自由场的工程法
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions - Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 11201:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11201 (1996-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 11201 (1996-11-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11201 (1996-11-15), IDT*NF S31-501 (1996-06-01), EQV*NF S31-501 (1996-06-01), IDT*ISO 11201 (1995-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 11201 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11201 (1996-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11201 (1995-08)
……………… 14072
:EN ISO 11202-1995+AC-1997
中文标准名称:声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其它指定位置发射声压级的测量 现场简易法
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions - Survey method in situ (ISO 11202:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11202 (1996-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 11202 (1996-11-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11202 (1996-11-15), IDT*NF S31-502 (1997-06-01), EQV*NF S31-502 (1997-06-01), IDT*ISO 11202 (1995-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 11202 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11202 (1996-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11202 (1995-08)
……………… 14073
:EN ISO 11204-1995+AC-1997
中文标准名称:声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其它指定位置发射声压级的测量 要求作环境校准的方法
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Measurement of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions - Method requiring environmental corrections (ISO 11204:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11204 (1996-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 11204 (1996-11-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11204 (1996-11-15), IDT*NF S31-504 (1996-06-01), EQV*NF S31-504 (1996-06-01), IDT*ISO 11204 (1995-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 11204 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11204 (1996-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11204 (1995-08)
……………… 14074
:EN ISO 11547-1995+A1-2000
中文标准名称:小艇 起动投入运行保护
英文标准名称:Small craft - Start-in-gear protection (ISO 11547:1994)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11547 (1995-11), EQV*BS EN ISO 11547 (1996-02-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11547 (1996-02-15), IDT*NF J95-030 (1995-12-01), EQV*NF J95-030 (1995-12-01), IDT*ISO 11547 (1994-10), EQV*SN EN ISO 11547 (1996), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11547 (1995-12-01), IDT*OENOR
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11547 (1995-05)
……………… 14075
:EN ISO 11688-1-1998+AC-1998
中文标准名称:声学 低噪声机器和设备设计的推荐实用规程 1部分:计划
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995)
国际标准分类号:17.140.20 21.020
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11688-1 (1998-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 11688-1 (1998-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 11688-1 (1998-08-15), IDT*NF S31-510-1 (1998-12-01), EQV*NF S31-510-1 (1998-12-01), IDT*ISO/TR 11688-1 (1995-03), EQV*SN EN ISO 11688-1 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 11688-1 (199
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11688-1 (1997-04)
……………… 14076
:EN ISO 11758-1997+AC-1998
中文标准名称:橡胶和塑料软管 氙弧灯照射 颜色和外观变化的测定
英文标准名称:Rubber and plastics hoses - Exposure to a xenon arc lamp - Determination of changes in colour and appearance (ISO 11758:1995)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 11758 (1997-10), EQV*BS EN ISO 11758 (1996-03-15), IDT*BS EN ISO 11758 (1996-03-15), EQV*NF T47-210 (1998-12-01), EQV*NF T47-210 (1998-12-01), IDT*ISO 11758 (1995-08), EQV*SN EN ISO 11758 (1998), EQV*SN EN ISO 11758 (1998-12), EQV*OENORM EN IS
被代替标准:prEN ISO 11758 (1996-09)
……………… 14077
:EN ISO 12001-1996+AC-1997
中文标准名称:声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 噪声试验规程的介绍和起草规则
英文标准名称:Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code (ISO 12001:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 12001 (1997-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 12001 (1997-08-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 12001 (1997-08-15), IDT*NF S31-400 (1997-02-01), EQV*NF S31-400 (1997-02-01), IDT*ISO 12001 (1996-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 12001 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 12001 (1997-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN 32001 (1993-02)*prEN ISO 12001 (1996-05)
……………… 14078
:EN ISO 12866-1999+AC-2000
中文标准名称:眼科仪器 视野镜
英文标准名称:Ophthalmic instruments - Perimeters (ISO 12866:1999)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 12866 (2000-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 12866 (1999-09-15), IDT*NF S12-127 (1999-10-01), EQV*NF S12-127 (1999-10-01), IDT*ISO 12866 (1999-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 12866 (1999-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 12866 (2000-03), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 12866 (1999-09-01), IDT*OENOR
被代替标准:prEN ISO 12866 (1999-01)
……………… 14079
:EN ISO 13341-1997+AC-1998
中文标准名称:可运输气瓶 气瓶阀的装配
英文标准名称:Transportable gas cylinders - Fitting of valves to gas cylinders (ISO 13341:1997)
国际标准分类号:23.020.30 23.060.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 13341 (1998-06), EQV*BS EN ISO 13341 (1998-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 13341 (1998-07-15), IDT*NF E29-670 (1998-03-01), EQV*NF E29-670 (1998-03-01), IDT*ISO 13341 (1997-10), EQV*SN EN ISO 13341 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 13341 (1998-02-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 13341 (1997-06)
……………… 14080
:EN ISO 13397-2-1996+AC-1998
中文标准名称:牙周 刮匙、牙刮器和牙挖器 2部分:牙周 刮匙 Gr
英文标准名称:Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 2: Periodontal curettes - Gr-type (ISO 13397-2:1996)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 13397-2 (1996-11), EQV*BS EN ISO 13397-2 (1997-04-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 13397-2 (1997-04-15), IDT*NF S91-138 (1997-01-01), EQV*NF S91-138 (1997-01-01), IDT*ISO 13397-2 (1996-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 13397-2 (1997), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 13397-2 (1997-02-01
被代替标准:prEN ISO 13397-2 (1996-02)
……………… 14081
:EN ISO 14460-1999+A1-2002+AC-1999
中文标准名称:赛车驾驶员的防护服 对热和火焰的防护 性能要求和试验方法
英文标准名称:Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers - Protection against heat and flame - Performance requirements and test methods (ISO 14460:1999)
国际标准分类号:13.340.10 13.340.40
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 14460 (1999-07), EQV*DIN EN ISO 14460 (2002-07), EQV*BS EN ISO 14460 (1999-07-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 14460 (1999-07-15), IDT*NF S74-542 (1999-09-01), EQV*NF S74-542 (1999-09-01), IDT*ISO 14460 (1999-04), EQV*SN EN ISO 14460 (1999-09), EQV*OENORM E
被代替标准:prEN ISO 14460 (1998-11)
……………… 14082
:EN ISO 14683-1999+AC-1999
中文标准名称:建筑结构热桥 线性传热系数 简易法及默认值
英文标准名称:Thermal bridges in building construction - Linear thermal transmittance - Simplified methods and default values (ISO 14683:1999)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 14683 (1999-09), EQV*BS EN ISO 14683 (1999-08-15), IDT*NF P50-746 (2000-06-01), IDT*ISO 14683 (1999-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 14683 (1999-11), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 14683 (2000-01-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 14683 (1998-11)
……………… 14083
:EN ISO 14727-1998+AC-1998
中文标准名称:牙科植入物 与牙科植入体上部构成相连接的预制件 技术文件内容
英文标准名称:Dental implants - Prefabricated parts connecting suprastructures to dental implants - Contents of technical file (ISO/FDIS 14727:1998)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 14727 (1999-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 14727 (1999-03-15), EQV*BS EN ISO 14727 (1999-03-15), IDT*NF S91-158 (1999-02-01), EQV*NF S91-158 (1999-02-01), IDT*ISO/FDIS 14727 (1998-06), EQV*SN EN ISO 14727 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 14727 (1999-02-01), IDT*
被代替标准:prEN ISO 14727 (1998-06)
……………… 14084
:EN ISO 14730-2000+AC-2001
中文标准名称:眼科光学 接触镜保护产品 抗菌防护效能试验和测定报废日期指南
英文标准名称:Ophthalmic optics - Contact lens care products - Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and guidance on determining discard dating (ISO 14730:2000)
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 14730 (2001-08), EQV*BS EN ISO 14730 (2000-11-15), IDT*NF S11-811 (2000-11-01), IDT*ISO 14730 (2000-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 14730 (2001-06), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 14730 (2001-07-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 14730 (2000-05)
……………… 14085
:EN ISO 14971-2000+A1-2003
中文标准名称:医疗器械 对医疗器械风险管理的应用
英文标准名称:Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices (ISO 14971:2000)
国际标准分类号:11.040.01 11.120.01
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 14971 (2001-03), EQV*BS EN ISO 14971 (2001-03-15), IDT*NF S99-211 (2001-05-01), IDT*ISO 14971 (2000-12), EQV*SN EN ISO 14971 (2001-02), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 14971 (2001-04-01), IDT
被代替标准:EN 1441 (1997-10)*prEN ISO 14971 (2000-08)
……………… 14086
:EN ISO 15253-2000+AC-2001
中文标准名称:眼科光学和仪器 提高弱视力的光学装置
英文标准名称:Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Optical devices for enhancing low vision (ISO 15253:2000)
国际标准分类号:01.040.11 11.040.70 11.180.30
发布单位:CEN Europaisches Komitee fur Normung*CEN European
采用关系:DIN EN ISO 15253 (2001-01), EQV*BS EN ISO 15253 (2000-11-15), IDT*NF S12-200 (2000-11-01), IDT*ISO 15253 (2000-09), EQV*SN EN ISO 15253 (2000-11), EQV*OENORM EN ISO 15253 (2000-12-01), IDT
被代替标准:prEN ISO 15253 (2000-05)
……………… 14087
:HD 21.3 S3-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 3部分:固定布线用非铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring (IEC 60227-3:1993, modified)
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-3 (1995-12), EQV*NF C32-201-3 (1998-10-01), IDT*IEC 60227-3 (1993-02), NEQ*SN HD 21.3 S3 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 21.3 S2 (1990-12)*prHD 21.3 S3 (1994-03)
……………… 14088
:HD 21.5 S3-1994+A1-1999+A2-2001
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 5部分:软电缆(软线)
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V; part 5: flexible cables (cords) (IEC 60227-5:1979, modified)
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-5 (1995-07), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-5 (2001-01), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-5 (2002-09), EQV*NF C32-201-5 (1998-10-01), EQV*NF C32-201-5 (1998-10-01), IDT*IEC 60227-5 (1979), NEQ*SN HD 21.5 S3 (1994), EQV
被代替标准:HD 21.5 S2 (1990-12)*HD 21.5 S2/A4 (1991-04)*prHD 21.5 S3 (1993-03)
……………… 14089
:HD 21.7 S2-1996+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 7部分:温度达90摄氏度的导体内部配线用单芯非铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 7: Single core non-sheathed cables for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90℃
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-7 (1996-10), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-7 (2001-01), EQV*NF C32-201-7 (1998-10-01), EQV*NF C32-201-7 (1998-10-01), IDT*SN HD 21.7 S2 (1996), EQV*OEVE K 41-7 (1998-03), EQV
被代替标准:HD 21.7 S1 (1990-02)*HD 21.7 S1/A1 (1992-04)*HD 21.7 S1/A2 (1993-08)*prHD 21.7 S2 (1995-05)
……………… 14090
:HD 21.9 S2-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 9部分:低温安装用单芯非铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 9: Single core non-sheated cable for installation at low temperatures
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-9 (1995-12), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-9 (2001-01), EQV*NF C32-201-9 (1998-10-01), EQV*NF C32-201-9 (1998-10-01), IDT*SN HD 21.9 S2 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 21.9 S1 (1990-12)*prHD 21.9 S2 (1994-03)
……………… 14091
:HD 21.11 S1-1995+A1-2001
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 11部分:光源电缆
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 11: Cables for luminaires
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-11 (1996-05), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-11 (2003-02), EQV*NF C32-201-11 (1999-09-01), EQV*NF C32-201-11 (1999-09-01), IDT*SN HD 21.11 S1 (1995), EQV*OEVE K 41-11 (1998-06), IDT
被代替标准:prHD 21.11 S1 (1994-09)
……………… 14092
:HD 21.12 S1-1994+A1-2001
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 12部分:耐热软电缆(软线)
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 12: Heat-resistant flexible cables (cords)
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-12 (1995-10), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-12 (2003-02), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-201-12 (1999-09-01), EQV*NF C32-201-12 (1999-09-01), IDT*SN HD 21.12 S1 (1994), EQV*OEVE K 41-12 (1996-11), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 21.12 S1 (1994-01)
……………… 14093
:HD 21.13 S1-1995+A1-2001
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆 13部分:2个或更多导体的耐油聚氯乙烯铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V - Part 13: Oil resistant PVC sheated cables with two or more conductors
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0281-13 (1996-05), EQV*DIN VDE 0281-13 (2003-02), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-201-13 (1999-09-01), EQV*NF C32-201-13 (1999-09-01), IDT*SN HD 21.13 S1 (1995), EQV*OEVE K 41-13 (1996-11), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 21.13 S1 (1994-09)
……………… 14094
:HD 22.3 S3-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 3部分:耐热硅树脂橡胶绝缘电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 3: Heat resistant silicone rubber insulated cables (IEC 60245-3:1980, modified) / Note: To be replaced by prHD 22.3 S4 (2003-05).
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-3 (1996-05), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-3 (2000-07), EQV*BS 6007 (2000-10-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-3 (1999-06-01), EQV*NF C32-102-3 (1999-06-01), IDT*IEC 60245-3 (1980), NEQ*SN HD 22.3 S3 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.3 S2 (1992-05)*prHD 22.3 S3 (1994-09)
……………… 14095
:HD 22.4 S3-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 4部分:软线和软电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: Cords and flexible cables (IEC 60245-4:1994, modified) / Note: To be replaced by prHD 22.4 S4 (2003-05).
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-4 (1995-12), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-4 (2000-07), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-4 (2003-10), EQV*NF C32-102-4 (1999-06-01), EQV*NF C32-102-4 (1999-06-01), IDT*IEC 60245-4 (1994-06), NEQ*SN HD 22.4 S3 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.4 S2 (1992-05)*HD 22.4 S2/A6 (1992-05)*prHD 22.4 S3 (1994-03)
……………… 14096
:HD 22.6 S2-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 6部分:弧焊电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 6: Arc welding cables / Note: To be amended by HD 22.6 S2/prA2 (2003-05).
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-6 (1996-03), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-6 (2000-07), EQV*NF C32-102-6 (1999-06-01), EQV*NF C32-102-6 (1999-06-01), IDT*SN HD 22.6 S2 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.6 S1 (1990-06)*HD 22.6 S1/A1 (1992-04)*prHD 22.6 S2 (1994-09)
……………… 14097
:HD 22.7 S2-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 7部分:温度达110°C的导体内部配线用耐增温电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 7: Cables with increased heat resistance for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 110℃ / Note: To be amended by HD 22.7 S2/prA2 (2003-05).
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-7 (1996-07), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-7 (2000-07), EQV*BS 6007 (2000-10-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-7 (1999-06-01), EQV*NF C32-102-7 (1999-06-01), IDT*SN HD 22.7 S2 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.7 S1 (1992-07)*prHD 22.7 S2 (1994-09)
……………… 14098
:HD 22.8 S2-1994+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 8部分:装饰链用聚氯丁烯或相同的合成橡胶铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 8: Polychloroprene or equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed cable for decorative chains / Note: To be amended by HD 22.8 S2/prA2 (2003-05).
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-8 (1995-10), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-8 (2000-07), EQV*NF C32-102-8 (1999-07-01), EQV*NF C32-102-8 (1999-07-01), IDT*SN HD 22.8 S2 (1994), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.8 S1 (1992-05)*HD 22.8 S1/A2 (1992-05)*prHD 22.8 S2 (1993-11)
……………… 14099
:HD 22.9 S2-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 9部分:烟雾和腐蚀性气体低排放的固定配线用单芯非铠装电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 9: Single core non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-9 (1996-03), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-9 (2000-07), EQV*NF C32-102-9 (1999-08-01), EQV*NF C32-102-9 (1999-08-01), IDT*SN HD 22.9 S2 (1995), EQV
被代替标准:HD 22.9 S1 (1992-11)*prHD 22.9 S2 (1994-09)
……………… 14100
:HD 22.10 S1-1994+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 10部分:EPR绝缘和聚亚安脂铠装软电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 10: EPR insulated and polyurethane sheathed flexible cable
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-10 (1995-11), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-10 (2000-07), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-10 (1999-08-01), EQV*NF C32-102-10 (1999-08-01), IDT*SN HD 22.10 S1 (1994), EQV*OEVE K 40-10 (1994-11), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 22.10 S1 (1993-12)
……………… 14101
:HD 22.11 S1-1995+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 11部分:EVA软线和软电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 11: EVA cords and flexible cables
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-11 (1995-11), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-11 (2000-07), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-11 (1999-02-01), EQV*NF C32-102-11 (1999-02-01), IDT*SN HD 22.11 S1 (1995), EQV*OEVE K 40-11 (1996-11), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 22.11 S1 (1994-08)
……………… 14102
:HD 22.12 S1-1996+A1-1999
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 12部分:耐热EPR软线和软电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 12: Heat resistant EPR cords and flexible cables
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-12 (1997-04), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-12 (2000-07), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-12 (1999-02-01), EQV*NF C32-102-12 (1999-02-01), IDT*SN HD 22.12 S1 (1996), EQV*OEVE K 40-12 (1998-03), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 22.12 S1 (1995-06)
……………… 14103
:HD 22.13 S1-1996+A1-2000
中文标准名称:额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆 13部分:烟雾和腐蚀性气体低排放的绝缘和交联聚合物单芯和多芯软电缆
英文标准名称:Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 13: Single and multicore flexible cables, insulated and sheathed with crosslinked polymer and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0282-13 (1996-12), EQV*DIN VDE 0282-13 (2000-12), EQV*BS 7919 (2001-02-15), NEQ*NF C32-102-13 (1999-02-01), EQV*NF C32-102-13 (1999-02-01), IDT*SN HD 22.13 S1 (1996), EQV*OEVE K 40-13 (1996-11), EQV
被代替标准:prHD 22.13 S1 (1995-09)
……………… 14104
:HD 251 S3-1982+A1-1985+A2-1987+A3-1987
中文标准名称:家用和类似用途电器的安全性 1部分:一般要求
英文标准名称:Safety of household and similar electrical appliances; part 1: general requirements
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN 57700-1/A1 (1981-04), EQV*DIN VDE 0700-1 (1981-02), EQV*DIN VDE 0700-1 (1981-02)*DIN VDE 0700-1/A2 (1988-04), NEQ*DIN VDE 0700-1/A3 (1981-07)*DIN VDE 0700-1/A29 (1988-10), EQV*DIN VDE 0700-1/A30 (1989-03), EQV*BS 3456 Part 101 (1978-12-29)*BS 3456-10
……………… 14105
:HD 383 S2-1986+A1-1989+A2-1993
中文标准名称:绝缘电缆的导线 环形导线公差极限指南
英文标准名称:Conductors of insulated cables; guide to the dimensional limits of circular conductors
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0295 (1986-05)*DIN VDE 0295 (1992-06), EQV*BS 6360 (1981-08-28)*BS 6360 (1991-04-30), NEQ*NF C32-013 (1981-06-01)*IEC 60228 (1978), EQV*IEC 60228A (1982), EQV*SEV-ASE 3446 A (1987)*SN HD 383 S2 (1986), EQV*OEVE K 86/1980 (1980-06-01)*OEVE K 86a/1
……………… 14106
:HD 384.4.42 S1-1985+A1-1992+A2-1994
中文标准名称:建筑物的电气设施 4部分:安全保护 42:热效应防护
英文标准名称:Electrical installations of buildings; part 4: protection for safety; chapter 42: protection against thermal effects
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0100-420 (1991-11), NEQ*NF C15-100 42 (1981)*IEC 60364-4-42 (1980), NEQ*OEVE EN 1d/1*OEVE/OENORM E 8001-1-23 (2000-12-01), IDT*OEVE/OENORM E 8001-1-23 (2000-06-01), IDT*CEI 64-8 (1987)
……………… 14107
:HD 384.5.52 S1-1995+A1-1998
中文标准名称:建筑物的电气设施 5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 52:配线系统
英文标准名称:Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 52: Wiring systems (IEC 60364-5-52:1993, modified)
国际标准分类号:29.060.20 91.140.50
发布单位:CENELEC Europaisches Komitee fur Elektrotechnische
采用关系:DIN VDE 0100-520 (1996-01), EQV*DIN VDE 0100-520 (2003-06), EQV*IEC 60364-5-52 (1993-10), NEQ*SN H












CR 14302-2002

健康信息学 间歇连接设备的安全要求框架

Health informatics - Framework for security requirements for intermittently connected devices


CWA 14167-1-2003

用于电子签名的可靠系统管理认证的安全要求 1部分:系统安全要求

Security requirements for trustworthy systems managing certificates for electronic signatures - Part 1: System security requirements


CWA 14167-2-2002

用于电子签名的可靠系统管理认证的安全要求 2部分:CSP签字操作密码模块 防护框架(MCSO-PP

Security requirements for Trustworthy Systems Managing Certificates for Electronic Signatures - Part 2: Cryptographic Module for CSP Signing Operations; Protection Profile (MCSO-PP)


CWA 14170-2001


Security requirements for signature creation applications


CWA 14174-3-2001

金融交易IC卡读卡机(FINREAD 3部分:安全要求

Financial transactional IC card reader (FINREAD) - Part 3: Security requirements


CWA 14842-3-2003

电子商务 商店描述和处理 3部分:ICT安全要求

Electronic commerce - Shop presentation and transactions - Part 3: ICT security requirements


EN 1010-3-2002

机械安全 印刷和纸张转换机的设计和结构的安全要求 3部分:切割机

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 3: Cutting machines


EN 1012-1-1996

压缩机和真空泵 安全要求 1部分:压缩机

Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 1: Compressors


EN 1012-2-1996

压缩机和真空泵 安全要求 2部分:真空泵

Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 2: Vacuum pumps


EN 1023-2-2000

办公家具 屏风 2部分:机械安全要求

Office furniture - Screens - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements


EN 1028-1-2002

消防泵 带起动器的消防离心泵 1部分:分类 一般和安全要求

Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 1: Classification; General and safety requirements


EN 1028-2-2002

消防泵 带起动器的消防离心泵 2部分:一般和安全要求的验证

Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements


EN 1034-1-2000

机械安全 造纸机械和精整机的设计和建造安全要求 1部分:通用要求

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - Part 1: Common requirements


EN 1034-3-1999

机械安全 造纸机械和精整机的设计和建造安全要求 3部分:卷纸机、纵切机和绞合机

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - Part 3: Winders and slitters, plying machines


EN 1035-1998

鞣皮机 移动平整机 安全要求

Tannery machines - Moving platen machinery - Safety requirements


EN 1069-1-2000

高度在2m以上的水滑道 1部分:安全要求和试验方法

Water slides of 2 m height and more - Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1083-2-1997

电刷 2部分:安全要求

Power-driven brushes- Part 2: Safety requirements


EN 1095-1998

游艇上用的甲板安全带状装置和安全索 安全要求和试验方法

Deck safety harness and safety line for use on recreational craft - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1114-1-1996

橡胶和塑料机械 挤压机和挤压工作线 1部分:挤压的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Extruders and extrusion lines - Part 1: Safety requirements for extruders


EN 1114-2-1998

橡胶和塑料机械 挤压机和挤压工作线 2部分:冲模表面造粒机的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Extruders and extrusion lines - Part 2: Safety requirements for die face pelletisers


EN 1114-3-2001

橡胶和塑料机械 挤压机和挤压工作线 3部分:压出机的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Extruders and extrusion lines - Part 3: Safety requirements for haul-offs


EN 1129-1-1995

家具 折叠床 安全要求和测试 1部分:安全要求

Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 1129-2-1995

家具 折叠床 安全要求和测试 2部分:试验方法

Furniture - Foldaway beds - Safety requirements and testing - Part 2: Test methods


EN 1130-1-1996

家具 家用婴儿床和摇篮 1部分:安全要求

Furniture - Cribs and cradles for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 1153-1995+AC-1996

厨房家具 固定和活动厨柜和工作顶柜的安全要求和试验方法

Kitchen furniture - Safety requirements and test methods for built-in and free standing kitchen cabinets and work tops / Note: To be replaced by prEN 14749 (2003-08).


EN 1176-1-1998+A1-2002 +AC-1998+A2-2002

运动场设备 1部分:一般安全要求和试验方法

Playground equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods


EN 1176-2-1998+A1-2003

运动场设备 2部分:秋千试验方法和附加特殊安全要求

Playground equipment - Part 2: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for swings


EN 1176-3-1998+A1-2003

运动场设备 3部分:滑梯试验方法和附加特殊安全要求

Playground equipment - Part 3: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for slides


EN 1176-4-1998+A1-2003

运动场设备 4部分:跑道试验方法和附加特殊安全要求

Playground equipment - Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for runways


EN 1176-5-1998+A1-2002 +AC-1998+A2-2003

运动场设备 5部分:圆盘传送带试验方法和附加特殊安全要求

Playground equipment - Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for carousels


EN 1176-6-1998+A1-2002

运动场设备 6部分:摆动设备试验方法和附加特殊安全要求

Playground equipment - Part 6: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for rocking equipment


EN 1177-1997+A1-2001

冲击减震运动场表面修整 安全要求和试验方法

Impact absorbing playground surfacing - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12012-1-2000

橡胶和塑料加工机械 粉碎机 第1部分:对刀片式制粒机的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Size reduction machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for blade granulators


EN 12012-2-2001

橡胶和塑料加工机械 粉碎机 第2部分:带式成球机的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Size reduction machines - Part 2: Safety requirements for strand pelletisers


EN 12012-3-2001

橡胶和塑料加工机械 粉碎机 第3部分:对撕碎机的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Size reduction machines - Part 3: Safety requirements for shredders


EN 12013-2000

橡胶和塑料加工机械 内部混合机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Internal mixers - Safety requirements


EN 12077-2-1998

起重机安全 卫生和安全要求 第2部分:限制和指示装置

Cranes safety - Requirements for health and safety - Part 2: Limiting and indicating devices


EN 12110-2002

隧道开凿机械 气塞 安全要求

Tunnelling machines - Air locks - Safety requirements


EN 12111-2002

隧道开凿机械 道路镦锻机、连续开采机和掘进机 安全要求

Tunnelling machines - Road headers, continuous miners and impact rippers - Safety requirements


EN 12128-1998

生物学 研究、开发和分析用实验室 微生物实验室的遏制水平、危险区域、地点和物理安全要求

Biotechnology - Laboratories for research, development and analysis - Containment levels of microbiology laboratories, areas of risk, localities and physical safety requirements


EN 12162-2001

液体泵 安全要求 流体静压试验程序

Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Procedure for hydrostatic testing


EN 12196-2003

体操设备 跳马和鞍马 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Horses and bucks - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 12197-1997

体操设备 单杠 安全要求和试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Horizontal bars - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12203-2003

鞋袜、皮革和人造革制品加工机械 鞋和皮革模压机 安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Shoe and leather presses - Safety requirements


EN 12221-1-1999

家用更换部件 第1部分:安全要求

Changing units for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 12227-1-1999

家用婴儿围栏 第1部分:安全要求

Playpens for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 12254-1998+A1-2002

激光工作场所屏蔽 安全要求和试验

Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing


EN 12270-1998

登山设备 楔子 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Chocks - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12275-1998

登山设备 连接器 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Connectors - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12276-1998+AC-2000

登山设备 摩擦固定器 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Frictional anchors - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12277-1998

登山设备 吊带 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12278-1998

登山设备 滑轮 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Pulleys - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12301-2000

橡胶和塑料机械 砑光机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Calenders - Safety requirements


EN 12321-2003

地下采矿机械 铠装刮板运输机安全要求规范

Underground mining machinery - Specification for the safety requirements of armoured scraper conveyors


EN 12346-1998

体操器械 肋木、格梯和爬架 安全要求和试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Wall bars, lattice ladders and climbing frames - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12409-1999

橡胶和塑料机械 热成形机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Thermoforming machines - Safety requirements


EN 12413-1999


Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products


EN 12432-1998

体操器械 平衡木 功能和安全要求、试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Balancing beams - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1248-2001

铸造机械 喷砂设备的安全要求

Foundry machinery - Safety requirements for abrasive blasting equipment


EN 12491-2001

滑翔伞设备 紧急时用降落伞 安全要求和试验方法

Paragliding equipment - Emergency parachutes - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12492-2000+A1-2002

登山设备 登山者头盔 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Helmets for mountaineers - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12503-1-2001

运动垫 第1部分:体操垫 安全要求

Sports mats - Part 1: Gymnastic mats, safety requirements


EN 12503-2-2001

运动垫 第2部分:撑杆跳高和跳高垫 安全要求

Sports mats - Part 2: Pole vault and high jump mats, safety requirements


EN 12503-3-2001

运动垫 第3部分:柔道垫 安全要求

Sports mats - Part 3: Judo mats, safety requirements


EN 12514-1-2000

燃油咀炉供油系统用的装置 第1部分:安全要求和试验 零部件、输油泵、控制和安全装置、油罐

Installations for oil supply systems for oil burners - Part 1: Safety requirements and tests - Parts, oil feed pumps, control and safety devices, supply tanks


EN 12514-2-2000

燃油炉供油系统用的装置 第2部分:安全要求和试验 零部件、阀门、管道、滤油器、油气分离器、油量指示表

Installations for oil supply systems for oil burners - Part 2: Safety requirements and tests - Parts, valves, pipes, filters, oil de-aerators, meters


EN 12547-1999

离心机 通用安全要求

Centrifuges - Common safety requirements


EN 12586-1999

儿童用品 橡皮奶头嘴夹 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Soother holder - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12626-1997

机械安全 激光加工机械 安全要求

Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Safety requirements (ISO 11553:1996 modified)


EN 12628-1999+AC-2000

潜水辅助设备 组合式浮力和救护设备 功能和安全要求、试验方法

Diving accessories - Combined buoyancy and rescue devices - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1263-1-2002

安全网 1部分:安全要求 试验方法

Safety nets - Part 1: Safety requirements, test methods


EN 1263-2-2002

安全网 2部分:定位区域的安全要求

Safety nets - Part 2: Safety requirements for the positioning limits


EN 12653-1999

鞋类 皮革和人造革加工机械 钉钉机 安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather manufacturing machines - Nailing machines - Safety requirements


EN 12653/prA1-2001

鞋类 皮革和人造革加工机械 钉钉机 安全要求 修改A1

Footwear, leather and imitation leather manufacturing machines - Nailing machines - Safety requirements; Amendment A1


EN 12655-1998

体操设备 吊环 功能和安全要求、试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Hanging rings - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 12675-2000

交通信号控制器 功能安全要求

Traffic signal controllers - Functional safety requirements


EN 1270-1998+A1-2000

运动场设备 篮球设备 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Playing field equipment - Basketball equipment - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1271-1998+A1-2000

运动场设备 排球设备 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Playing field equipment - Volleyball equipment - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1272-1998

儿童保育产品 连椅桌 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Table mounted chairs - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1273-2001

儿童保育产品 婴儿助行架 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Baby walking frames - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 12882-2001

常用传输带 电气和可燃性安全要求

Conveyor belts for general purpose use - Electrical and flammability safety requirements


EN 13019-2001

路面清洁机械 安全要求

Machines for road surface cleaning - Safety requirements


EN 13021-2003

冬季服务机械 安全要求

Winter service machines - Safety requirements


EN 13035-3-2003

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 3部分:裁剪机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 3: Cutting machines


EN 13035-4-2003

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 4部分:倾斜台

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 4: Tilting tables


EN 13042-5-2003

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 5部分:冲压机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 5: Presses


EN 13049-2003

软物和重物撞击 试验方法、安全要求和分类

Windows - Soft and heavy body impact - Test method, safety requirements and classification


EN 13089-1999

登山设备 攀冰工具 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Ice-tools - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 13112-2002

制革机械 分离机和带刀剪切机 安全要求

Tannery machines - Splitting and bandknife shearing machines - Safety requirements


EN 13113-2002

制革机械 滚筒涂敷机 安全要求

Tannery machines - Roller coating machines - Safety requirements


EN 13114-2002

制革机械 旋转工艺容器 安全要求

Tannery machines - Rotating process vessels - Safety requirements


EN 13138-1-2003

游泳训练用漂浮救生设备 1部分:穿着漂浮救生设备的 安全要求和试验方法

Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 1: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be worn


EN 13138-2-2002

游泳训练用漂浮救生设备 2部分:手持漂浮救生设备的 安全要求和试验方法

Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for bouyant aids to be held


EN 13138-3-2003

游泳训练用漂浮救生设备 3部分:穿着漂浮救生设备的 浮椅 安全要求和试验方法

Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for swim seats to be worm


EN 13150-2001

实验室工作台 尺寸、安全要求和试验方法

Workbenches for laboratories - Dimensions, safety requirements and test methods


EN 13219-2001

体操设备 蹦床 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Trampolines - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 13236-2001


Safety requirements for superabrasives


EN 13281-2000

内河航行船舶 人行道和工作区的安全要求

Inland navigation vessels - Safety requirements for walkways and working places


EN 13319-2000

潜水附件 深度计和深度、时间组合测量设备 功能和安全要求、试验方法

Diving accessories - Depth gauges and combined depth and time measuring devices - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1335-2-2000

办公设备 办公椅 2部分:安全要求

Office furniture - Office work chair - Part 2: Safety requirements


EN 13443-1-2002

建筑物内水调节设备 机械过滤器 1部分:颗粒级80μm-150μm 性能和安全要求

Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Mechanical filters - Part 1: Particle rating 80μm to 150μm; Requirements for performances, safety and testing


EN 13451-1-2001

泳池设备 1部分:一般安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods


EN 13451-2-2001+AC-2003

泳池设备 2部分:阶梯、活梯和手柄弯头的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 2: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for ladders, stepladders and handle bends


EN 13451-3-2001

泳池设备 3部分:水处理用泳池配件的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 3: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for pool fittings for water treatment purposes


EN 13451-4-2001

泳池设备 4部分:起跳台的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for starting platforms


EN 13451-5-2001

泳池设备 5部分:泳道的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 5: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for lane lines


EN 13451-6-2001

泳池设备 6部分:转板的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 6: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for turning boards


EN 13451-7-2001

泳池设备 7部分:水球球门的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 7: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for water polo goals


EN 13451-8-2001

泳池设备 8部分:备用水部件的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 8: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for leisure water features


EN 13524-2003

公路养护机械 安全要求

Highway maintenance machines - Safety requirements


EN 13613-2001

滚轴运动器械 滑板 安全要求和试验方法

Roller sports equipment - Skateboards - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 13711-2002

内河航运船舶 船舶作业用绞盘 安全要求

Inland navigation vessels - Winches for ship operation - Safety requirements


EN 13743-2001


Safety requirements for coated abrasives


EN 13843-2003

滚轴运动器材 直列式溜冰鞋 安全要求和试验方法

Roller sports equipment - Inline-skates - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 13869-2002

打火机 儿童禁用的打火机 安全要求和试验方法

Lighters - Child-resistance for lighters - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 13899-2003

滚轴运动器材 滚轴滑冰鞋 安全要求和试验方法

Roller sports equipment - Roller skates - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 13951-2003

液泵 安全要求 粮食加工设备 保证使用中的卫生保健设计规程

Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Agrifoodstuffs equipment; Design rules to ensure hygiene in use


EN 1400-1-2002

儿童用品和保育品 婴儿和儿童用橡皮奶头 1部分:一般安全要求及产品信息

Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children - Part 1: General safety requirements and product information


EN 14036-2003

婴儿用护理品 婴儿蹦床 安全要求和试验方法

Child use and care articles - Baby bouncers - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 14059-2002

装饰油灯 安全要求和试验方法

Decorative oil lamps - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1417-1996

橡胶和塑料加工机器 双辊式破碎机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Two roll mills - Safety requirements


EN 1466-1998+AC-1998

儿童保育品 便携式帆布床和支撑物 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Carry cots and stands - Safety requirements and test methods / Note: To be replaced by prEN 1466 (2003-06).


EN 1501-1-1998

垃圾车及其相关提升设备 一般要求和安全要求 1部分:后部装载的垃圾车

Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 1: Rear-end loaded refuse collection vehicles


EN 1509-1996

运动场设备 羽毛球设备 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Playing field equipment - Badminton equipment - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1510-1996

运动场设备 网球设备 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Playing field equipment - Tennis equipment - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1539-2000

释放可燃物质量 烘干机和烤箱 安全要求

Dryers and ovens, in which flammable substances are released - Safety requirements


EN 1550-1997

机床安全 操作夹具的设计和构造的安全要求

Machine-tools safety - Safety requirements for the design and construction of work holding chucks


EN 1552-2003

地下采矿机械 采掘面上移动采掘机器 安全要求 开辟采掘面机械和刨煤机系统

Underground mining machines - Mobile extracting machines at the face - Safety requirements for shearer loaders and plough systems


EN 1553-1999

农业机械 自行式、悬挂式、半悬挂式和牵引式机械 通用安全要求

Agricultural machinery - Agricultural self-propelled, mounted, semi-mounted and trailed machines - Common safety requirements


EN 1570-1998


Safety requirements for lifting tables


EN 1612-1-1997

橡胶和塑料机械 反应模塑机械 1部分:测量和混合装置的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Reaction moulding machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for metering and mixing units


EN 1612-2-2000

橡胶和塑料机械 反应模塑机械 2部分:反应模压车间的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Reaction moulding machines - Part 2: Safety requirements for reaction moulding plant


EN 1651-1999

滑翔设备 背带 安全要求和强度试验

Paragliding equipment - Harnesses - Safety requirements and strength tests


EN 1725-1998

家用家具 床和床垫 安全要求和试验方法

Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1727-1998

家用家具 储物家具 安全要求和试验方法

Domestic furniture - Storage furniture - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1756-1-2001

后置升降装置 安装在用轮子行驶的车辆上的平台式升降装置 安全要求 1部分:货物用后置升降装置

Tail lifts - Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles; Safety requirements - Part 1: Tail lifts for goods


EN 1804-1-2001

地下采矿机械 水压坑道顶棚支架的安全要求 1部分:支撑单位和一般要求

Machines for underground mines - Safety requirements for hydraulic powered roof supports - Part 1: Support units and general requirements


EN 1804-2-2001

地下采矿机械 水压坑道顶棚支架的安全要求 2部分:动力调整支架和活塞

Machines for underground mines - Safety requirements for hydraulic powered roof supports - Part 2: Power set legs and rams


EN 1808-1999

悬浮通道设备的安全要求 设计计算 稳定性准则 结构试验

Safety requirements on suspended access equipment - Design calculations, stability criteria, construction - Tests


EN 1809-1997

潜水附件 浮力补偿器 功能和安全要求 试验方法

Diving accessories - Buoyancy compensators - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 1834-1-2000

往复式内燃发动机 用在潜在爆炸环境下发动机设计结构和安全要求 1部分:用在可燃气体和蒸气环境的II

Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Group II engines for use in flammable gas and vapour atmospheres


EN 1834-2-2000

往复式内燃发动机 用在潜在爆炸环境下发动机设计结构和安全要求 2部分:对沼气和/或可燃性尘土敏感地下

Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2: Group I engines for use in underground workings susceptible to firedamp and/or combustible dust


EN 1834-3-2000

往复式内燃发动机 用在潜在爆炸环境下发动机设计结构和安全要求 3部分:用在可燃灰尘环境下的II组发动

Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and construction of engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3: Group II engines for use in flammable dust atmospheres


EN 1845-1998

鞋类制造机械 鞋模机 安全要求

Footwear manufacturing machines - Footwear moulding machines - Safety requirements


EN 1864-1997

内河航运输船舶 舵手室和控制位置 型号和安全要求

Inland navigation vessels - Wheelhouse and control position - Types, safety requirements


EN 1888-2003

儿童保育品 轮式童车 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1915-1-2001

航行器的地面支撑设备 一般要求 1部分:基本安全要求

Aircraft ground support equipment - General requirements - Part 1: Basic safety requirements


EN 1930-2000

儿童保育品 安全障碍 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Safety barriers - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 1953-1998

涂覆材料的雾化和喷涂设备 安全要求

Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials - Safety requirements


EN 201-1997+A1-2000

橡胶和塑料机械 注模机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Injection moulding machines - Safety requirements


EN 203-1-1992+A1-1995+A2-1999

气体加热供膳设备 1部分:安全要求

Gas heated catering equipment; part 1: safety requirements


EN 264-1991

采用液体燃料的燃烧设备用安全关闭装置 安全要求和测试

Safety shut-off devices for combustion plants using liquid fuels; safety requirements and testing


EN 289-1993

橡胶和塑料机械 压制和传递模制压力机 设计的安全要求

Rubber and plastics machinery; compression and transfer moulding presses; safety requirements for the design


EN 352-4-2001

听力保护器 安全要求和测试 4部分:电平依赖的耳套

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 4: Level -dependent ear-muffs


EN 352-5-2002

听力保护器 安全要求和测试 5部分:主动噪声降低耳套

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 5: Active noise reduction ear-muffs


EN 352-6-2002

听力保护器 安全要求和测试 6部分:带电的音频输入耳套

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 6: Ear-muffs with electrical audio input


EN 352-7-2002

听力保护器 安全要求和测试 7部分:与水平相关的耳塞

Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 7: Level-dependent ear-plugs


EN 41003-1998


Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks


EN 50063-1989


Safety requirements for the construction and the installation of equipment for resistance welding and allied processes


EN 50065-4-2-2001+A1-2003

频率范围为3kHz-148.5KHZ的低压电气设备的信号装置 第4-2部分:低压去耦滤波器 安全要求

Signalling on low voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 4-2: Low-voltage decoupling filters; Safety requirements


EN 50083-1-1993+A1-1997+A2-1997

电视和声音信号及交互式服务用电缆网络 第1部分:安全要求

Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 50165-1997+A1-2001


Electrical equipment of non-electric appliances for household and similar purposes - Safety requirements


EN 50272-2-2001

对次级蓄电池和安装蓄电池的安全要求 第2部分:固定蓄电池

Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 2: Stationary batteries


EN 50272-3-2002

对次级蓄电池和安装蓄电池的安全要求 第3部分:牵引蓄电池

Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 3: Traction batteries


EN 527-2-2002

办公家具 工作台和办公桌 2部分:机械安全要求

Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements


EN 536-1999

筑路机械 沥青搅拌设备 安全要求

Road construction machines - Asphalt mixing plants - Safety requirements


EN 564-1997

登山设备 辅助绳索 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Accessory cord - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 565-1997+AC-1997

登山设备 带子 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Tape - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 566-1997

登山设备 吊索 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Slings - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 567-1997

登山设备 绳夹 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Rope clamps - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 568-1997

登山设备 冰锚 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Ice anchors - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 569-1997

登山设备 岩钉 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Pitons - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 581-1-1997

户外家具 野营、家用和订做的座椅和桌子 1部分:一般安全要求

Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 1: General safety requirements


EN 581-3-1999

户外家具 野营、家用和订做的座椅和桌子 3部分:桌子的机械安全要求和试验方法

Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 3: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for tables


EN 60065-2002

音频、视频及类似电子设备 安全要求

Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements (IEC 60065:2001, modified) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 60143-1-1993

电力系统用串联电容器 第1部分:总则 性能、试验及定额 安全要求 安装导则

Series capacitors for power systems - Part 1: General; Performance, testing and ratin; Safety requirements; Guide for installation


EN 60215-1989


Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment (IEC 60215:1987)


EN 60252-1-2001

交流电动机电容器 第1部分:总则 性能、试验和定额 安全要求 安装和运行指南

A.C. motor capacitors - Part 1: General; Performance, testing and rating; Safety requirements; Guide for installation and operation (IEC 60252-1:2001)


EN 60491-1995


Safety requirements for electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes (IEC 60491:1984, modified)


EN 60598-2-19-1989+A2-1998

灯具 第2部分:特殊要求 第19节:通风式灯具(安全要求)

Luminaires; part 2: particular requirements; section 19: air-handling luminaires (safety requirements) (IEC 60598-2-19:1981 + AMD 1:1987, modified)


EN 60601-1-1-2001

医用电气设备 第11部分:安全通用要求 并列标准:医用电气系统的安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-1: General requirements for safety; Collateral standard: Safety requirements for medical electrical systems (IEC 60601-1-1:2000)


EN 60601-2-10-2000+A1-2001

医用电器设备 第210部分:神经和肌肉刺激器安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for the safety of nerve and muscle stimulators (IEC 60601-2-10:1987)


EN 60601-2-11-1997

医疗电气设备 第2-11部分:γ射束治疗设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the safety of gamma beam therapy equipment (IEC 60601-2-11:1997)


EN 60601-2-17-1996+A1-1996

医疗电气设备 第2-17部分:遥控自动驱动式γ射线后装设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of remote-controlled automatically-driven gamma-ray after-loading equipment (IEC 60601-2-17:1989)


EN 60601-2-18-1996+A1-2000

医疗电气设备 第218部分:内窥镜设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of endoscopic equipment (IEC 60601-2-18:1996)


EN 60601-2-19-1996+A1-1996

医疗电气设备 第219部分:婴儿培养箱安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of baby incubators (IEC 60601-2-19:1990)


EN 60601-2-2-2000

医疗电气设备 第22部分: 高频手术设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the safety of high frequency surgical equipment (IEC 60601-2-2:1998)


EN 60601-2-20-1996

医疗电气设备 第220部分:运输培养箱安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for safety of transport incubators (IEC 60601-2-20:1990 + A1:1996)


EN 60601-2-21-1994+A1-1996

医疗电气设备 第221部分:婴儿辐射保暖箱安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of infant radiant warmers (IEC 60601-2-21:1994)


EN 60601-2-23-2000

医疗电气设备 第223部分:经皮分压监测设备的安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of transcutaneous partial pressure monitoring equipment (IEC 60601-2-23:1999)


EN 60601-2-24-1998

医疗电气设备 第224部分:输液泵和控制器的特殊安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the safety of infusion pumps and controllers (IEC 60601-2-24:1998)


EN 60601-2-25-1995+A1-1999

医疗电气设备 第225部分:心电图机安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs (IEC 60601-2-25:1993)


EN 60601-2-26-2003

医用电气设备 第226部分:脑电图机安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for the safety of electroencephalographs (IEC 60601-2-26:2002) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 60601-2-3-1993+A1-1998

医疗电气设备 第23部分:短波治疗设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment; part 2: particular requirements for the safety of short-wave therapy equipment (IEC 60601-2-3:1991)


EN 60601-2-30-2000

医疗电器设备 第2-30部分:自动循环间接血压监视设备和特殊安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of automatic cycling non-invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment (IEC 60601-2-30:1999)


EN 60601-2-31-1995+A1-1998

医疗电器设备 第231部分:具有内部能源的体外心脏起搏器安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source (IEC 60601-2-31:1994)


EN 60601-2-39-1999

医疗电气设备 第239部分:腹膜透析设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-39: Particular requirements for the safety of peritoneal dialysis equipment (IEC 60601-2-39:1999)


EN 60601-2-40-1998

医疗电气设备 第240部分:电子机动描记器及诱发反映设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for the safety of electromygraphs and evoked response equipment (IEC 60601-2-40:1998)


EN 60601-2-41-2000

医疗电气设备 第241部分:外科手术灯和诊断用灯光的安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for the safety of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis (IEC 60601-2-41:2000)


EN 60601-2-43-2000

医疗电气设备 第243部分:介入过程用X射线设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for the safety of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures (IEC 60601-2-43:2000)


EN 60601-2-45-2001

医用电气设备 第245部分:乳腺X射线摄影设备和乳腺摄影立体定位器安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-45: Particular requirements for the safety of mammographic X-ray equipment and mammographic stereotactic devices (IEC 60601-2-45:2001)


EN 60601-2-46-1998

医用电气设备 第246部分:手术台安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular requirements for the safety of operating tables (IEC 60601-2-46:1998)


EN 60601-2-5-2000

医疗电气设备 第25部分:超声治疗设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment (IEC 60601-2-5:2000)


EN 60601-2-50-2002

医用电气设备 第250部分:婴儿光治疗设备安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-50: Particular requirements for the safety of infant phototherapy equipment (IEC 60601-2-50:2000 + Corrigendum March 2001)


EN 60601-2-7-1998

医疗电气设备 第27部分:诊断X射线发生装置的高压发生器安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for the safety of high-voltage generators of diagnostic X-ray generators (IEC 60601-2-7:1998)


EN 60601-2-8-1997+A1-1997

医疗电气设备 第28部分:在10 kV1 MV治疗X射线发生装置安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of therapeutic X-ray equipment operating in the range 10 kV to 1 MV (IEC 60601-2-8:1987)


EN 60601-2-9-1996

医用电器设备 第29部分:放射治疗中与患者接触的计量仪与辐射探测器连接的安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for the safety of patient contact dosemeters used in radiotherapy with electrically connected radiation detectors (IEC 60601-2-9:1996)


EN 60831-1-1996+A2-2003

额定电压1000V及以下交流电系统用自动恢复功能型分流电力电容器 第1部分:总则 性能、试验及评定 安全要

Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation (IEC 60831-1:1996)


EN 60871-1-1997

额定电压超过1kV的交流电力系统用并联电容器 第1部分:总则 性能、试验和额定 安全要求 安装和运行指南

Shunt capacitors for a.c. power systems having a rated voltage above 1kV - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation (IEC 60871-1:1997)


EN 60931-1-1996+A1-2003

额定电压1000V(包括1000V)以下的交流系统用非自动恢复型并联电力电容器 第1部分:概述 性能、试验和测定

Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV - Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation (IEC 60931-1:1996)


EN 60947-7-3-2002

低压开关装置和控制装置 第7-3部分:辅助设备 引线接线板的安全要求

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 7-3: Ancillary equipment; Safety requirements for fuse terminal blocks (IEC 60947-7-3:2002) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 60968-1990+A1-1993+A2-1999

普通照明用自镇流灯 安全要求

Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services; safety requirements (IEC 60968:1988, modified)


EN 60999-1-2000

连接器件 铜导线 有螺纹式和无螺纹式夹紧装置的安全要求 第1部分:从0.235mm2(包括35mm2)导线用的夹紧

Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 1: General requirements and particular requirements for clamping units for conductors from 0,2 mm2 up to 35 mm2


EN 60999-2-2003

连接器件 电铜导体 有螺钉和无螺钉型的线夹装置的安全要求 第2部分:35mm300mm导线线夹装置的特殊要求

Connecting devices - Electrical copper conductors; Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units - Part 2: Particular requirements for clamping units for conductors above 35 mm<(hoch)2> up to 300 mm<(hoch)2> (included) (IEC 60999-2


EN 61010-031-2002

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第3-031部分:电气测量和试验用手持探针组件

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test (IEC 61010-031:2002)


EN 61010-1-2001

测量、控制和实验室用电子设备的安全要求 第1部分:一般要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1:2001) / Note: Includes Corrigendum of June 2002


EN 61010-2-010-1994

测量、控制和试验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-010部分:材料加热 用实验室设备的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-010: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials (IEC 61010-2-010:1992, modified)


EN 61010-2-020-1994

测量、控制和试验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-020部分:实验室离心机的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-020: Particular requirements for laboratory centrifuges (IEC 61010-2-020, modified)


EN 61010-2-032-2002

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-032部分:电气测量和试验用手持和手操作电流传感器的特殊要

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held and hand-manipulated current sensors for electrical test and measurement (IEC 61010-2-032:2002) / Note: Endorsem


EN 61010-2-041-1996

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-41部分:医疗材料处理及实验室加工用蒸压器的的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-041: Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes (IEC 61010-2-041:1996)


EN 61010-2-042-1997

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2042部分:医用材料处理及实验室加工用毒性气体蒸压器和消毒

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-042: Particular requirements for autoclaves and sterilizers using toxic gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes (IEC 61010)


EN 61010-2-043-1997

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2043部分:医用材料处理及实验室加工用热空气或热惰性气体干

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-043: Particular requirements for dry heat sterilizers using either hot air or hot inert gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory proc


EN 61010-2-045-2000

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2045部分:医疗、制药、兽医和试验室用洗涤器消毒的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-045: Particular requirements for washer disinfectors used in medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary and laboratory fields (IEC 61010-2-045:2000)


EN 61010-2-051-1995

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-51部分:机械搅拌用实验室设备的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-051: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for mechanical mixing and stirring (IEC 61010-2-051:1995)


EN 61010-2-061-1996

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-61部分:具有热原子化和离子化的试验室用原子能谱仪的特

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-061: Particular requirements for laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization (IEC 61010-2-061:1995)


EN 61010-2-081-2002

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-81部分:分析和其它用途的自动及半自动试验室设备的特殊

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular requirements for automatic and semi-automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other purposes (IEC 61010-2-081:2001) / Note: Endorsemen


EN 61010-2-081/prA1-2003

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-81部分:分析和其它用途的自动及半自动试验室设备的特殊

IEC 61010-2-081, A1, Ed. 1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular requirements for automatic and semi-automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other purposes


EN 61010-2-101-2002

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-101部分:生物体外诊断(IVD)医疗设备的特殊要求

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-101: Particular requirements for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment (IEC 61010-2-101:2002, modified)


EN 61011-1-1992


Electric fence energizers; safety requirements for battery-operated electric fence energizers suitable for connection to the supply mains (IEC 61011-1:1989, modified)


EN 61011-1992

电牧栏增能器 电网供电的电牧栏增能器的安全要求

Electric fence energizers; safety requirements for mains-operated electric fence energizers (IEC 61011:1989, modified)


EN 61011-2-1992


Electric fence energizers; safety requirements for battery-operated electric fence energizers not for connection to the supply mains (IEC 61011-2:1990, modified)


EN 61048-1993+A1-1996+A2-1999


Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits; general and safety requirements (IEC 61048:1991, modified + corrigendum 1992)


EN 61050-1992+A1-1995

空载输出电压超过1000V的管形放电用变压器规范(一般叫做氖管变压器) 一般要求和安全要求

Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V (generally called neon-transformers); general and safety requirements (IEC 61050:1991 + corrigendum 1992, modified)


EN 61204-1995+A1-2001

直流输出的低压电源装置 性能特性和安全要求

Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output - Performance characteristics and safety requirements (IEC 61204:1993, modified)


EN 61210-1995

连接器件 铜导线用扁型速接端子 安全要求

Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements (IEC 61210:1993, modified)


EN 61293-1994

电气设备电源额定值的标记 安全要求

Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical supply - Safety requirements (IEC 61293:1994)


EN 61347-1-2001

灯的控制装置 第1部分:一般要求和安全要求

Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements (IEC 61347-1:2000)


EN 61347-1/prA1-2003

灯的控制装置 第1部分:一般要求和安全要求 修改prA1

IEC 61347-1, Am. 1: Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements


EN 61800-5-1-2003

可调速电力传动系统 第5-1部分:安全要求 电气、热量和能量

Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements; Electrical, thermal and energy (IEC 61800-5-1:2003) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 61984-2001

连接器 安全要求和试验

Connectors - Safety requirements and tests (IEC 61984:2001)


EN 62040-1-1-2003

不间断电源(UPS)规范 第1-1部分 操作区域使用的UPS的一 般要求和安全要求

Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1-1: General and safety requirements for UPS used in operator access areas (IEC 62040-1-1:2002 + Corrigendum 2002) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 62083-2001

医用电气设备 放射治疗计划系统的安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Requirements for the safety of radiotheraphy treatment planning systems (IEC 62083:2000)


EN 62133-2003

含碱性或其它非酸性电解液的二次电池和电池组 便携式密封二次电池和由它们组成的便携式电池组的安全要求

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications (IEC 62133:2002) / Note: Endorsement notice


EN 710-1997


Safety requirements for foundry moulding and coremaking machinery and plant and associated equipment


EN 716-1-1995

家具 家用儿童帆布床和折叠床 1部分:安全要求

Furniture - Childrens cots and folding cots for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements


EN 741-2000

连续处理设备和系统 散装材料气动处理用系统及其组件的安全要求

Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety requirements for systems and their components for pneumatic handling of bulk materials


EN 746-1-1997

工业热处理设备 1部分:工业热处理设备通用安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 1: Common safety requirements for industrial thermoprocessing equipment


EN 746-2-1997

工业热处理设备 2部分:燃烧和燃料处理系统的安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 2: Safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems


EN 746-3-1997

工业热处理设备 3部分:环境气体产生和使用的安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 3: Safety requirements for the generation and use of atmosphere gases


EN 746-4-2000

工业热处理设备 4部分:热浸电镀热处理设备的特殊安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 4: Particular safety requirements for hot dip galvanising thermoprocessing equipment


EN 746-5-2000

工业热处理设备 5部分:盐浴热处理设备的特殊安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 5: Particular safety requirements for salt bath thermoprocessing equipment


EN 746-8-2000

工业热处理设备 8部分:淬火设备的特殊安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 8: Particular safety requirements for quenching equipment


EN 747-1-1993

家具 家用床具 1部分:安全要求

Furniture; bunk beds for domestic use; part 1: safety requirements


EN 747-1/prA1-2000

家具 家用床具 1部分:安全要求 修改A1

Furniture - Bunk beds for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements; Amendment A1


EN 748-1998+A1-1998

运动场设备 足球球门 功能和安全要求、试验方法(包括修改A1

Playing field equipment - Football goals - Functional and safety requirements, test methods (including Amendment 1:1998)


EN 749-1998+A1-1998

运动场设备 手球球门 功能和安全要求、试验方法(包括修改A1

Playing field equipment - Handball goals - Functional and safety requirements, test methods (including Amendment 1:1998)


EN 750-1998+A1-1998

运动场设备 曲棍球球门 功能和安全要求、试验方法(包括修改A1

Playing field equipment - Hockey goals - Functional and safety requirements, test methods (including Amendment 1:1998)


EN 792-1-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 1部分:非螺纹机械紧固件用组装动力工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 1: Assembly power tools for non-threaded mechanical fasteners


EN 792-10-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 10部分:压缩动力工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 10: Compression power tools


EN 792-11-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 11部分:毛坯下料机和剪切机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 11: Nibblers and shears


EN 792-12-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 12部分:小循环、小振荡和往复式锯

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 12: Small circular, small oscillating and reciprocating saws


EN 792-13-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 13部分:紧固件传动工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 13: Fastener driving tools


EN 792-2-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 2部分:切割和卷边动力工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 2: Cutting-off and crimping power tools


EN 792-3-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 3部分:钻孔机和攻丝机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 3: Drills and tappers


EN 792-4-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 4部分:非旋转冲击动力工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 4: Non-rotary percussive power tools


EN 792-5-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 5部分:旋转式冲击钻孔机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 5: Rotary percussive drills


EN 792-6-2000

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 6部分:螺纹紧固件用组装动力工具

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 6: Assembly power tools for threaded fasteners


EN 792-7-2001

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 7部分:研磨机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 7: Grinders


EN 792-8-2001

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 8部分:抛光机和磨沙机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 8: Sanders and polishers


EN 792-9-2001

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 9部分:硬模研磨机

Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 9: Die grinders


EN 809-1998+AC-2002

液体用泵和泵组件 一般安全要求

Pumps and pump units for liquids - Common safety requirements


EN 847-1-1997+AC-1997

木工工具 安全要求 1部分:铣工具和圆锯刀片

Tools for woodworking - Safety requirements - Part 1: Milling tools and circular saw blades / Note: To be replaced by prEN 847-1 (2003-05).


EN 847-2-2001+AC-2003

木工工具 安全要求 2部分:装配手柄的铣工具的手柄的要求

Tools for woodworking - Safety requirements - Part 2: Requirements for the shank of shank mounted milling tools


EN 869-1997


Safety requirements for high pressure metal diecasting units


EN 892-1996

登山设备 动态登山绳索 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Dynamic mountaineering ropes - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 893-1999

登山设备 鞋底钉 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Crampons - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 913-1996

体操器材 一般安全要求和试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - General safety requirements and test methods


EN 914-1996

体操器材 双杠和组合式高低杠 功能及安全要求、试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Parallel bars and combination asymmetric/parallel bars - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 915-1996

体操器材 高低杠 功能及安全要求、试验方法

Gymnastic equipment - Asymmetric bars - Functional and safety requirements, test methods


EN 930-1997

鞋、皮革和仿皮革产品制造机械 固定、刷洗、上光和整理机械 安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Roughing, scouring, polishing and trimming machines - Safety requirements


EN 930/prA1-2001

鞋、皮革和仿皮革产品制造机械 固定、刷洗、上光和整理机械 安全要求 修改A1

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Roughing, scouring, polishing and trimming machines - Safety requirements; Amendment A1


EN 931-1997

鞋制造机械 拉伸机械 安全要求

Footwear manufacturing machines - Lasting machines - Safety requirements


EN 931/prA1-2001

鞋制造机械 拉伸机械 安全要求 修改A1

Footwear manufacturing machines - Lasting machines - Safety requirements; Amendment A1


EN 957-1-1998+A1-1998

固定的训练器材 1部分:一般安全要求和试验方法(包括修改A11998

Stationary training equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods (including Amendment 1:1998)


EN 957-2-2003

固定的训练器材 2部分:体力训练器材 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 2: Strength training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-4-1996

固定的训练器材 4部分:体力训练长椅 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 4: Strength training benches, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-5-1996

固定的训练器材 5部分:踏板转动训练器材 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 5: Pedal crank training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-6-2001

固定的训练器材 6部分:踏车 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-7-1998

固定的训练器材 7部分:划艇机械 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 7: Rowing machines, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-8-1998

固定的训练器材 8部分:跑步机、踏步器和登山器 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 8: Steppers, stairclimbers and climbers - Additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 957-9-2003

固定的训练器材 9部分:椭圆形教练器 附加的特殊安全要求和试验方法

Stationary training equipment - Part 9: Elliptical trainers, additional specific safety requirements and test methods


EN 958-1996

登山设备 Klettersteig攀登用能量吸收系统 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Energy absorbing systems for use in klettersteig (via ferrata) climbing - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 959-1996

登山设备 岩石锚栓 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Rock anchors - Safety requirements and test methods


EN 972-1998

制革机械 往复滚柱机械 安全要求

Tannery machines - Reciprocating roller machines - Safety requirements


EN 982-1996

机械的安全 流体动力系统及其组件的安全要求 液压装置

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components - Hydraulics


EN 983-1996

机械安全 流体动力系统及其组件的安全要求 气压装置

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components - Pneumatics


EN 996-1995

打桩设备 安全要求

Piling equipment - Safety requirements


EN ISO 10079-1-1999

医疗吸引设备 第1部分:电动吸引设备 安全要求

Medical suction equipment - Part 1: Electrically powered suction equipment - Safety requirements (ISO 10079-1:1999)


EN ISO 10472-1-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第1部分:通用要求

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO 10472-1:1997)


EN ISO 10472-2-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第2部分:洗衣机和洗涤脱水机

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 2: Washing machines and washer-extractors (ISO 10472-2:1997)


EN ISO 10472-3-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第3部分:管道式洗涤(联合)机及相关机械

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 3: Washing tunnel lines including component machines (ISO 10472-3:1997)


EN ISO 10472-4-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第4部分:空气干燥机

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 4: Air dryers (ISO 10472-4:1997)


EN ISO 10472-5-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第5部分:织物熨烫机、进布机和折布机

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 5: Flatwork ironers, feeders and folders (ISO 10472-5:1997)


EN ISO 10472-6-1997

工业洗衣机安全要求 第6部分:熨烫及熔压机

Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 6: Ironing and fusing presses (ISO 10472-6:1997)


EN ISO 11102-1-1997

往复式内燃机 手柄起动装置 第1部分:安全要求和试验

Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Handle starting equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements and tests (ISO 11102-1:1997)


EN ISO 11111-1995


Safety requirements for textile machinery (ISO 11111:1995)


EN ISO 11442-1-1996

技术产品文件 计算机技术信息处理 第1部分:安全要求

Technical product documentation - Handling of computer-based technical information - Part 1: Security requirements (ISO 11442-1:1993)


EN ISO 11680-1-2000

林业机械 动力杆式修枝锯的安全要求和试验 第1部分:侧挂式杆式修枝锯

Machinery for forestry - Safety requirements and testing for pole-mounted powered pruners - Part 1: Units fitted with an integral combustion engine (ISO 11680-1:2000)


EN ISO 11680-2-2000

林业机械 动力杆式修枝锯的安全要求和试验 第2部分:携背负式杆式修枝锯

Machinery for forestry - Safety requirements and testing for pole-mounted powered pruners - Part 2: Units for use with a back-pack power source (ISO 11680-2:2000)


EN ISO 11681-2-1998

林业机械 便携式链锯的安全要求和试验 第2部分:修枝锯

Machinery for forestry - Portable chain-saws - Safety requirements and testing - Part 2: Chain-saws for tree service (ISO 11681-2:1998)


EN ISO 11681-2/prA1-2003

林业机械 便携式链锯的安全要求和试验 第2部分:修枝锯 修改A1

Machinery for forestry - Portable chain-saws; Safety requirements and testing - Part 2: Chain-saws for tree service; Amendment A1 (ISO 11681-2:1998/FDAM 1:2003) / Note: Intended as an amendment to EN ISO 11681-2 (1998-04).


EN ISO 14620-1-2002

航天系统 安全要求 第1部分:安全系统

Space systems - Safety requirements - Part 1: System safety (ISO 14620-1:2002)


EN ISO 15615-2002

气焊设备 焊接、切割及相关工艺用多种乙炔发生器 高压装置中的安全要求

Gas welding equipment - Acetylene manifold systems for welding, cutting and allied processes - Safety requirements in high-pressure devices (ISO 15615:2002)


EN ISO 15641-2001

高速切削机床用铣刀 安全要求

Milling cutters for high speed machining - Safety requirements (ISO 15641:2001)


EN ISO 8230-1997


Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines using perchloroethylene (ISO 8230:1997)


EN ISO 8359-1996

医用氧气浓缩器 安全要求

Oxygen concentrators for medical use - Safety requirements (ISO 8359:1996)


ENV 1178-1-1994

家具 家用儿童高椅 1部分:安全要求

Furniture - Childrens high chairs for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements (ISO 9221-1, modified)


ENV 12520-2000

家具 座椅 机械和结构安全要求

Domestic furniture - Seating - Mechanical and structural safety requirements


ENV 12521-2000

家具 桌子 机械和结构安全要求

Domestic furniture - Tables - Mechanical and structural safety requirements


ENV 1729-2-2001

家具 教育部门使用的桌椅 2部分:安全要求和试验方法

Furniture - Chairs and tables for educational institutions - Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods


ENV 1907-1999

用绳索运送乘客的安全要求 术语

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Terminology


ENV 581-2-2000

户外家具 野营、家用和订做的座椅和桌子 2部分:样品的机械安全要求和试验方法

Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods for sampling


ENV 61400-1-1995

风轮发电机系统 第1部分:安全要求

Wind turbine generator systems - Part 1: Safety requirements (IEC 61400-1:1994)


HD 1000-1988

预制组件制成的服务用和施工用脚手架 材料、尺寸、设计荷载和安全要求

Service and working scaffolds made of prefabricated elements; materials, dimensions, design loads and safety requirements


HD 1004-1992

预制组件制成的移动通道和工作塔 材料、尺寸、设计荷载和安全要求

Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements; materials, dimensions, design loads and safety requirements


HD 280.2 S1-1990

电扇和稳压器的安全要求 第2部分:船用电扇和稳压器

Safety requirements for electric fans and regulators; Part 2: Fans and regulators for use in ships


prEN 1010-1993


Technical safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines


prEN 1178-1-2000

家具 家用儿童高椅 1部分:安全要求

Furniture - High chairs for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements


prEN 12001-2002

用于混凝土和砂浆输送、喷射和布料的机械 安全要求

Conveying, spraying and placing machines for concrete and mortar - Safety requirements


prEN 12044-1998

鞋类、皮革及仿皮革制品制造机械 切割及冲压机械安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Cutting and punching machines - Safety requirements


prEN 12151-1995

混凝土和灰浆拌制机械与设备 安全要求

Machinery and plant for the preparation of concrete and mortar - Safety requirements


prEN 12215-1995

涂覆设备 有机液体涂料的喷雾室应用 安全要求

Coating plants - Spray booths for application of organic liquid coating materials - Safety requirements


prEN 12336-1996

隧道机械 盾构、水平推进机和内层安装设备 安全要求

Tunneling machines - Shield machines, horizontal thrustboring machines, lining erection equipment - Safety requirements


prEN 12387-1996

鞋、皮革和人造革制品加工机械 标准尺寸鞋修理设备 安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Modular shoe repair equipment - Safety requirements


prEN 12397-1996

索道乘运安全要求 运行

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Operation


prEN 12408-1996

乘运索道的安全要求 质量控制

Safety requirements for cableways for passenger transportation by rope - Quality control


prEN 1247-2003

铸造机械 铁水色浇铸设备 离心铸造机械 连续和半连续铸造机械的安全要求

Foundry machinery - Safety requirements for ladles, pouring equipment, centrifugal casting machines, continuous and semi continuous casting machines


prEN 12581-1996

涂敷设备 有机液体涂料涂敷用浸渍和电泳涂敷机械 安全要求

Coating plants - Dip and electrophoretic coating machinery for application of organic liquid coating materials - Safety requirements


prEN 12609-1996

混凝土搅拌车 安全要求

Truck mixers - Safety requirements


prEN 12621-1996

涂料压力输送和或供给机械 安全要求

Machinery for the supply and/or circulation of coating materials under pressure - Safety requirements


prEN 12649-1996

混凝土压实机械和抹平机械 安全要求

Concrete compactors and floating machines - Safety requirements


prEN 12757-1-1997

涂层材料的搅拌机械 安全要求 第1部分:整修车辆表面用涂料的搅拌机械

Mixing machinery for coating materials - Safety requirements - Part 1: Mixing machinery for use in vehicle refinishing


prEN 12779-1997

木工机械 固定式木屑和粉尘排除装置 安全相关性能和安全要求

Woodworking machines - Chips- and dust extraction systems with fixed installation - Safety related performance and safety requirements


prEN 12866-1997

天然石料开采和加工机械和设备 金刚石线锯安全要求

Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone - Safety requirements for diamond wire saws


prEN 12867-1997

天然石料开采和加工机械的设备 链式和带式立刨床安全要求

Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone - Safety requirements for chain and belt slotting machines


prEN 12921-1-1997

使用液体或蒸气的对工业品进行表面清洁和预处理的机器 1部分:通用安全要求

Machines for surface cleaning and pretreatment of industrial items using liquids or vapours - Part 1: Common safety requirements


prEN 12927-1-1997

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 1部分:钢索及其端部接头的选择准则

Safety requirements for passenger transport by rope - Ropes - Part 1: Selection criteria for ropes and their end fixings


prEN 12927-2-1999

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 2部分:安全系数

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Ropes - Part 2: Safety factors


prEN 12927-3-1997

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 3部分:六股牵引、承载-牵引和拖拉钢索的长绞接

Safety requirements for passenger transport by rope - Ropes - Part 3: Long splicing of 6 strand hauling, carrying-hauling and towing ropes


prEN 12927-4-2001

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 4部分:端部接头

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Ropes - Part 4: End fixing


prEN 12927-5-1997

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 5部分:贮存、运输、安装和拉伸

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Ropes - Part 5: Storage, transportation, installation and tensioning


prEN 12927-6-1999

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 6部分:报废标准

Safety requirements for passenger transport by rope - Ropes - Part 6: Discard criteria


prEN 12927-7-1998

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 7部分:计算、修理和维护

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Ropes - Part 7: Calculation, repair and maintenance


prEN 12927-8-1998

索道客运的安全要求 钢索 8部分:无损检测

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Ropes - Part 8: Non-destructive testing


prEN 12929-1-1997

索道客运的安全要求 总则 1部分:对所有设备的要求

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - General provisions - Part 1: Requirements for all installations


prEN 12929-2-1998

索道客运的安全要求 总则 2部分:不带运输车制动器的可反向双线架空索道的附加要求

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - General provisions - Part 2: Additional requirements for reversible bicable aerial ropeways without carrier truck brakes


prEN 12930-1997

索道客运的安全要求 计算

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Calculations


prEN 12981-1997

喷镀设备 有机粉状涂料喷镀间 安全要求

Coating plants - Spray booths for application of organic powder coating material - Safety requirements


prEN 13020-1997

路面处理机械 安全要求

Road-surface-treatment machines - Safety requirements


prEN 13035-10-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 10部分:研磨和抛光机

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 10: Grinding and polishing machines


prEN 13035-11-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 11部分:钻机

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 11: Drilling machines


prEN 13035-13-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 13部分:层压玻璃生产用机械

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 13: Machines for the production of laminated glass


prEN 13035-14-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 14部分:镜面喷镀设备

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 14: Mirror coating plant


prEN 13035-5-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 5部分:堆卸机械装置

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 5: Machines and installations for stacking and destacking


prEN 13035-6-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 6部分:卸货机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 6: Machines for break out


prEN 13035-7-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 7部分:层压玻璃裁切机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 7: Cutting machines for laminated glass


prEN 13035-8-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 8部分:生产保温玻璃用的机械和设备

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 8: Machines and plants for production of insulating glass


prEN 13035-9-1997

平板玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 9部分:洗涤装置

Maschines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass - Safety requirements - Part 9: Washing installations


prEN 13042-1-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 1部分:供料机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 1: Gob feeder


prEN 13042-10-1999

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 10部分:实验室玻璃裁切机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 10: Machines for cutting laboratory glass


prEN 13042-11-1999

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 11部分:实验室玻璃热处理机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 11: Machines for thermal processing of laboratory glass


prEN 13042-2-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 2部分:供料操纵机械

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 2: Handling machines for feeding


prEN 13042-3-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 3部分:IS机械

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 3: IS machines


prEN 13042-4-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 4部分:多台位车床

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 4: Multi-station rotating machines


prEN 13042-6-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 6部分:多台位多级检验机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 6: Multi-station multi-inspection machines


prEN 13042-7-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 7部分:移动探头检验机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 7: Travelling head inspection machine


prEN 13042-8-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 8部分:固定探头检验机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 8: Fixed head inspection machines


prEN 13042-9-1997

空心玻璃制造、处理和加工用机械和设备 安全要求 9部分:撞击试验机

Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass - Safety requirements - Part 9: Impact testing machines


prEN 13107-1997

索道客运的安全要求 土木工程

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Civil engineering works


prEN 13209-1-2001

儿童使用和看护用品 婴儿车 安全要求和试验方法 1部分:框背车

Child use and care articles - Child carriers; Safety requirements and test methods - Part 1: Framed back carriers


prEN 13209-1998

儿童看护用品 婴儿车 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Baby carriers - Safety requirements and test methods


prEN 13210-2001

儿童使用和看护用品 儿童马具、缰绳及类似物品 安全要求和试验方法

Child use and care articles - Childrens harnesses, reins and similar type articles - Safety requirements and test methods


prEN 13223-1998

索道客运的安全要求 机械

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Mechanics


prEN 13243-1998

索道客运的安全要求 电气设备

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Electrical devices


prEN 13355-1998

喷镀设备 合成间 安全要求

Coating plants - Combines booths - Safety requirements


prEN 13386-1998

液泵 潜水泵和泵部件 特殊安全要求

Liquid pumps - Submersible pumps and pump units - Particular safety requirements


prEN 13418-1999

橡胶和塑料机械 薄膜或板材卷绕机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Winding machines for film or sheet - Safety requirements


prEN 13443-2-2002

建筑物内水调节设备 机械过滤器 2部分:颗粒级1μm80μm以下 性能和安全要求

Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Mechanical filters - Part 2: Particle rating 1 micrometre to less than 80 micrometres - Requirements for performance, safety and testing


prEN 13451-10-2001

泳池设备 10部分:跳台、跳板和相关设备的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 10: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for diving platforms, diving springboards and associated equipment


prEN 13451-11-2003

泳池设备 11部分:可移动池地板和池壁的附加特殊安全要求和试验方法

Swimming pool equipment - Part 11: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for moveable pool floors and moveable bulkheads


prEN 13457-1999

制鞋、皮革和人造革用机械 分离、切片、修整、胶合及胶合烘干机械 安全要求

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Splitting, skiving, trimming, cementing and cement drying machines - Safety requirements


prEN 13675-1999

机械安全性 轧管和滚轧机及线材加工设备的安全要求

Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for tube forming and rolling mills and finishing line equipment


prEN 13796-1-2002

索道客运的安全要求 承载器 1部分:手柄、座舱、椅子、T形条和小底板

Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Carriers - Part 1: Grips, carrier truks, on-board brakes, cabins, chairs, carriages, maintenance carriers, tow-hangers


prEN 13796-3-2002

索道客运的安全要求 承载器 3部分:疲劳试验

Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Carriers - Part 3: Fatigue testing


prEN 13954-2000

食品加工机械 面包切片机 卫生和安全要求

Food processing machinery - Bread slicers - Safety and hygiene requirements


prEN 14344-2001

儿童用品 童车座椅 试验方法和安全要求

Child care articles - Child seats for cycles - Safety requirements and test methods


prEN 14372-2002

儿童用品 餐具和喂食器具 试验和安全要求

Child use and care articles - Cutlery and feeding utensils - Safety requirements and tests


prEN 14413-1-2003

娱乐潜水服务 自带潜水呼吸器的指导训练的最低安全要求 1部分:1

Recreational diving services - Safety related minimum requirements for the training of scuba instructors - Part 1: Level 1


prEN 14413-2-2003

娱乐潜水服务 自带潜水呼吸器的指导训练的最低安全要求 2部分:2

Recreational diving services - Safety related minimum requirements for the training of scuba instructors - Part 2: Level 2


prEN 14434-2002

公共教育用写字台 人类工效学技术和安全要求和其试验方法

Writing board for educational institutions - Ergonomic, technical and safety requirements and their test methods


prEN 14461-2002

工业风扇 安全要求

Industrial fans - Safety requirements


prEN 14468-1-2003

乒乓球 1部分:乒乓球台 试验方法和、功能和安全要求

Table tennis - Part 1: Table tennis tables, functional and safety requirements, test methods


prEN 1466-2003

儿童保育品 便携式帆布床和支撑物 安全要求和试验方法

Child care and use articles - Carry cots and stands - Safety requirements and test methods / Note: Intended as replacement for EN 1466 (1998-01).


prEN 1501-2-2000

垃圾车及其相关提升设备 一般要求和安全要求 2部分:边侧装载的垃圾车

Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting device - General requirements and safety requirements - Teil 2: Side loaded refuse collection vehicles


prEN 1672-1-2000

食品加工机械 基本设计原理 1部分:安全要求

Food processing machinery - Basic concepts - Part 1: Safety requirements


prEN 1709-1994

输送旅客的缆车安全要求 试运转前的检验 维护和操作试验

Safety requirements for cableways for passenger transport - Precommissioning inspection, maintenance and operational tests


prEN 1710-2003

地下采矿机械 具有沼气危险采矿区域的应用条件 安全要求

Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines


prEN 1743-1-1994

家具 野营家用和承包用户外餐桌 家用和公共场所 1部分:一般安全要求

Furniture - Outdoor tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 1: General safety requirements


prEN 1743-2-1994

家具 家用、承包和野营用户外餐桌 2部分:机械安全要求和试验

Furniture - Outdoor tables for domestic, contract and camping use - Part 2: Mechanical safety requirements and test methods


prEN 1756-2-1997

后置升降装置 安装在用轮子行驶的车辆上的平台式升降装置 安全要求 2部分:乘客用后置升降装置

Tail lifts - Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles - Safety requirements - Part 2: Tail lifts for passengers


prEN 1777-1994

防火设备用水压平台 安全要求和测试

Hydraulic platforms (HPs) for fire services - Safety requirements and testing


prEN 1804-3-2000

地下采矿机械 水压坑道顶棚支架的安全要求 3部分:水压控制系统

Machines for underground mines - Safety requirements for hydraulic powered roof supports - Part 3: Hydraulic control systems


prEN 1829-1-2003

高压清洗器 高压水喷射机 安全要求

High pressure cleaners - High pressure water jet machines - Safety requirements; Part 1: General description


prEN 1887-2001

儿童保育品 可变高度椅子 安全要求和试验方法

Child care articles - Convertible high chairs - Safety requirements and test methods


prEN 1908-1995

用绳索运送乘客的安全要求 紧系装置

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Tensioning devices


prEN 1909-1995

用绳索运送乘客的安全要求 救险与疏散

Safety requirements for passenger transportation by rope - Recovery and evacuation


prEN 203-1-2002

气体加热供膳设备 1部分:安全要求

Gas heated catering equipment - Part 1: safety requirements


prEN 289-2000

橡胶和塑料机械 压力机 安全要求

Rubber and plastics machines - Presses - Safety requirements


prEN 45545-5-2003

铁路应用 铁路车辆的防火 5部分:包括母线电器设备防火安全要求和磁悬浮列车

Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 5: Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic levitation vehicles


prEN 50115-1995

医用电气设备 第2部分:手术台的特殊的安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular safety requirements for operating tables


prEN 50158-1993


Safety requirements for power feeding in information technology installations


prEN 50188-1994

电动工具 环行锯工作台 安全要求和测试

Electric motor-operated tools; tables for circular saws; safety requirements and tests


prEN 50276-1997

牵引蓄电池产生的气体发射 封闭式充电区的通风和安全要求

Gaseous emissions produced by traction batteries - Ventilation and general safety requirements for closed charging areas


prEN 50280-1997

小的发射/接收天线系统 安全要求

Small transmitting/receiving antenna systems - Safety requirements


prEN 50331-1-1999

建筑物内的光电系统 第1部分:安全要求

Photovoltaic systems in buildings - Part 1: Safety requirements


prEN 61010-2-010-2003

测量、控制和试验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-010部分:材料加热 用实验室设备的特殊要求 草案

IEC 61010-2-010, Ed. 2: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-010: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of material


prEN 61010-2-041-1996

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第241部分:医疗材料处理及实验室加工用蒸压器的的特殊要求

Draft IEC 1010-2-041: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-041: Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes


prEN 61010-2-051-2003

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-51部分:机械搅拌用实验室设备的特殊要求 草案

IEC 61010-2-081, A1, Ed. 1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular requirements for automatic and semi-automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other purposes


prEN 61010-2-061-2003

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第2-61部分:具有热原子化和离子化的试验室用原子能谱仪的特

IEC 61010-2-061, Ed. 2: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-061: Particular requirements for laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization


prEN 61010-2-071-1998

测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求 第271部分:

IEC 61010-2-071: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-071: Particular requirements for equipment used in extended environments


prEN 61048-2001

管形荧光灯和其它放电电灯电路用电容器的一般要求和安全要求规范 草案

Draft IEC 61048, Ed. 2: Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits - General and safety requirements


prEN 61400-1-2003

风轮发电机系统 第1部分:安全要求

Wind turbine generator systems - Part 1: Safety requirements (IEC 61400-1:1999, modified) / Note: Intended as replacement for ENV 61400-1 (1995-02).


prEN 616-1991

连续操作设备和系统 设计、制造、安装和试运转阶段的通用安全要求

Continuous handling equipment and systems; common safety requirements for design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning stages


prEN 61814-1997

人体接触电极器具 没有医疗监督条件下使用的安全要求

IEC 61814: Appliances with human body contact electrodes - Safety requirements for use without medical supervision


prEN 716-3-2000

家具 家用儿童帆布床和折叠床 3部分:折叠床的附加安全要求和试验方法

Furniture - Childrens cots and folding cots for domestic use - Part 3: Additional safety requirements and test methods for folding cots


prEN 746-6-1994

工业热处理设备 6部分:液态处理热处理设备的特殊安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 6: Particular safety requirements for liquid phase treatment thermoprocessing equipment


prEN 746-7-1994

工业热处理设备 7部分:真空热处理设备的特殊安全要求

Industrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 7: Special safety requirements for vacuum thermoprocessing equipment


prEN 792-14-1995

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 14部分:非螺纹机械紧固件用组装动力工具

Hand-held non electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 14: Assembly power tools for non-threaded mechanical fasteners


prEN 792-15-1995

手持式非电动工具 安全要求 15部分:切割和卷边动力工具

Hand-held non electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 15: Cutting-off and crimping power tools


prEN 847-3-2001

木工工具 紧固装置 3部分:安全要求

Tools for woodworking - Clamping devices - Part 3: Safety requirements


prEN 892-2002

登山设备 动态登山绳索 安全要求和试验方法

Mountaineering equipment - Dynamic mountaineering ropes - Safety requirements and test methods


prEN ISO 10821-1998

工业缝纫机 缝纫机、装置和系统的安全要求

Industrial sewing machines - Safety requirements for sewing machines, units and systems (ISO/DIS 10821:1998)


prEN ISO 11111-1-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第1部分:一般要求

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO/DIS 11111-1:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-2-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第2部分:纺纱准备机和纺纱机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machines (ISO/DIS 11111-2:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-3-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第3部分:无纺纱机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 3: Nonwoven machinery (ISO/DIS 11111-3:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-4-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第4部分:纱线加工机及制绳机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 4: Yarn processing, cordage and rope manufacturing machinery (ISO/DIS 11111-4:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-5-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第5部分:编织和针织准备机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 5: Preparatory machinery to weaving and knitting (ISO/DIS 11111-5:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-6-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第6部分:织物制造机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery (ISO/DIS 11111-6:2002)


prEN ISO 11111-7-2002

纺织机械 安全要求 第7部分:印染机和精整机

Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 7: Dyeing and finishing machines (ISO/DIS 11111-7:2002)


prEN ISO 11553-1-2002

机械安全 激光加工机械 安全要求

Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Part 1: General safety requirements (ISO/DIS 11553-1:2002) / Note: Intended as replacement for EN 12626 (1997-02).


prEN ISO 11681-1-2002

林业机械 便携式链锯的安全要求和试验 第1部分:林业专用链锯

Machinery for forestry - Portable chain-saws; Safety requirements and testing - Part 1: Chain-saws for nomal forest work (ISO/DIS 11681-1:2002)


prEN ISO 12402-1-2003

个人救生装置 第1部分:A(SOLAS救生衣)的安全要求

Personal flotation devices - Part 1: Lifejackets for seagoing ships; Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 12402-1:2003)


prEN ISO 12402-2-2003

个人救生装置 第2部分:B(海边救生衣、极限条件275牛顿)的安全要求

Personal flotation devices - Part 2: Lifejackets for extreme offshore conditions (level 275); Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 12402-2:2003)


prEN ISO 12402-3-2003

个人救生装置 第3部分:C(近海救生衣、150牛顿)的安全要求

Personal flotation devices - Part 3: Lifejackets for offshore conditions (level 150); Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 12402-3:2003)


prEN ISO 12402-4-2003

个人救生装置 第4部分:D(内陆/海边救生衣、100牛顿)的安全要求

Personal flotation devices - Part 4: Lifejackets for inland/close to shore conditions (level 100); Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 12402-4:2003)


prEN ISO 12402-5-2003

个人救生装置 第5部分:E(飘浮装置、50牛顿)的安全要求

Personal flotation devices - Part 5: Buoyancy aids (level 50); Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 12402-5:2003)


prEN ISO 12402-8-2003

个人救生装置 第8部分:附属装置的安全要求及试验方法

Personal flotation devices - Part 8: Accessories; Safety requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 12402-8:2003)


prEN ISO 6218-2002

内河船舶 推拖用手操作连接设备 安全要求与主要尺寸

Inland navigation vessels - Manually operated coupling devices for push tows - Safety requirements and main dimensions (ISO/DIS 6218:2002)


prHD 25395.1-1986

电动草坪割草机、草坪用拖拉机、带割草附件的草坪用及花园用拖拉机 安全要求和试验程序 第1部分:定义

Power lawn mowers, lawn tractors, and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments; safety requirements and test procedures; part 1: definitions


prHD 25395.2-1986

电动草坪割草机、草坪用拖拉机、带割草附件的草坪用及花园用拖拉机 安全要求和试验程序 第2部分:基本要

Power lawn mowers, lawn tractors and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments; safety requirements and test procedures; part 2: basic requirements


prHD 25395.3-1986

电动草坪割草机、草坪用拖拉机、带割草附件的草坪用及花园用拖拉机 安全要求和试验程序 第3部分:旋转割

Power lawn mowers, lawn tractors and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments; safety requirements and test procedures; part 3: requirements for rotary mowers


prHD 25395.4-1986

电动草坪割草机、草坪用拖拉机、带割草附件的草坪用及花园用拖拉机 安全要求和试验程序 第4部分:滚筒(

Power lawn mowers, lawn tractors and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments; safety requirements and test procedures; part 4: requirements for cylinder (reel) mowers













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